‘Super soldiers’: The quest for the ultimate human killing machine …

We’ve seen in previous articles that the concept of transhumanism and “enhanced human” is being actively promoted in movies, music videos and video games. Here an article from the Independentdescribing the “enhancements” that are being planned to be given to soldiers to make them better at killing people including exoskeleton, memory erasing drugs and exposing the brain to magnetic fields. What’s even more upsetting is that the author of the article sounds actually quite excited about these “improvements” that deshumanize humans into unthinking, highly altered killing machines.

‘Super soldiers’: The quest for the ultimate human killing machine

Guilt, tiredness, stress, shock – can specialised drugs help to mute the qualities that make soldiers human, asks Michael Hanlon?
The ancient Spartans believed that battlefield training began at birth. Those who failed the first round of selection, which took place at the ripe old age of 48 hours, were left at the foot of a mountain to die. The survivors would, in years to come, often wonder if these rejects were the lucky ones. Because to harden them up, putative Spartan warriors were subjected to a vigorous regime involving unending physical violence, severe cold, a lack of sleep and constant sexual abuse.
As with the English public schools, which used similar tactics to produce the warriors who carved out theBritish Empire, the Spartan regime worked; the alumni were the most feared soldiers in the easternMediterranean. And ever since then, military chiefs have wondered whether it may be possible to short-cut the long and demanding Spartan regime to produce a soldier who kills without care or remorse, shows no fear, can fight battle after battle without fatigue and generally behave more like a machine than a man.
In the post-war era, the future of fighting was thought to be about tanks and missiles, large impersonal machines that would fight huge battles over the open terrain of Northern Europe. The soldiers would be pressing buttons in a command centre. But despite the advent of drone aircraft, much of 21st-century warfare is turning out to be a drawn-out, messy business, fought on a human scale in the mud and dust ofAfghanistan. And fought against a mercurial army of irregulars who melt away into the fields and farms once the skirmish is over. Modern soldiers are not the cannon fodder of before. Highly trained and super fit, each one represents a huge investment by the nation that sends them into battle. A soldier who is too tired to fight effectively, who has gone mad or who is suffering from severe stress is like a broken-down tank, no use to anybody. What if soldiers could be made that did not break down?
The era of The Terminator, the perfect robotic killing machine, is decades away; to date, all efforts to create a humanoid robot that can climb the stairs, let alone fight the Taliban, have been risible. But scientists are reporting breakthroughs with the next-best thing – the creation of human terminators, who feel less pain, less terror and less fatigue than “non-enhanced” soldiers and whose very bodies may be augmented by powerful machines.
Efforts to understand the brain of the soldier and put this knowledge to good use have been going on for some time. Professor Jonathan Moreno, a bioethicist at Pennsylvania State University, studies the way neuroscience is being co-opted by the military. “Right now, this is the fastest-growing area of science,” he says.
The Pentagon is currently spending $400m a year researching ways to “enhance” the human fighter. The defence giant Lockheed recently unveiled its “Hulc” (Human Universal Load Carrier), a science fiction-like, battery-powered exoskeleton that allows a human to lift 100kg weights and carry them at a fast run of 16kph (10mph). The videos of the Hulc in action are truly impressive. Superman strength is one thing, but soldiers still need to sleep. In Afghanistan the average soldier in combat gets only four hours’ rest a day and sleep deprivation is the single biggest factor in reducing fighting performance. Not only are tired soldiers less physically able to fight and run, they make more mistakes with the complex weapons systems at their disposal – mistakes that can prove deadly to themselves and their comrades.
Using chemistry to attack fatigue is, of course, nothing new. Two centuries ago, Prussian soldiers used cocaine to remain alert and Inca warriors used coca leaves to stay alert long before that. Since then, nicotine, amphetamines, caffeine and a new class of stimulants including the drug Modafinil have all been used successfully, to the extent that American soldiers can now operate normally even after 48 hours without sleep. Now the chemists are trying to tweak the molecular structure of this drug so that it will switch off the desire for sleep for even longer.
Tiredness is not the only psychological problem faced by soldiers. Combat is immensely stressful and although proper training means that men and women can remain focused while in mortal danger, it is afterwards that problems begin. During the Vietnam War, one in three soldiers was treated for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and in the Second World War a significant proportion of Allied conscripts never fired a shot in anger because of stress and fear before the battle had even begun. Up to now, PTSD has been treated by a mix of psychotherapy and antidepressants – effective techniques but expensive and time-consuming. But as with fatigue there may be a chemical shortcut for PTSD.
The trick is to erase unwanted memories, or at least take away their sting. Professor Roger Pitman, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School in the US, has been experimenting with a drug called propranolol, a “beta blocker” normally used to treat high blood pressure, which he believes can erase the effects of terrifying memories.
Professor Pitman has given the drug to young volunteers who have suffered extreme trauma in, for example, road accidents. Those given placebos suffered nightmares, and remained fearful of the road. When exposed to recordings describing their accidents they suffered typical stress responses – sweating, beating heart, dilated pupils. But those who had been on a course of propranolol showed no response at all. It was as though the trauma had not happened. For a soldier, memory-altering drugs such as this could mean violent combat becoming no more troubling, retrospectively, than a visit to the gym. “The problem is,” Professor Moreno says, “what else are they blocking when they do this? Do we want a generation of veterans who return without guilt?” You may not even need drugs to short-out the unwanted side effects of battle. Dr Albert “Skip” Rizzo, a psychologist from the University of Southern California, has created a “virtual Iraq” video game, in which veterans have been able to re-enact their experiences to release pent-up stress.
Generals not only want stronger, more alert and less stressed soldiers; they want smarter ones, too. One of the most bizarre neuroscience findings in recent years is that by immersing the human brain in a powerful magnetic field, its powers of reasoning and learning are almost magically enhanced.
No one knows exactly how “transcranial magnetic stimulation” (TMS) works, but the Australian neuroscientist Professor Allan Snyder believes that magnetic fields in some way “switch off” the higher levels of mental processing that normally cloud our thoughts, allowing a “pure” form of reasoning to take over.
“Each of us could draw like a professional, do lightning-fast arithmetic,” he says. In fact, some subjects in TMS experiments have acquired (temporarily) similar abilities to the rare “autistic savants”, people who are able to perform astounding arithmetical feats and memorise whole telephone directories (an autistic savant was played by Dustin Hoffman in the film Rain Man).
In 2009, a US Academy of Sciences report concluded that within 20 years we could be using TMS to enhance soldiers’ fighting capabilities. As Professor Moreno says, “there is talk of TMS machines being used on the battlefields within 10 years in vehicles and in 10 years more in helmets.” Why? Being a soldier demands a high level of technical expertise. It is no longer just a case of pointing a gun and shooting. Even combat rifles are now “systems” and mastering battlefield electronics requires a lot of training.
It may seem clear that if you could create a man with no scruples, who feels little pain and no fear, you would have an excellent fighting machine, but this may be a case of be careful what you wish for. We get scared for a reason – to avoid danger to ourselves and others. Fatigue may force us to rest before sustaining damaging injury. Even post-traumatic stress disorder may have a beneficial role. Moral scruples help soldiers to act as an effective team – in battle, troops will always say they are fighting for their mates before Queen and country.
Take away the humanity of the soldiers and there is a danger that the battles and wars we fight will become inhuman as well. Most of all there is, surely, a danger that these techniques, far from producing better soldiers, will actually produce a squad of zoned-out zombies, who will be no match for the determined, driven and highly motivated zealots of the Taliban.

Video: Analysis on The Arab Uprising From Libya to Syria …

One of the great scholars of our time is explaining the difference between the appearance and reality of the strange world of today where we live. Sheikh Imran Hosein Malaysia(Extended) Lecture Tour -He gives his opinion and analyses of what’s the Arab spring , how we are going from Tripoli ( in Libya ) to Damascus ( in Syria ) was all this prophesied are we in the end days (This is the Islamic point of view of the end days ) The Signs of the Last Day in the Modern World.
Imran Nazar Hosein is a leading International Islamic Philosopher, Scholar and author, specialising in world politics, economy, eschatology , modern socio-economic/political issues and expert on international affairs. He is best-selling author of Jerusalem in the Qur’an.Imran Nazar Hosein is a leading International Islamic Philosopher, Scholar and author, specialising in world politics, economy, eschatology , modern socio-economic/political issues and expert on international affairs. He is best-selling author of Jerusalem in the Qur’an and numerous other publications on politics, economy and international affairs based on the Quran and Hadith.
More by Imran Hosein:

Video: Sheikh Imran Hosein predicted the Arab Revolution and WWIII back in 2003!!!
Phase 3 of The NWO based on Sheikh Imran Hosein analysis of Biblical and Islamic prophecies
Recall: Obama’s Election Victory and World Geopolitics
Video: The Gold Dinar and The Future of Money
Jerusalem in the Quran

Modern Watcher Science & The Marl Of The Beast …

The Lost Symbol Found And The Final Mystery Of The Great Seal Revealed
A Terrifying And Prophetic Cipher, Hidden From The World By The U.S. GovernmentFor Over 200 Years Is Here
A year or two ago, my wife Nita brought up a point I had never considered up until then. She asked if the biblical Mark of the Beastmight be a conspiracy employing biotechnology in the form of a manufactured virus, a bioweapon. Her theory was gripping. An occult elite operating behind the US Government devises a virus that is a crossover between human and animal disease, let’s say an entirely new and highly contagiousinfluenza mutation, and intentionally releases it into the public. A pandemic ensues, and the period between when a person contracts the virus and death is something like 10 days. With tens of thousands dead in a few weeks and the rate of death increasing hourly around the globe, a universal cry for a cure goes out. Seemingly miraculously, the government then steps forward with a vaccine. The only catch, they explain, is that given the nature of the animal-human strain, the “cure” rewrites one’s genetics, so that they are no longer entirely human. Nita’s point was that those who receive this antidote would become part “beast” and thus the title, “Mark of the Beast.”
No longer “entirely human” would also mean—according to this outline—that the individual could no longer be “saved” or go to heaven, explaining why the book of Revelation says “whosoever receiveth the mark” is damned forever while also explaining why the Nephilim could similarly not be redeemed. If one imagines the global chaos of such a pandemic, the concept of how the Antichrist “causes all” both small and great to receive this mark becomes clearer. When looking into the eyes of dying children, parents, or a spouse, it would be incredibly difficult to allow oneself to die or to encourage others to do the same. Lastly, this scenario would mean that nobody is allowed to “buy or sell” in the marketplace without the mark-cure due to the need to quarantine all but the inoculated, thus fulfilling all aspects of the Mark of the Beast prophecy.
To find if the science behind this abstract would be as reasonable as it appeared on the surface, I contacted Sharon Gilbert. This was her troubling response:
Tom, what is human? Until recently, most of us would readily respond that we are humans. You and I, we might argue, are homo sapiens: erect, bipedal hominids with 23 pairs of matched chromosomes and nifty little thumbs capable of apposition to the palm that enable us to grasp the fine tools that our highly developed, bi-lobed brains devise.
Humans, we might argue, sit as rulers of the Earth, gazing down from the pinnacle of a pyramid consisting of all plant and animal species. We would remind the listener that natural selection and evolution have developed mankind into a superior thinker and doer, thereby granting us royal privilege, if not infinite responsibility.
The Bible would take this definition much further, of course, adding that mankind is the only part of God’s creation formed by His hands, rather than spoken into existence, and that you and I bear God’s unique signature as having been created ‘in His image’. (Genesis 1:27)
Many members of the ‘illuminated brotherhood of science’ would likely demur to the previous statement. These have, in point of fact, redefined human. Like Shelley’s Modern Prometheus, Victor Frankenstein, today’s molecular magicians play ‘god’ not by stitching together rotting corpses, but by reforming the very essence of our beings: our DNA.
So-called ‘Postmodern Man’ began as a literary reference but has evolved into an iconicmetaphor representing a collective image of perfected humanity beyond the confines of genetic constraints.Transhumanism, also known as the H+ movement (see http://www.hplusmagazine.com for example) envisions a higher lifeform yet, surpassing homo sapiens in favor of homo sapiens 2.0, a bioengineered construct that fuses man’s original genome with animal and/or synthetic DNA.
While such claims ring of science fiction, they are indeed science fact. For decades, laboratories have created chimeric combinations of animal, plant, and even human DNA under the guise of medical research. The stated goal is to better man’s lot by curing disease, but this benign mask hides an inner, sardonic grin that follows an ancient blueprint to blend God’s perfect creature with the seed of fallen angels: ‘You shall be as gods’.
You and Nita speak to the heart of the matter when you warn of a day when true humans may unknowingly receive transhuman instructions via an implant or injection. A seemingly innocuous vaccine or identification ‘chip’ can initiate intracellular changes, not only in somatic or ‘body’ cells but also in germline cells such as ova and sperm. The former alters the recipient only; the latter alters the recipient’s doomed descendents as well.
In my second novel, The Armageddon Strain, I present a device called the ‘BioStrain Chip’ that employsnanotechnology to induce genetic changes inside the carrier’s body. This miracle chip is advertised as a cure for the H5N1/ebola chimera that is released in the Prologue to the book. Of course, if you’ve read the novel, then you know the BioStrain chip does far more than ‘cure’—it also kills.
Though a work of fiction, The Armageddon Strain raises a chilling question: what limitations lie within the payload of a biochip? Can such a tiny device do more than carry digitized information? Could it actually serve as the Mark of the Beast?
The answer is yes.
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) has become the darling of researchers who specialize in synthetic constructs. The ‘sticky end’ design of the DNA double-helix makes it ideal for use in computing. Though an infinite number of polyhedra are possible, the most robust and stable of these ‘building blocks’ is called the double crossover (DX). An intriguing name, is it not? The double-cross.
Picture an injectible chip comprised of DNA-DX, containing instructions for a super-soldier. Picture, too, how this DNA framework, if transcribed, might also serve a second, sinister purpose—not only to instruct, but also to alter.
Mankind has come perilously far in his search for perfection through chemistry. Although millennia passed with little progress beyond roots, herbs, and alchemical quests for gold from lead, the 20th century ushered science into the rosy dawn of breathless discovery. Electricity, lighter than air travel, wireless communication, and computing transformed the ponderous pace of the scientific method into a light speed race toward self-destruction.
By the mid-1950s, Watson and Crick had solved the structure of the DNA molecule and the double helix became all the rage. Early gene splicing, and thus transgenics, began in 1952 as a crude, cut and paste sort of science cooked up in kitchen blenders and petri dishes—as much accident as inspiration. As knowledge has increased (Daniel 12:4), genetic scientists learned to utilize microbiological ‘vectors’ and sophisticated methods to insert animal or plant genes from one specie into another. It’s the ultimate ‘Mr. Potato Head’ game, where interchangeable plastic pieces give rise to an infinite number of combinations; only, in genetic splicing, humanity is the unhappy potato.
Vectors provide the means of transport and integration for this brave new science. Think of these vectors as biological trucks that carry genetic building materials and workers into your body’s cells. Such ‘trucks’ could be a microsyringe, a bacterium, or a virion (a virus particle). Any entity that can carry genetic information (the larger the load capacity, the better) and then surreptitiously gain entry into the cell as a potential vector. Viruses, for example, can be stripped of certain innate genes that might harm the cell. Not only does this (supposedly) render the viral delivery truck ‘harmless’, it also clears out space for the cargo.
Once inside the cell, the ‘workers’ take over. Some of these ‘workers’ are enzymes that cut human genes at specific sites while others integrate—or load—the ‘cargo’ into appropriate reading frames—like microscopic librarians. Once the payload is stored in the cell’s nuclear ‘library stacks’, the new genes can be translated, copied, and ‘read’ to produce altered or brand new, ‘alien’ polymers and proteins.
The resulting hybrid cell is no longer purely human. If a hybridized skin cell, it may now glow, or perhaps form scales rather than hair; claws rather than fingernails. If a brain cell, the new genetic instructions could produce an altered neurotransmitter that reduces or even eliminates the body’s need for sleep. Muscle cells may grow larger and more efficient at using low levels of calcium and oxygen. Retina cells may encode for receptors that enable the ‘posthuman being’ to perceive infrared or ultraviolet light frequencies. The hybrid ears may now sense a wider range of sounds, taste buds a greater range of chemicals. Altered brains might even attune to metaphysics and ‘unseen’ gateways, allowing communication with supernatural realms.
Germline alterations, mentioned earlier, form a terrifying picture of generational development and may very well already be a reality. Genetic ‘enhancement’ of sperm-producing cells would change human sperm into tiny infiltrators, and any fertilized ovum a living chimera. Science routinely conducts experiments with transgenic mice, rats, chickens, pigs, cows, horses, and many other species. It is naïve to believe humans have been left out of this transgenic equation.
You and I constantly battle mutagenic assaults from external and internal pressures. Externally, our cells endure daily bombardment by pollution, waveform radiation, and chemicals that can alter the molecular structure of nucleotides (guanine, cytosine, thymine, adenine). Internally, our systems work overtime to filter genetically altered food, impure water, and pharmaceuticals. Our bodies are changing. To paraphrase Shakespeare, humanity “alters when it alteration finds”. (Sonnet 116)
If so many scientists (funded by government entities) believe in the ‘promise’ of genetic alteration and transgenic ‘enhancement’, how then can humanity remain human? We cannot. We will not. Perhaps, some have not.
Spiritually, the enemy has ever sought to corrupt God’s plan. Originally, fallen angels lay with human women to corrupt the original base pair arrangements. Our genome is filled with ‘junk DNA’ that seemingly encodes for nothing. These ‘introns’ may be the remains of the corrupted genes, and God Himself may have switched them off when fallen angels continued their program, post-flood. If so, today’s scientists might need only to ‘switch them back on’ to resurrect old forms such as Gibborim and Nephilim.
I should point out that not all ‘trucks’ (vectors) deliver their payload immediately. Some operate on a time delay. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common infective agent resident in the cells of many humans today. It ‘sleeps’ in our systems, waiting for a window of opportunity to strike. Recently, genetic specialists began utilizing CMV vectors in transgenic experiments. In 1997, the Fox television program Millennium featuredan episode in the second season called “Sense and Antisense” (referring to the two sides of the DNA molecule). In this chilling story, a scientist named Lacuna reveals a genetic truth to Frank Black:

 “They have the map, the map, they can make us go down any street they want to! Streets that we would never even dream of going down. They flip a switch, we go east. They flip another switch, we go north. And we never know we have been flipped, let alone know how.” [3]

In the final days of this current age, humanity may indeed ‘flip’. Paul tells us that Christians will be transformed in a moment (I Cor. 15:51-53). Is it possible that the enemy also plans an instantaneous ‘flip’? Are genetic sleeper agents (idling ‘trucks’) already at work in humanity’s DNA, waiting and ready to deploy at the appropriate moment?
Science is ready. Knowledge has been increased. The spiritual players have taken the stage.
All we need is the signal. The sign. The injection. The mark. The moment.
We shall ALL be changed. Some to incorruptible bodies ready to meet the Lord. Others to corrupted genomes ready to serve the Beast.
Sharon’s frightening response to my question about the Mark of the Beast is further compounded when one considers how emerging science and transhuman ambition could be used by such in their quest to bypass God and, through human effort, bring about an “exaltation” of man. I couldn’t help thinking of this as I reviewed Dan Brown’s latest heresy and concluded that there is a conspiracy, all right, and Dan Brown is in on it.
“The Lost Symbol,” Brown’s follow-up to the 2003 best-seller, “The Da Vinci Code,” is out this week – and if you’ve read it, you know the Freemason’s have nothing to worry about. “Symbol” is about as threatening to The Brotherhood’s dark ambition as a box of chocolates, two-dozen roses and a big sloppy kiss.
In fact, if you’re anything like me, you’ll come away from this overblown drivel with the curious feeling that we’ve all been had—that the “jitters” Freemasons were claiming to be experiencing in the lead-up to “Symbol” was really an elaborate sales gimmick between Brown and his occult buddies at 16th Street in Washington DC. The problem is, these folks are not just selling books. They’ve amassed under the guise of a “thriller” a profound apologetic for the occult aspirations of the Order of the Quest.
Set aside for a moment the fact that I’ve never had so many cliffhanger let-downs in a single night before. Over and over, page after page “Symbol” leads you to believe you’re finally on the verge of some great discovery only to then be handed a “revelation” that any two-year-old with a computer could have Googled in five minutes on the internet.
Frankly, the one truly extraordinary thing about this book is what it does not reveal. With Brown’s resources one would have thought he could have come up with at least a single fascinating tidbit. But, alas, I encourage you to stick with the Googling.
Better yet, read Apollyon Rising 2012: The Lost Symbol Found and the Final Mystery of the Great Seal Revealed when it comes out in late November, as it actually presents heretofore unknown and startling information about the Freemasons and the future of the world. I know, because I met with the real people Brown fictionalizes in the opening scenes of his book. They gave me the two coins, and I can tell you unequivocally that there are substantive reasons to be concerned, especially now that Brown has joined the “Order” to sell the Great Deception.
Let me give you an example.
When the main character of Brown’s novel, Robert Langdon receives a frightening video of an initiate of the 33rd Degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry drinking wine (or blood) from a human skull during a ritual in the Temple Room at the House of the Temple (detailed in the upcoming book Apollyon Rising 2012), Langdon considers what would happen if the video were made public. “No one would understand,” he thinks to himself. Then in a scene that can only be described as pure propaganda, Brown continues:
The truth will be twisted, Langdon knew. As it always is with the Masons. Thetruth was that the brotherhood’s focus on death was in fact a bold celebration of life. Masonic ritual was designed to awaken the slumbering man inside, lifting him from his dark coffin of ignorance, raising him into the light, and giving him eyes to see…. Masonic initiations were startling because they were meant to be transformative…. Masonic teachings were arcane because they were meant to be universal…taught through a common language of symbols and metaphors that transcended religions, cultures, and races…creating a unified “world wide consciousness” of brotherly love (The Lost Symbol, pg 437).
So, there you have it. The truth is always twisted when it comes to Masons. Drinking red substance from a skull in a dark room with a noose around your neck under a blood oath of horrific repercussion including having your throat slit, eyeballs pierced, tongue torn out, feet flayed, body hacked into pieces, and so on if you give up the wrong information, is a celebration of life, a unified effort by transendent souls who only want to lift the rest of us empty-headed twits from our dark coffins of ignorance into a unified world of brotherly love.
Aww… that’s so sweet!
Of course as you would expect in a Dan Brown book, spreading the love only goes so far, and it doesn’t take long before the tired DB attacks on Christians and Christianity rev up ad-nauseam. Literally every member of every bizarre or occult organization in the history of the world that Brown can muster is celebrated as “illuminated,” “spiritually elevated,” “in-tune with the Creator,” blah blah blah!, while Christians who hold the Bible as literal or inspired are depicted as piteous bafoons who only ever succeed at mishandling the sacred texts anyway, scriptures that are therefore better left in the hands of deeply perspective and spiritually enlightened people… like Brown, of course… and the Freemasons.
And then there is that “Lost Symbol,” which (spoiler alert, turn your eyes if you don’t want to know) turns out to be the Bible. But the apocalyptic visions from the Book of Revelation are not the dark warning against sin and the need for repentance that those ignorant conservative Christians have been preaching all these years. No, the biblical Apocalypse, we learn, is akin to the Mayan 2012 prophecies and heralds a coming time of unprecedented human exaltation when we, like George Washington did, experience apotheosis—and ascend to become gods.
Before anybody says, “Hey, it’s just a novel,” consider how far reaching Brown’s books have been thus far in influencing people toward Gnosticism and rejection of the divinity of Jesus Christ.
This man is an evangelist of the coming (old) enlightenment, which, now that we know how much he appreciates the Masonic worldview, originates with Lucifer and, while illuminatingthem, blinds us feeble, selfish souls.
“Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!” Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike in the Masonic handbook Morals and Dogma
Hoping for an antithesis to this generation’s landslide into such an abyss, one of my earnest goals over the past year as I have shared my forthcoming “revelation” with a trusted group of approximately 24 scholars (all respected and very well-known theologians, philosophers and scientists) has been to make sure this message reaches out and touches more than the church choir. What will be shared in Apollyon Rising 2012 is unprecedented for Christians and non-Christians alike. When I asked some of these great minds to join the Creation Lab at RNN and to tell me what I could do to reach the “Dan Brown” multitudes, they offered several ideas and finally everybody decided (for a series of reasons) that I should approve a “cipher challenge” similar to what Brown has done in the past, except that in our case the “clues” will ultimately lead to disclosure, a revelation and a warning as opposed to Brown-like deception.
So, check out the contest below concerning the TRUE Lost Symbol, which is ultimately intended to reach this un-churched group. Participate in the contest if you want to. Heck, win the $10,000.00 and the enigmatic “item.” If you don’t want to participate, no worries. It will not diminish what is to be revealed in Apollyon Rising 2012 in a couple months from now. But! When the Grand Champion is announced, you may wish you had the “item,” and the cash won’t hurt either :-)

Will You Help “Shut It Down” On Oct. 28th?

A call to disengage from the military, industrial and congressional complex (as it was originally called by Eisenhower) for a full day has gone out for this Friday, October 28th. It’s an outgrowth of the OccupyRevolution and it has wheels. Call in sick to work, turn off all the media and appliances you can, get out of the banks, close credit cards, initiate new lifestyle changes, whatever you can do or stop doing. And don’t buy a corporate thing.  (see transcript below video)
And then go sing in the rain, walk in the woods, meditate, play with the kids (who you kept home from school), count the chemtrails and realize how pathetic these thugs are, hug someone and just rejoice in the fact that you are OCCUPYING!
The more people who get provoked to take action and insubordinate action, in any way they can, the greater the momentum we can all lend to this expression of disdain for how the world is being manipulated and the suppression of the knowledge of who we truly are.
We overcome by being who we really are and by not participating in their games. That’s how the spell is broken.
We’re here. We’re alive. We’re not going to hide and conform and fear as they’re trying to program us. We’re going to thrive. We’re going to be obvious and in your face apparent and so full of conviction of the reality of the power of love and truth it’s going to bring their frikking control system to its knees!

Idea – Chime In!

How about writing up what you did on, and what happened in your world, after Friday? Wouldn’t it be cool to see the fruits of this? You can post them everywhere; facebook, youtube, twitter, your favorite sites who’ll certainly help. Here on BIN we have the Protests and Demonstrations section which many are using, but use something.
But let’s get some feedback and fill the airwaves! It’s going to be a rush…just the anticipation of this will cause more action!
Happy non-participation! Stay with it…they can’t survive without us.

A momentum is occurring
People are uniting across the world
They are sending a message
The next step is fast approaching
On Oct 28th 2011
For one day we peacefully protest in a symbol that will be felt across the globe.
We step out of the system and step back into ourselves.
Turn off all lights
Unplug all electrical devices
Abstain from using TV, radio and internet or phone.
Abstain from making any purchase of any kind
Choose that morning to cancel any services you feel you no longer need
That morning call in sick to work
Do NOTHING that generates money into THE SYSTEM.
We will send a message
We will unite
Most importantly, for one day…
We live without distraction
Read a book
Frolic in nature
On Oct 28th 2011
Step out of the system and get back to yourself
Spread the word!

NYPD’s Social Media Unit Will Track Criminals On Facebook, Twitter …

The NYPD has formed a new social media unit, The New York Daily News reports, to catch criminals who use Facebook andTwitter to announce law-breaking plans or to brag about their latest crime.
In June, an overcrowded house party in East New York, Brooklyn that was advertised on Facebook as “Freaky Friday” ended in a shooting that left one man dead and seven injured.
After that incident Police Commissioner Ray Kelly told reporters “We look at social networking. We’re very much focused on weekend parties, the type of parties that happened last weekend, and we visit them ahead of time. But not every one of these parties happen at a place we can readily identify… Our gang division, our borough personnel look at party advertisements. A lot of these things are at peoples’ apartments.”
In March, 18-year-old Anthony Collao was killed in an anti-gay attack at a Woodhaven, Queens, house party advertised on Facebook. Calvin Pietri, one of six later arrested, bragged about the murder on Facebook.
NY1 asked New Yorkers in June what they thought of cops snooping around on Facebook and Twitter. One said, “If it is going to help cut down on the homicides, then I guess I’m for it,” while another lamented, “I really do think it is an invasion of privacy.”

Video: After Armageddon – A Look At A Post SHTF Situation …

This full length documentaryby the History Channel Shows what could happen to life as we know it after Armageddon. Really good video. Gives some good insights on what to plan for before it happens.