If Chemtrails And HAARP Didn’t Disturb You Enough, Wait Until You Hear About Morgellons …

For those unaware what chemtrails are, I will do my best to give you an accuratebreakdown of how I found out about them and what I’ve learned since.  I will also include some health remedies that I’ve come across which may be of some use.
Around October of 2009 I heard that ourgovernment was spraying us with chemicals from airplanes.  I should haveimmediately investigated further but I didn’t investigate further for a long time (many months later).
Why?  Many reasons, not least because I was consuming high levels of fluoride and my diet was basically, “eat what comes my way”.  As this began to change I gained enough sanity to start to notice thechemtrails more and investigate further.  I experienced so many synchronicities around this time, typically indicative of change in one’s life.
Eventually, what I uncovered baffled and disgusted me.  I would like to stress that I do not seek to alarm anyone with the information presented here.
Morgellons is downright creepy and exhausting to even think about.  I’m really not surprised why I just foundout about Morgellons now, despite having researched and filmed chemtrails for over a year.
Here, I only seek to encourage much needed-debate and research.  Many of you will already be familiar with a lot of this but if you bear with me it eventually gets more interesting.
For the newbies, proceed with caution.  This is just a brief overview but there are graphic videos linked in this article.  Some of you might not want to be eating when you watch some of these.
A Brief Note To The Skeptics
If you exhale in the winter you can see your breath because the surrounding air is cold.  Planes are closer to space and it’s cold up there, so you get these trails coming out of the engines of the planes.
However, in the past when the planes would leave contrails (condensation trails) those trails would disappear quickly, within minutes.  Now, as a result ofgovernment projects around the world many planes areleaving trails which linger, persist, expand and turn into what people then tragically refer to as “clouds”.
Tests show gargantuan levels of aluminum, barium, strontium, among other strange ingredients like red blood cells and fungus.
This is altering our atmosphere day by day, taking away the sky’s deep blue colour, replacing it with an ominous and poisonous, sometimes blindingly fluorescent white haze.
You are being attacked in this “modern” age and that much is certain.  Whether you agree that the chemtrails exist or represent this, it is obvious that you are being attacked via your water and food.  Personally, I don’t think adding air to the list seems far fetched at this point.  And that’s just for “physical” stuff.
I haven’t yet reminded you about the bombardment on our minds and souls via school and the soul-suckingmainstream media?
Skeptics would be wise to note that one of the reasons that it’s not always just condensation trailing behind the planes is that the spraying often turns off and on.
It is very revealing that one can see the planes spray and then stop spraying and then spray again (especially while the plane does not change speed or anything like that).  To me that’s about as obvious as thedemolition of the twin towers and building 7, but I digress.
There are seemingly thousands of other valid points confirming the fact that we’re being sprayed.  If I wrote this a year ago, I might have included many more of those but the data is out there.  The internet abounds withanalysis on this subject.
There are many weather-modification programs ravaging this earth.  The spraying is happening in at least all the NATO countries.  Even the UN admits that geo-engineering projects are occurring.  It’s getting coverage inmainstream media now.  An NBC-affiliated station called KMIR reported on it.
Zen Gardner succinctly writes, “If this is news to you, see the US Military paper Owning the Weather by 2025. Says it all. Like chemtrails, just the patents for all this technology is a total giveaway.”
The denial is very close to being over.  This expensive project, in its many various forms, is happening.  The ominous programs are supposedly to fight global warming but global warming is a hoax and the chemtrails are making us sicker.
Mystery shrouds this branch of knowledge and even for those who’ve gotten their feet wet the invitation to investigate further is often lost in a gigantic sea of information, wars, protests, chaos, distractions, routine, and an endless bombardment of crisis after crisis.
In a sad and hauntingly effective effort to curtail the truth, we are told that there are simply new types of clouds these days.  These new types of clouds just popped up now?  Just like this fire tornado and this death ray?  Give me a break.  This would be laughable if it wasn’t disturbing.
As for the meteorologists, they seem to either not care or are ignorant.  Them not reporting on this is like is like a nutritionist or a personal trainer recommending you eat at McDonalds.  Meanwhile, televisionand cute little computer generated Disney films and other Disney propaganda gets children used to seeing the weather behave in strange ways.
Images of chemtrails are being found in many commercials, advertisements and products just to pacify us.  Introduce it to us slowly enough and nobody will notice.  Sure, some of it must not be intentional, as there’s so many chemtrails it’s hard to take a sky shot without them sometimes, but many of them are intentional.
People can barely salvage memory ofOsama being a CIA asset or that western powers used to be friendly with Saddam Hussein.  One decade Saddam is a friend, the next he’s getting hung medieval-style.
Does anybody even remember the west speaking fondly of the Egyptian dictator one week and then not fondlythe next?  No.   Most people have no memory (at our current stage of evolution) and don’t care or pay attention.  Few remember that the sky didn’t always look this freakishly wavy:

Look Up
Many can’t even imagine an aerosol project so evil so they try their best to avoid thinking about it or discussing it with anybody.  For many others who are a little less cowardly, all they need to wake up is to look up.
I don’t know if that’s something to be proud of or if it’s a shame that people even have to be told to look up… It’s probably both.  If you’re reading this, go look outside right now.
There’s a good chance you’ll see a plane spraying your sky.  I’m not even exaggerating.  I used to keep a tally of the days they were spraying until I noticed it was almost every day (even at night).  And if you don’t see something being sprayed, there’s a good chance you’ll see lots of bizarre straight lines that we did not used to see in the past.
I eventually took many photos and shot time-lapse videos of the flagrant bio-chemical attack and the associated scalar electromagnetic waves (discussed in more detail later):
(mirror 1)(mirror 2)
Less Sunlight
Discovering the chemtrails proved to reveal a lot more than I original thought it would.  For one thing, it became clear that many people did not care about sunlight.
For most people busy resisting the idea that chemtrails even exist, they completely miss out on noticing the fact that our skies have less sunlight.  You don’t need a study to tell you this.  Whether or not you think the chemicals they’re spraying are bad for us, it would really be something else to say that you have no problemwith losing your sunlight.
Sunlight allows our bodies to produce Vitamin D, after all.  Vitamin D deficiency causes a lot of problems. Natural News reports that, “Your risk of developing serious diseases like diabetes and cancer is reduced 50% – 80% through simple, sensible exposure to natural sunlight 2-3 times each week.”
If you’re going to be talking about throwing microscopic bits of aluminum into our sky to deflect sun rays you better make sure you know the full health implications.
The Anthropogenic Global Warming Hoax
When people finally admit to themselves that this spraying is actually happening there are those that then gravitate towards the assertion that this is an effort to deal with “global warming” / “climate change”, and that may indeed be the case with respect to many of these programs.
However, I repeat – human-made global warming is a giant hoax.  Look at the geo-engineering section of my website and you’ll see lots of data backing up my assertion.  Climate Depot is also a good source of info on this.
I don’t buy the lies about CO2 being the devil.  Studies show plants would love more CO2.   I don’t want to be a guinea pig.  If people are already throwing metals into the air to deal with this, then I’m already a guinea pig.  It’s quite simple.
This subject deserves as much investigation as possible and even more courage if one wants to stomach what is uncovered.  It’s useful to keep in mind that just because you wouldn’t harm large masses of populations that doesn’t automatically mean that somebody else wouldn’t harm large masses of populations.
I will expand on the health impacts of these chemtrails later but for now remember that you’re better off knowing about these things.  Stick your head in the sand at your own peril.

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Solid Proof That Weather Modification Projects Are Being Conducted All Over The United States …

The American Dream
Most Americans still believe that our weather patterns are 100% natural and that our government has absolutely no control over the weather.  Unfortunately, that is not the case at all.  What you are about to read is evidence that weather modification is happening right now all over the United States.  This is never acknowledged by our politicians and it is never talked about by the mainstream media.  But it is very, very real.  Weather modification programs in some parts of the country have been going on for many years and evidence of these programs is hidden in plain view.  So does this mean that if we don’t like the weather we can just blame the government?  Well, yes it does, but it also means that the government has been seriously messing around with our environment and there could be “unintended consequences” that are far more dramatic than any of us ever dared to imagine.
Those that believed that the government was involved in weather modification were once considered to be “kooks”, but the truth is that authorities aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.  For example, the following was recently posted in the “Legal Notices” section of the classified ads in a local newspaper called The Tribune in San Luis Obispo, California….
NOTICE OF INTENTION WEATHER MODIFICATION PROGRAM THE SANTA BARBARA COUNTY WATER AGENCY HEREBY GIVES NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CONDUCT A WEATHER MODIFICATION PROGRAM NATURE AND PURPOSE: The purpose of the project is to increase rainfall to help alleviate deficiencies of water supplies in Santa Barbara County. Clouds would be seeded by the dispersal of SilverIodide (AgI). Two possible modes of seeding, air based and ground based, would be used. LOCATION OF PURPOSE: Project operations could be conducted during the period between November 15 and April 15, for each year, 2011-2012 through 2015-2016. Airborne seeding operations would utilize air space over Santa Barbara County, portions of San Luis Obispo County as well as the Pacific Ocean immediately west of Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties. Ground based seeding operations would be conducted from the Santa Ynez Mountains, the Casmalia Hills and the San Rafael Mountains. The target areas for seeding operations are the watersheds behind Cachuma and Gibraltar reservoirs on the Santa Ynez River as well as Twitchell reservoir on the Cuyama River. LICENSEE: The project would be operated and supervised by a licensed weather modification consultant.
Can it get much clearer than that?
The Santa Barbara County water agency is telling the world that it plans to conduct a weather modification program and it is explaining exactly how it will be done.
If you are thinking that this is something new, you might want to guess again.
Weather modification projects have been conducted down in Texas for years.
The following comes from the website of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation….
Currently, cloud-seeding projects designed to increase rainfall from convective cloud towers are conducted in nearly 31 million acres of Texas (or almost one-fifth of the state’s land area). In administering the Texas Weather Modification Act (enacted by the Texas Legislature in 1967), TDLR’s weather modification program issues licenses and permits for these projects, many of which have been in existence since 2000. The projects use specialized aircraft and sophisticated weather radar systems, operated by skilled meteorologists, at sites near Amarillo, Plains, Pecos, San Angelo, and Pleasanton.
Anyone still want to be a skeptic after reading that?
According to the Texas state government, these weather modification projects have been going on down in Texas since the year 2000.
So if you live in Texas and you don’t like the weather, just blame Rick Perry.
But weather modification projects are not just happening in the United States.  The truth is that they are going on all over the globe.
An article from the Guardian a couple of years ago talked about the mammoth weather modification projects that have been happening in China….
The Chinese air force claimed today that the biggest weather modification operation in the country’s history cleared the skies over Tiananmen Square just in time for the National Day parade.
I write this post under gorgeously azure skies. Instead of the dull haze I have grown used to in Beijingover the past few years, the light is so sharp that it almost hurts my eyes.
The transformation is so dramatic it is eerie. When I flew into Beijing yesterday, the city was shrouded in what looked like a thick smog.
An article posted on arabianbusiness.comtalked about the extraordinary weather modification projects that have been sponsored by the Abu Dhabi government….
Scientists working for the Abu Dhabi government created more than 50 rainstorms in Al Ain in July and August of 2010, during the peak of the emirate’s summer months.
The rains are part of a secret $11m project, reportedly commissioned by HH Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan,President of the UAE, which used ionisers to generate storms, the UK’s Sunday Times said.
It is thought to be the first time the team had produced man-made rain from otherwise clear skies.
According to the report, scientists used large ionisers, which resemble lampshades, to generate fields of negatively charged particles. That in turn creates cloud formation, leading to rain.
Over 122 days through the summer months, the emitters were switched on 74 times when atmospheric humidity reached the required level of 30 percent or more.
During that time, Al AIn experienced rainfall on 52 occasions on days when the country’s own weather service had predicted no clouds and no rain.
Are you starting to get the picture?
Unfortunately, we have no idea what the potential side effects of all of this weather modification will be.
Yes, we are learning to change the weather, but meanwhile our weather seems to be getting more unstable than ever.  Over the course of this past year we have seen an incredible onslaught of natural disasters.  Nearly every single region of the U.S. has been affected.
So obviously we are very far from mastering our control of the weather.  In fact, we might actually be making things much worse by monkeying around with the weather.
But our authorities continue to want to play God.
For example, have you ever gone outside and looked up into the sky and been surprised to see it streaked with long white lines that don’t seem to go away for hours and hours?
They are known as “chemtrails”, and virtually none of our politicians will talk about them and virtually nobody in the mainstream media will talk about them.
But are we supposed to ignore the fact that they are there?  All of us can see the planes leaving these trails and all of us can see that they stay up there for hours and hours.
This phenomenon is happening all over the world, and it is generally assumed that some kind of massive geo-engineering program is taking place.
The following video contains more information about these “chemtrails”.  As you can see, there is a huge difference between the “contrails” that quickly dissipate behind airplanes and the “chemtrails” that are purposely being sprayed above all of our major cities….

So what do all of you think about weather modification and chemtrails?  Please feel free to leave a comment with your opinion below….

Historian Brought Freemasons to Heel …

Nazi Germany had to make a show of being anti-Masonic
since its enemies were controlled byFreemasonry.
Bernard Fay seized this brief moment to try to save his beloved France.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Dufay.jpgring a brief periodfrom 1940-1944 in France,Freemasonry met its nemesis. He wasn’t a mighty warrior but rather an intellectual.
Harvard-educated historian, Bernard Fay, a member of the College de France and Director of the National Library, headed an investigative unit that rooted out Freemasons
Working for Vichy President Philippe Petain and the Gestapo, Bernard Fay compiled a list of 170,000Freemasons, of whom 989 were sent to concentration camps where 549 were shot. In addition, about 3000 lost their jobs. All Freemasons were required by law to declare themselves to authorities.

Fay also seized the secret archives from the Grand Orient in Paris and from Masonic lodges throughout the country. He compiled the information at the Biblioteque National and edited a monthly Journal, Les Documents Maconniques.

The lead articles had titles like “Freemasonry and the Corruption of Morals.” “Freemasonry Against the State,” and “The Masonic Lie.”

In 1943, Fay produced a film entitled Forces Occultes which depicted Masonic subversion world wide. The film recounts the life of a young Député (Congressman) who joins the Freemasons in order to relaunch his career. He thus learns of how Illuminati Jewish finance in England and the US used Freemasonry to involve France in a war against Germany. The Director Jean Mamy was executed as a collaborator in 1949.  Thanks to YouTube, the film in French can be seen online.

Of course, after France was “liberated” by the Masonic powers in 1944, the tables were turned.
Fay was arrested and sent to a concentration camp. When he finally came to trial in 1946, he was unrepentant and defiant.
“My great imprudence was to remain in France from 1940 to 1944, to dream of its regeneration, to consecrate all of my forces to it, to risk my life for it, and to believe in it, ” he said.
According to Barbara Will, author of Unlikely Collaboration, “perhaps the most striking aspect of his trial was the unwillingness of prosecutors to argue with Fay about the political opinions he still freely expressed.”
For example, he stated to the court that “for many years I have considered Masonry a dangerous institution, and on this point for some twenty years I have changed neither opinion nor language. The presence of the Germans had no effect on my ideas.” (p. 181)
It is a measure of the vice-like grip that Freemasonry has on the liberal mind that Barbara Will, an English professor at Dartmouth College, persists in describing Fay’s views as “paranoid” and “bilious.”
Fay had access to the secret archives of the Grand Orient. If he said they were dedicated to establishing a Luciferian world tyranny, he was anything but uninformed.
The French Masonic powers investigated more than 300,000 cases of collaboration between 1944 and 1949; 6783 sentences of death were handed down in France and 1600 carried out. In contrast, only 200-300 Nazis were hanged in Germany.
Fay didn’t have much faith in his trial. The judge, he noted, was an “Israelite and Freemason.” Surprisingly, he was not hanged. On Dec 6 1946, at the age of 54, he was sentenced to hard labor for life.
In 1951, while convalescing in a prison hospital, he managed to escape toSwitzerland with the help of fellow anti-Masons. Two years later, he was pardoned by Charles de Gaulle. Nevertheless, he remained in Switzerland, where he continued to teach and write books until his death in 1978.
Our minds have been trained to shut down at the mention of God. However, the New World Order is ultimately an occult exercisedesigned to replace God (Reality) with Lucifer, who represents the Illuminati’s self serving rebellion.
This cult consists of Cabalist Jews and Freemasons who proclaim God has no form and is unknowable. They step into the breach and anoint themselves God.
They create a solipsistic man-made reality. This is why they must control the mass media and education. We are prisoners of this matrix. Modern (i.e. Masonic) culture is a fraud dedicated to undermining marriage and family (through gender bending and promiscuity), race, religion (God) and country. It is a dead-end.
In fact, mankind is connected to God by our soul (which the Illuminati deny exists.)  God has attributes which we all crave, spiritual absolutes such as Truth, Love, Goodness, Justice, Beauty and Harmony.
These attributes ultimately are Reality. That is why we we feel confused, listless and empty without them. The Illuminati is dedicated to turning Reality on its head, making what is healthy seem sick, good seem evil, true seem false; and vice-versa.
All true religions are based on this paradigm. That is why Freemasonry is dedicated to destroying them.
Bernard Fay belongs to the France of theancien regime, the true France of Monarch, Church and army. This France was rotted out and destroyed by Illuminati Jewish finance and their Masonic lackeys who sponsored the French Revolution.
Modern history is an account of how power and wealth has been transferred from the church and aristocracy to Illuminati finance using liberal and democratic ideals as pretexts.
Nazi Germany had to make a show of being anti-Masonic since its enemies were controlled by Freemasonry.  Bernard Fay seized this brief moment to try to save his beloved France. Of course, this window closed quickly since the Nazis were financed and controlled at the top by the Illuminati.
Modern history and culture is saturated by Masonic assumptions yet the cult is largely unknown and unmentioned. Masonic Illuminism is the (satanic) religion of mankind yet its name is never spoken.
I was channel surfing yesterday and landed on the program “Decoded.”
A 33-degree Freemason in Washington DC was disavowing any Masonic plot for world domination.
This is another case of “listen to what we say, not what your eyes tell you.”
Illuminati conspiracies always deny with their lips what they do with their hands.
If Freemasons don’t control the world, why do their symbols dominate Washington DC and other world capitals? Why are Barrack Obama and most of his GOP opponents Freemasons?
If they were dedicated to good as they claim, the world would be a different place.
Our society continues to be dysfunctional, corrupt and scandal plagued. Yet it refuses to address the underlying cause: subversion and control by a pernicious satanic cult.

Alert: News Blackout America Becoming Radioactive …


The mainstream media and federalgovernment are conspiring to black out the escalating nucleardisasters in Japan and how radiation’s affecting  America.
Radiation levels are increasing across North America
Chances are you’ve eaten radioactive food and didn’t even know it. Most people aren’t aware that radiation is contaminating America’s food supply right now.
The source for radioactive food? The TEPCO nuclear reactors in Fukushima, Japan.
Scrumptious Fukushima contaminated food  eat it today and tomorrow it’s sayonara
The food supply is becoming contaminated by Japanese radiation and the U.S. government—and much of themainstream media—is studiously ignoring the massive health problem that one nuclear expert claims is 70 times worse than the Ukraine nuclear disaster at Chernobyl.
Looks yummy—except they’re laced with Cesium-137
Dairy, strawberries, mushroomstesting positive for Cesium-137
University of California Berkeley (UCB) has discovered rising radiation in selected produce grown inCalifornia. Six items were tested: spinach, strawberries, cilantro, topsoil, grass, and mushrooms. Measured in Becquerel per kilogram. Five of six items in U.S. food chain sampling test have radioactive particles. [Source]
Radioactive Strontium Found in Hilo, Hawaii Milk
Since April 2011 the EPA and others have been finding radioactive particles in milk. The last report was in early may, then all information was blacked out.
The radiation released by the four damaged TEPCO reactors in the Fukushima Province has vastly increased. Radioactivity has now spread across most of northern Japan and as far south as Tokyo.
Plans are being made for a new Japanese capital and talk in Japan is that Tokyo—one of the world’s biggest cities—may have to be evacuated, even abandoned.
Meanwhile, the radiation is spreading through the ocean and deadly particles are being carried by prevailing winds to North America.
A radioactive isotope of strontium has been detected in American milk for the first time since Japan’s nuclear disaster—in a sample from Hilo, Hawaii—the Environmental Protection Agency revealed yesterday.
Tests for strontium are triggered by the presence of cesium isotopes, which have been found in milk from Hilo, Montepelier VT, and Oakland and in precipitation from Boise, Richmond CA, Salt Lake City and a few other cities.
The Strontium-89 was found in April 4 Hilo samples previously found to contain cesium-134 and cesium-137. [Forbes]
UCB nuclear laboratory scientist prepares testbed
Berkely monitoring rising radiation levels in US Food
UCB has been monitoring the increasing radiation levels since the earthquake and tsunami destroyed the Tokyo Electric PowerCompany’s four reactors in Fukushima.
The nuclear science lab has released dozens of reports, reports basically ignored by the American press.
Here are a sampling of some of UCB’s scientific reports on the escalating radiation:
Report 1.
Report 2.
Areas Where Food May Already Have Radioactive Fallout
In the months following the ongoing reactor breaches, rising radiation is contaminating the U.S. food supply. For the most part the serious consequences are being played down or outright ignored. Some health experts are expecting a rising cancer rate in the U.S. within a decade, especially along the West Coast.
Care for some tasty radioactive sushi with your green tea?
According to a special report posted by the website Rense.com, the most contaminated regions of farmland in the U.S. (based on established fallout patterns of known radioactive drift and charted by Euro scientific agencies) are: the entire Pacific Coast (note that much of the produce in North America comes from this region, especially California); northern U.S. States close to Canada, and Canadian areas close to the U.S. (including Toronto) ; Eastern States, Central States of the U.S., and Far Northern areas of Canada. [Rense]
Warning: Now entering produce section of your grocer’s
More U.S. states find traces of radiation from Japan
CNN reports that radiation in America’s food chain is continuing to rise. Sporadic reports of what’s actually happening break through the media static periodically, but America is at risk of radiation poisoning and the mainstream media is focusing primarily on celebrities and the bickering among politicians.
Birth defects after Chernobyl – Fukushima much worse
[Note: For actual reports of the serious problem the U.S. is facing monitor the UK press, websites from Japan, South Korea, China and India. You can find them with a Google search.]
Media puts on a happy (glowing) face about radiation
After shutting down radiation monitoring stations across the U.S. as “unnecessary” the government and EPA officials continue to lull the American public into a state of soothing catatonic blindness:
Still, right now, U.S. health officials have emphasized that, at about 5,000 miles from the plant, the West Coast is unlikely to see any dangerous levels of radiation regardless of what happens in Japan. Radioactive particles disperse in the air, thus there is less of a hazard the farther away you are.
“Our finding is consistent with findings in Washington and California. We have expected to find trace amounts of the isotopes released from the Japanese plant. There is no health risk,” Gail Shibley, administrator of Oregon’s Office ofEnvironmental Public Health, Oregon Public Health Division, said in a statement. [CNN]
Yet the official statements fly in the face of the data that the nuclear scientists at UCB and other nuclear scientists in Western Europe have been obtaining from air, water, soil ,and produce samples.
Spirulina helps reduce damage from radiation poisoning
How to protect yourself and your family
Scientists have found that spirulina can help reduce the deadly affects of radiation poisoning. This is particularly important in the face of the ongoing nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan and the growing evidence amassed by nuclear experts that the radiation is continuing to contaminate parts of Korea, thePhilippines, Hawaii, North America and even Western Europe. [See: Scientists: Spirulina can reverse radiation poisoning]

Non-Human Ancient Mummy Just Discovered In Cusco, Peru …

Cusco: Found Andahuaylillas human mummy, according to anthropologist

RPP / Cesar Zapata

Human mummy

The discovery was made by Rene Davila Riquelme, Private Museum anthropologist Andean Rituals in Andahuaylillas Quispicanchi province.
So he gave it to RPP Noticias, the anthropologist Renato Davila Riquelme, who said that the mummy is 50 inches tall, triangular head, large cavity of the eye and molars uncommon in humans.
The head is triangular and tremendous, indeed, the head is almost the size of body and thought I was a kid but Spanish and Russian doctors have come and we have confirmed that indeed is an extraterrestrial

The anthropologist Renato Riquelme Davila Andean Rituals Private Museum, located in the district of Andahuaylillas Quispicanchi province ( Cusco ) announced the discovery of a mummy with no human characteristics.
Riquelme Davila explained that the body is 50 inches tall, triangular head, eye cavity too large, open fontanelle, which is only characteristic of children up to 1 year and has molars, which show that there is a tremendous gap that is not common in humans.
“It looks not human because the head is triangular and tremendous, indeed, the head is about the size of body and thought I was a kid but Spanish and Russian doctors have come and we have confirmed that this is indeed an extraterrestrial” , said through RPP Noticias.
Listen to the anthropologist Renato Davila
He said it also has the front split skulls and that does not exist in any ethnic group in the world, as only found in the Andes of Peru, like the Inca bone is a triangle on the occipital and exists only in the Andes of Peru.
Read more news from the region Cusco

Weather Control: Steering Hurricanes, Artificial Tornadoes, Man Made Lightning, Creating Rain And Snow …

Perhaps the first efforts to control the weather involved prayer or rain dances, but in the modern era it has become the focus of varying technologies that are being attempted by Europeans, Asians and Americans.  Even the King of Thailand has created a method of creating and steering rain clouds.   Five different technologies, among many others, are presented to control the weather including controlling storms and creating artificial tornadoes and lightning as well as creating and steering rain and snow clouds.
Steering Hurricanes
U.S. Patent Application 20100072297 describes a method for controlling hurricanes. According to inventors Manilal J Savla (Manalapan, NJ) and Vishal T. Shah (Parlin, NJ) the method for controlling and steeringhurricanes involves raising temperature in the eye and/or in the outflow. Air temperature within the eye and in the outflow of a hurricane is raised by flying scores of jet planes with afterburners in the structure. Small changes in temperature on a large scale bring in large changes in other variables on the smaller scale to change the direction and intensity of the hurricane. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Organization and other US agencies fly planes through hurricanes routinely to do research and collect scientific data.
In recent research supported by the NASA Institute for Advanced Concept, Ross Hoffman advanced his theory of “chaotic” system. This theory of so-called “butterfly effect” shows a small nudge in a chaotic system, for example hurricane, can produce chain reaction big enough to knock the hurricane off its course and also reduce its strength. Computer simulations of small changes in temperature showed control of track and intensity of hurricanes. One plausible approach suggested for actual hurricane control was to use microwaveenergy to heat up selected portions of hurricane using a ring of solar satellites. However, this solution is still far away many years for practical use.
According to Savla and Shah, their invention proposes to bring about small changes in temperature by using a fleet of flying jet planes with afterburners. Flight patterns, locations in the hurricane structure and number of aircrafts as well as duration of flights are determined doing a computer simulation using an appropriate software program.
Artificial Tornadoes
In U.S. Patent Application 20110248498, entitled Generating Electrical Power Utilizing Surface-Level Hot Air As The Heat Source, High Atmosphere As The Heat Sink And A Microwave Beam To Initiate And Control Air Updraft, inventor Slobodan Tepic (Zurich, CH) describes a way to create artificial tornadoes The invention uses a renewable source for electricity generation utilizing a solar chimney created by a microwave beam to form an artificial tornado.
An electrical power plant, according to Tepic, is to operate preferably on a platform floating at sea, utilizing hot humid air as the heat source and the high atmosphere as the heat sink. Anchored along the continental coasts of the tropical/subtropical oceans, where average absorbed solar insulation is in the range of 200 to 300 W/m.sub.2 and sea surface temperatures are on the order of 300 K, such plants could be built to continuously operate at a gigawatt (GW) level. Air circulation around the center of the plant resembles a natural cyclone; vertical outflow is induced by buoyancy of the air column above the plant heated by a microwave beam aimed from the plant upward. The frequency of the microwave beam is centered at approximately 60 GHz, within an absorption band of molecular oxygen. The preferred source of the microwave beam is a gyrotron.
According to Tepic, in addition to clean electrical power, the plant can also provide clean water from condensation out of the humid, sea level air. Anchoring rows of such power plants along the coasts most threatened by large weather storms (called hurricanes in the Atlantic, typhoons in the Pacific and tropical cyclones in the Indian Ocean) would also produce barriers these storms could not cross because sea surface air would be colder and less humid.
Creating And Steering Rain Clouds
Bhumibol Adulyadej, His Majesty King of Thailand; (Bangkok, TH) in U.S. Patent Application 20050056705, entitled Weather Modification By Royal Rainmaking Technology, proposes a system to create artificial rain clouds and steer them to where rain is needed. `Royal Rainmaking Technology` is described as weather modification by means of chemical seeding comprises steps of “Triggering”, to activate cloud formation; “Fattening”, to promote cloud growth; “Moving”, to move cloud to a designated area, and “Attacking” to initiate rainfall from cloud. Attacking can be done by at least 3 different techniques; by `Sandwich Seeding Technique` for `warm cloud`, by `Glaciogenic Seeding Technique` for `cool cloud`, or by `Super Sandwich Seeding Technique` for mixed phase cloud. `Enhancing` is for enhancing amount of rainfall and prolonging raining duration including increasing area coverage. Weather modification extends to dispersion of cloud into clear flight path, prevention of hail formation, and inducing rainfall from stratiform clouds onto a valley or any catchment areas. Seeding may be performed inside or outside a cloud or to the top or underneath any isolated cloud or cloud band.
Artificial Lightning And Controlling Cyclones
Inventor Bernard Eastlund (La Jolla, CA) in U.S. Patent Application 20070238252, entitled Cosmic particle ignition of artificially ionized plasma patterns in the atmosphere,reveals a method and apparatus for creating artificially ionized regions in theatmosphere utilizing ionization trails of cosmic rays and micro-meteors to ignite plasma patterns in electric field patterns formed by ground based electromagnetic wave radiators. The applications are useful for telecommunications, weather control, lightening protection and defense applications. The invention lowers the power requirements for forming artificial ionized regions in the atmosphere by a factor of up to 1600 times lower than those required in existing designs and projections for creation of artificial ionized regions in the atmosphere.
According to Eastlund, the invention has a phenomenal variety of possible ramifications and potential future developments. As alluded to earlier, a variety of telecommunications systems for improvement of local cellular systems, short haul standalone cellular systems, city wide cellular systems and long haul communications systems could result. Two new approaches to weather modification and control are suggested. The first is for manipulation of the steering winds that control the development of mesocyclones, or the modification of the directions of the jet streams that influence development of hurricanes. The second is a method for influencing the electrical charge distribution in weather patterns such as meso-cyclones. Possible defense applications include a method of accelerating electrons to MEV energies in conjunction with the HAARP antenna. Research applications include the creation of bright and controlled guide stars for astrophysical purposes. Thus it can be seen that the ramifications are numerous, far-reaching, and exceedingly varied in usefulness.
Making Any Type Of Precipitation
Inventors Helmut Fluhrer (Zug, CH); Elena Davydova; (Egmating, DE) and Yuri Saveliev; (Shailer Park, AU) in U.S. Patent Application 20110174892 describe an apparatus for weather modification. The apparatus comprises an emitter electrode, means for providing the emitter electrode with an electric charge, electrically coupled to the emitter electrode, an insulating support for supporting the emitter electrode at a predetermined height, and means for earthing the apparatus.
Entitled Apparatus And Related Methods For Weather Modification By Electrical Processes In The Atmosphereand assigned to Meteo Systems International Ag (Zug, CH) , the inventors say an apparatus for weather modification is provided  that can create rain clouds and control the intensity and type of precipitation from such rain, drizzle, snow, hail, and so forth to a targeted area.
The method comprises the steps of providing an emitter electrode, analyzing the meteorological situation in and/or close to the target region, and providing the emitter electrode with an electric charge in response to the meteorological analysis, thereby causing the emitter electrode to ionize the vicinity of the emitter electrode.
The invention relates to methods and devices for modifying atmospheric conditions, known in this context as weather modification, by enhancing electric forces exerted on and between particles of atmospheric air such as water particles, aerosols, molecular clusters, and water molecules possessing their own electric dipole moment. Particular applications of weather control require specific methods and devices for their implementation. Using electrical methods of weather modification for other purposes such as dispersion of fog, which is cloud located on or near the surface of the Earth; increasing cloud coverage over selected regions, particularly the ocean; and increasing oceanic moisture inflow inland, would in general require specific methods and parameters of the invention.
Read more at Nano Patents and Innovations

How to Protect Ourselves from Radiation …

Self-Help: How to Protect Ourselves Against Damage from Radiation

Now that much of Europe is being blanketed with radioactive iodinehigh levels of radiation in Tokyo and other areas of Japan have been confirmed (and seethis and this), and some areas of theUnited States and Canada – such as the Cascades – are getting hit with fairly significant amounts of radiation, it is time to revisit the question: how can we protect ourselves?
The initial answer is that we should reduce our exposure to radiation in the first place. For example, world renowned physicist Michio Kaku told his Japanese family and friends months ago that they should leave if they can.
If you live in an area receiving any radiation exposure, you should also take off your shoes and leave them by the door (Asian style) and use a Hepa vacuum to get rid of excess dust.
As nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen said in June:
[In a worst case scenario, for example, if the fuel pool at Fukushima reactor 4 were to topple over], I would close my windows, turn the air conditioner on, replace the filters frequently, damp mop, put a HEPA filter in the house and try to avoid as much of the hot particles as possible. You are not going to walk out with a Geiger counter and be in a plume that is going to tell you the meter. The issue will be on the West Coast, hot particles. And the solution there is HEPA filters and avoiding them.
Also, rain is the main way that radiation is spread outside of the vicinity of the nuclear accident.   As a parent who doesn’t want to tell my kids they can’t play in the rain, none of this is fun to talk about … but during periods of high radiation release, people might want to keep their kids out of heavy rain.
When a lot of radiation is being released, we might want to avoid milk for a couple of weeks or so.


Nuclear expert Chris Busby suggested last month that people exposed to high levels of radiation – for example, those unable to evacuate away from Fukushima – take high doses of calcium and magnesium to blockplutonium, strontium and uraniumpoisoning.
Dr. Busby suggests that adults take 800 mg of calcium and 350 mg of magnesiumper day, and that children take the appropriate fraction of that depending on their weight.
Potassium iodide does protect against damage from radioactive iodine, but should only be taken if one is directly exposed to high levels of iodine, and you should never exceed the recommended dosage.
  • Prussian blue for cesium
In addition, there is solid science proving that anti-oxidants help to protect us against low-level radiation. Specifically, low-level ionizing radiation causes our cells to produce free radicals, which produce much of the damage from the radiation. Taking anti-oxidants neutralizes the free radicals, helping to protect us against radiation damage:
Note: We should demand that fish caught of the West coast of the U.S. and Canada is tested for radiation.  See this and this. We should also demand regular testing of milk and water for radiation.
I am not a health care professional and this does not constitute medical advice. This information is general interest only. See your qualified health care provider to obtain specific medical advice.

Historian: The “Curse of Tutankhamun” Was Ritual Murders Carried Out by Aleister Crowley …

Aleister Crowley is often mentioned on this site as his occult works appear to be highly influential in today’s mass media. This week, a rather interesting yet troubling piece of news surfaced regarding Crowley: a historian believes that deaths attributed to the “Curse of Tutankhamun” were in fact ritual killings carried out by him. Here’s anarticle from The Telegraph regarding the historian Mark Beynon findings.

Curse of Tutankhamun may have been work of Satanist killer

Six mysterious London deaths famously attributed to the ‘Curse of Tutankhamun’ were actually murders by notorious Satanist Aleister Crowley, a historian claims in a new book.
Incredible parallels between Crowley and Jack the Ripper have also been discovered during research by historian Mark Beynon.
Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, London was gripped by the mythical curse of Tutankhamun, the Egyptian boy-king, whose tomb was uncovered by British archaeologist Howard Carter.
More than 20 people linked to the opening of the pharaoh’s burial chamber in Luxor in 1923 bizarrely died over the following years – six of them in the capital.
Victims included Carter’s personal secretary Captain Richard Bethell, who was found dead in his bed from suspected smothering at an exclusive Mayfair club.
Bethell’s father Lord Westbury then plunged seven floors to his death from his St James’s apartment, where he reportedly kept tomb artefacts gifted by his son.
And Aubrey Herbert, half-brother of Carter’s financial backer Lord Carnarvon, also died suspiciously in a Park Lane hospital shortly after visiting Luxor.
At the time, a frenzied Press blamed the ‘Curse of Tutankhamun’ for the deaths and speculated on the supernatural powers of the ancient Egyptians.
But Mr Beynon has now drawn on previously unpublished evidence to conclude the deaths were all ritualistic killings masterminded by Crowley, an occultist dubbed “the wickedest man in the world”.
After unique analysis of Crowley’s diaries, essays and books and inquest reports, the armchair detective argues that he was a Jack the Ripper-obsessed copycat killer.
Crowley, who called himself ‘The Great Beast’, apparently had his own motives to tarnish the legacy of Carter’s legendary discovery.
The gods and goddesses of Crowley’s own religious philosophy, Thelema, were mainly drawn from ancient Egyptian religion.
He believed himself to be a prophet of a new age of personal liberty, controlled by the ancient Egyptian god Horus.
It is likely that he would have found Carter’s excavation sacrilegious and wanted revenge, according to Mr Beynon.
In his new book ‘London’s Curse: Murder, Black Magic and Tutankhamun in the 1920s West End’, published this week by The History Press, Mr Beynon pins seven deaths on Crowley, six of which took place in London:
– Raoul Loveday (16 February 1923): the 23-year-old Oxford undergraduate was a follower of Crowley’s cult at a Sicilian abbey. He died on the same day at the very hour of Carter’s much-publicised opening of Tutankhamun’s burial chamber. He died after drinking the blood of a cat sacrificed in one of Crowley’srituals and Mr Beynon argues that he was deliberately poisoned.
– Prince Ali Kamel Fahmy Bey (10 July 1923): a 23-year-old Egyptian prince shot dead by his French wife of six months, Marie-Marguerite, in London’s Savoy Hotel shortly after he was photographed visiting the tomb. Mr Beynon says that Crowley and Marie-Marguerite had been lovers in Paris. She was working as a hostess at the Folies Bergère and he was a regular patron at the same venue. He suggests that Crowley put her up to the shooting.
– Aubrey Herbert (23 September 1923): shortly after Marie-Marguerite’s acquittal, Aubrey Herbert, the half-brother of Lord Carnarvon, died of blood poisoning after a routine dental operation went suspiciously wrong at his private hospital in Park Lane. He had only recently returned from his own trip to Luxor. Mr Beynon speculates that Crowley was behind the death and may again have used Marie-Marguerite to do his dirty work.
– Captain Richard Bethell (15 November 1929): Howard Carter’s 46-year-old personal secretary was found dead in his bed at Mayfair’s exclusive Bath Club. Bethell was said to have been in perfect health. It was initially thought that he died of a heart attack but his symptoms raised suspicion that he was smothered to death as he slept. Crowley had only recently returned to London and was often a guest of novelist W. Somerset Maugham at the club.
– Lord Westbury (20 February 1930): Bethell’s father, Lord Westbury, 77, was believed to have thrown himself off his seventh floor St James’s apartment. But Mr Beynon found that it was practically impossible for an elderly man to have climbed out onto the window ledge and suggests that Crowley threw him off.
– Edgar Steele (24 February 1930): only four days later, Edgar Steele, 57, who was in charge of handling the tomb artefacts at London’s British Museum, died at St Thomas’ Hospital after a minor stomach operation. Mr Beynon speculates that Crowley was behind the death.
– Sir Ernest Wallis Budge (23 November 1934): A former Keeper in the British Museum’s Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, he was found dead in his bed in Bloomsbury aged 77. A friend of Lord Carnarvon, he had been responsible for displaying the artefacts from Luxor. Mr Beynon says there is evidence that Budge and Crowley were associates on the London occult scene.
Crowley, who was born into a wealthy upper class family in 1875, had a controversial doctrine for life of ‘Do What Thou Wilt’.
The bisexual heroin addict gained notoriety for advocating sexual promiscuity and prostitution and was dubbed ‘the wickedest man in the world’ by the Press.
Mr Beynon paints a picture of a dangerous schizophrenic known to have murdered his servants in India.
Crowley never mentions the deaths in his diaries but often wrote that his mood had “lifted” the day after them.
He was obsessed with Jack the Ripper, writing numerous essays and poems about him.
He socialised with Ripper suspect Walter Sickert and Mr Beynon argues that Crowley used the Ripper’s killing spree as inspiration for his own efforts years later.
Crowley wrote in his diaries that he believed the locations of five of the Ripper’s murders in Whitechapel in 1888 formed a pentagram – an important star-shaped symbol in Satanism.
Mr Beynon claims that the locations of five of Crowley’s ‘murders’ form a copycat pentagram.
Crowley believed that the Ripper’s murders had afforded him special powers, including invisibility.
Mr Beynon says that he thought his murders would also render him invisible.
To test his theory, he famously walked through London’s Café Royal restaurant ridiculously dressed in a mustard-coloured cloak adorned with occultist symbols.
When customers fell silent and were too perturbed to speak to him, he assumed they could not see him.
Outlining his macabre theory, Mr Beynon said: “When I researched these deaths, Crowley’s name popped up again and again.
“There is plenty of circumstantial evidence linking him to all the deaths and his diaries and books are riddled with clues linking him to these crimes.
“I have just put all the pieces of the jigsaw together.
“So much of Crowley’s belief system was steeped in ancient Egypt.
“He would have seen the opening of Tutankhamun’s tomb as desecration.
“This was a man given to extensive world travel and yet we know he was in London when at least four of the six deaths occurred.”
He added: “I hope the book will appeal to anyone with an interest in crime or London history.
“I was fascinated researching London in the 20s and 30s.
“On the surface, it was very glitzy and glamorous but there was a dark underbelly that provided the ideal stage for this story.
“Everyone was obsessed with the supposed Curse of Tutankhamun striking down high society victims.

“But until now, no-one has ever realised that they may well have been murdered.”

Radioactive Iodine Blankets Much of Europe … Everyone Points Fingers …

Reuters notes that elevated levels ofradioactive iodine have been detected in Germany, Sweden, Slovakia, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Hungary.
The Stockholm News reports that Denmark and Poland are also experiencing heightened radiation.
NHK notes that Russia has been hit as well.
AP notes that the radioactive releases are ongoing:
An official [from the International Atomic Energy Agency] familiar with the matter, who asked for anonymity because he was not authorized to comment, said the release appeared to be continuing.
Some scientists have made some unlikely claims about the source of the radiation. For example, as Reuters notes:
Professor Malcolm Sperrin, director of medical physics at Britain’s Royal Berkshire Hospital, said any link with Fukushima was extremely unlikely.
“It is far more likely that the iodine may be as a result of excretion by patients undergoing medical treatment. Whilst such patients are carefully controlled, some release of iodine into the environment may be inevitable but would certainly be well below any limits where health detriment would even begin to be an issue for concern,” he said.
(It is unlikely that patients in so many countries would all start excreting moreradioactive iodine at the same time.)
The Czechs deny responsibility, but are sending mixed signals. As AP notes:
In Prague, an official at the Czech State Office for Nuclear Safety said he was “100 percent sure” that the radiation had not come from any Czech nuclear power plant — or from any other source on Czech territory.
[However,] speaking on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to talk to the media, the official said tests are under way around the country to try and identify the source.
The Czechs are betting heavily on nuclear power and have plans to dramatically increase production ….
Poland is trying to blame Pakistan for the radiation; but a Pakistan government official denies the allegation.
All of the mainstream commentators dismiss Fukushima as a potential source. However, Fukushima is still far from any stable shutdown – and is still apparently undergoing nuclear reactions (and see thisthisand this).

So – while we don’t have any idea where the radiation is coming from at this point – it is too early to rule out Fukushima.

Mystery of the ‘alien corpse’ woman stored in her fridge for two years (why do they all turn up in Russia?)

If the aliens really are landing, this latest picture seems to confirm that their first port of call on Earth will be Russia.
After other claims of extraterrestrial life turning up in Siberia, the latest is from a Russian woman who says she kept a frozen alien corpse in her fridge.
The mysterious ‘lifeform’ was reportedly kept by Marta Yegorovnam in her fridge inthe western Russian city of Petrozavodskfor two years, while she took five pictures to prove its existence.
Intelligent life? The 50cm creature stored in Marta Yegorovnam's has an alien-like form, as well as apparent arms and facial featuresIntelligent life? The 2ft high creature was apparently stored in Marta Yegorovnam’s fridge in western Russiafor two years

‘Crash victim’: The ‘creature’ was said to have been retrieved from a UFO crash site in 2009. It has an enormous head, bulbous eyes and one stick-like arm

Heading for Earth? The latest alien sighting was the third apparent extraterrestrial lifeform to be spotted in Russia in recent monthsHeading for Earth? The alien in Miss Yegorovnam’s fridge has conveniently been removed by men from the ‘Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences’

The ‘body’, the third alien sighting in Russian in recent months, was reportedly retrieved by Miss Yegorovnamfrom a UFO crash site near her summer house in 2009.
She says she approached the flaming wreckage and crumpled metal which she described as ‘unbearably hot’ and near the twisted hulk lay the dead alien.


The ‘creature’ is two feet long, has an enormous head, large bulbous eyes and an appearance somewhere between a fish and a humanoid.
It also appears to have what looks like a string-like arm protruding from its body.
Proof at last? This screen grab shows an apparent UFO on the ground in Siberia earlier this year with what appears to be an unearthly being to its right and four other beings directly in front of the glowing craft Proof at last? This screen grab shows an apparent UFO on the ground in Siberia earlier this year with what appears to be an unearthly being to its right and four other beings directly in front of the glowing craft

Naturally, Miss Yegorovnam did what most would in the same situation and stored the alien in her fridge for two years, according to Unexplained Mysteries.
The website reported that two men turned up at her home a few days ago and confiscated the corpse for investigative purposes, claiming to be from the Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
‘The possibility this could be a genuine alien should not be discounted’
The footage was unearthed by noted paranormal writer and expert Michael Cohen.
Mr Cohen, 40, said: ‘This could be an elaborate hoax, however the possibility that this might be a genuine alien should not be discounted.
‘Russia is a hotbed of UFO activity and possible alien craft has been tracked by both military and civilian agencies.
‘In all likelihood most alien beings would look strange to us, much like this specimen.’
This latest claim from Russia comes after footage filmed in August in the remote Irkutsk region of Siberia appeared to show a strange glowing craft and five aliens walking about in the snow.
Alien life? This strange 'body' was discovered by two walkers close to Irkutsk, Siberia, in a renowned hotspot for extraterrestrial behaviourAlien life? This strange ‘body’ was said to have been discovered by two walkers close to Irkutsk, Siberia, in a renowned hotspot for extraterrestrial behaviour

Students Timur Hilall, 18, and Kirill Vlasov, 19, have admitted their 'find' of an alien in the Siberian woods was just a stuntStudents Timur Hilall, 18, and Kirill Vlasov, 19, admitted their ‘find’ was just a stunt and the alien was made from bread

In April, two students who claimed to have recovered a body from a UFO crash site admitted that the creature was in fact made out of bread.
Timur Hilall, 18, and Kirill Vlasov, 19, shot the video that showed the alien’s mangled remains frozen in snow, also in Irkutsk, Siberia.
The pair were questioned by police over their ‘extraterrestrial discovery’ but admitted to their stunt.
But not before their creation became an internet sensation, drawing almost 700,000 hits on YouTube.
Their find was deemed serious enough for the Kremlin to get involved and a spokesman from the Russian interior ministry confirmed the hoax.