Report: Dozens of U.S. spies captured in Lebanon and Iran …

Current and former U.S. officials concede that CIA suffered difficult blow; sources say Lebanon informants were compromised by meeting CIA agents at a Beirut Pizza Hut.

By Barak Ravid and The Associated Press
Dozens of spies working for the CIA were captured recently in Lebanon and Iran, current and former U.S. officials told The Associated Press and ABC News on Monday.
The CIA’s operations in Lebanon have been badly damaged after Hezbollahidentified and captured a number of the U.S. spies, officials told The Associated Press.
Hezbollah’s longtime leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, boasted on television in June that he had rooted out at least two CIA spies who had infiltrated the ranks of Hezbollah, which the U.S. considers a terrorist group closely allied with Iran. Though the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon officially denied the accusation, current and former officials concede that it happened and the damage has spread even further.
Dozens of U.S. spies captured in Lebanon and Iran
According to a report by ABC News, there were two distinct espionage rings targeting Iran and Hezbollah in which spies were recruited by the CIA.
Current and former U.S. officials said the two different spy rings were discovered separately but both caused a significant setback in U.S. efforts to track Iran’s nuclear activities and Hezbollah actions against Israel.
ABC reported that according to U.S. officials, the CIA used the codeword “Pizza” when discussing where to meet with the informants.
Other former officials said CIA case officers met several Lebanese informants at a local Beirut Pizza Hut branch, which helped Hezbollah identify the spies helping the CIA.
U.S. officials, however, deny any allegations that their agents were compromised at Pizza Hut, ABC reported.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah July 2, 2011 (AFP)
An image grab taken from Lebanon’s Hezbollah-run Manar TV shows Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah delivering a televised speech at an undisclosed location in Lebanon on July 2, 2011. Photo by: AFP
In recent months, CIA officials have secretly been scrambling to protect their remaining spies — foreign assets or agents working for the agency — before Hezbollah can find them.
To be sure, some deaths are to be expected in shadowy spy wars. It’s an extremely risky business and people get killed. But the damage to the agency’s spy network in Lebanon has been greater than usual, several former and current U.S. officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about security matters.
The Lebanon crisis is the latest mishap involving CIA counterintelligence, the undermining or manipulating of the enemy’s ability to gather information. Former CIA officials have said that once-essential skill has been eroded as the agency shifted from outmaneuvering rival spy agencies to fighting terrorists. In the rush for immediate results, former officers say, tradecraft has suffered.
The most recent high-profile example was the suicide bomber who posed as an informant and killed seven CIA employees and wounded six others in Khost, Afghanistan in December 2009.
Last year, then-CIA director Leon Panetta said the agency had to maintain “a greater awareness of counterintelligence.” But eight months later, Nasrallah let the world know he had bested the CIA, demonstrating that the agency still struggles with this critical aspect of spying and sending a message to those who would betray Hezbollah.
The CIA was well aware the spies were vulnerable in Lebanon. CIA officials were warned, including the chief of the unit that supervises Hezbollah operations from CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., and the head of counterintelligence. It remains unclear whether anyone has been or will be held accountable in the wake of this counterintelligence disaster or whether the incident will affect the CIA’s ability to recruit assets in Lebanon.
In response to AP’s questions about what happened in Lebanon, a U.S. official said Hezbollah is recognized as a complicated enemy responsible for killing more Americans than any other terrorist group before September 2001. The agency does not underestimate the organization, the official said.
The CIA’s toughest adversaries, like Hezbollah and Iran, have for years been improving their ability to hunt spies, relying on patience and guile to exploit counterintelligence holes.
In 2007, for instance, when Ali-Reza Asgari, a brigadier general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps of Iran, disappeared in Turkey, it was assumed that he was either killed or defected. In response, the Iranian government began a painstaking review of foreign travel by its citizens, particularly to places like Turkey where Iranians don’t need a visa and could meet with foreign intelligence services.
It didn’t take long, a Western intelligence official told the AP, before the U.S., Britain and Israel began losing contact with some of their Iranian spies.
The State Department last year described Hezbollah as “the most technically capable terrorist group in the world,” and the Defense Department estimates it receives between $100 million and $200 million per year in funding from Iran.
Backed by Iran, Hezbollah has built a professional counterintelligence apparatus that Nasrallah — whom theU.S. government designated an international terrorist a decade ago — proudly describes as the “spy combat unit.” U.S. intelligence officials believe the unit, which is considered formidable and ruthless, went operational in about 2004.
Using the latest commercial software, Nasrallah’s spy-hunters unit began methodically searching for spies in Hezbollah’s midst. To find them, U.S. officials said, Hezbollah examined cellphone data looking for anomalies. The analysis identified cellphones that, for instance, were used rarely or always from specific locations and only for a short period of time. Then it came down to old-fashioned, shoe-leather detective work: Who in that area had information that might be worth selling to the enemy?
The effort took years but eventually Hezbollah, and later the Lebanese government, began making arrests. By one estimate, 100 Israeli assets were apprehended as the news made headlines across the region in 2009. Some of those suspected Israeli spies worked for telecommunications companies and served in the military.
Back at CIA headquarters, the arrests alarmed senior officials. The agency prepared a study on its own vulnerabilities, U.S. officials said, and the results proved to be prescient.
The analysis concluded that the CIA was susceptible to the same analysis that had compromised the Israelis, the officials said.
CIA managers were instructed to be extra careful about handling sources in Lebanon. A U.S. official said recommendations were issued to counter the potential problem.
But it’s unclear what preventive measures were taken by the Hezbollah unit chief or the officer in charge of the Beirut station. Former officials say the Hezbollah unit chief is no stranger to the necessity of counterintelligence and knew the risks. The unit chief has worked overseas in hostile environments likeAfghanistan and played an important role in the capture of a top terrorist while stationed in the Persian Gulfregion after the attacks of 9/11.
“We’ve lost a lot of people in Beirut over the years, so everyone should know the drill,” said a former Middle East case officer familiar with the situation.
But whatever actions the CIA took, they were not enough. Like the Israelis, bad tradecraft doomed these CIA assets and the agency ultimately failed to protect them, an official said. In some instances, CIA officers fell into predictable patterns when meeting their sources, the official said.
This allowed Hezbollah to identify assets and case officers and unravel at least part of the CIA’s spy network in Lebanon. There was also a reluctance to share cases and some files were put in “restricted handling.” The designation severely limits the number of people who know the identity of the source but also reduces the number of experts who could spot problems that might lead to their discovery, officials said.
Nasrallah’s televised announcement in June was followed by finger-pointing among departments inside the CIA as the spy agency tried figure out what went wrong and contain the damage.
The fate of these CIA assets is unknown. Hezbollah treats spies differently, said Matthew Levitt, acounterterrorism and intelligence expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Studies who’s writing a book about the terrorist organization
“It all depends on who these guys were and what they have to say,” Levitt said. “Hezbollah has disappeared people before. Others they have kept around.”
Who’s responsible for the mess in Lebanon? It’s not clear. The chief of Hezbollah operations at CIA headquarters continues to run the unit that also focuses on Iranians and Palestinians. The CIA’s top counterintelligence officer, who was one of the most senior women in the clandestine service, recently retired after approximately five years in the job. She is credited with some important cases, including the recent arrests of Russian spies who had been living in the U.S. for years.
Officials said the woman was succeeded by a more experienced operations officer. That officer has held important posts in Moscow, Southeast Asia, Europe and the Balkans, important frontlines of the agency’s spy wars with foreign intelligence services and terrorist organizations.

Hizbullah busts Zionists’ ‘Pizza Hut spy ring’ …

Hizbullah has announced the capture of over a dozen spies working for CIA and Mossad. The CIA-Mossad spies and their local informant were using a Beirut Pizza Hut restaurant as their meeting place cover-up.
Several dozen CIA-Mossad agents have been captured in both Lebanon and Iran since the begining of this year. The Zionist-controlled mainstream media is whining that these so-called ‘spies’ will most probably put to death. It’s interesting to note that these whining thugs don’t mention the fate of Ali Reza Asgari, Iran’s former defense minister and retired Iran’s Revolutionary Guard General. He waskidnapped by Israeli Mossad while on visit to Turkey in 2007 and later murdered by Mossad agents in Ayalon Prison. Contrary to that Iran released on humanitarian basis three American Jews (Shane Bauer, Josh Fattal and Sarah Shourd), who were captured and sentenced for spying for Israel.
In June, Hizbullah had busted three of its own members working for CIA and Mossad. This proves once again the superiority of its counter-intelligence against American, Israeli and other European espionage networks. This has come another blow to the Zionist entity. Robert Fisk wrote in British daily Independent on January 21, 2010: “Israeli government have been announcing that the only “army” of Lebanon is the Hizbollah. The Hizbollah claimed that the 2006 war with Israel was a “divine victory” – it didn’t feel that way to us in southern Lebanon at the time – yet even Israel admits it was a near-defeat for its own ill-trained soldiers“.
Last year, Hizbullah uncovered two Israeli spy installations in the mountainous area near Beirut and the Bekaa Valley – one on Sannine mountain and another on Barouk Mountain. After that bust, Israeli Englishdaily Ha’aretz (December 16, 2010) quoted retired Israel Occupation Force (IOF) Gen. Giora Eiland, former national security adviser to former prime ministers Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert, saying on Army Radio: “Israel does not know how to beat Hezbollah”. Franklin Lamb PhD, agrees with Gen. Eiland’s views by saying a coward and corrupt Jewish Army cannot defeat the religiously-motivated and well disciplined Hizbullah fighters.
Since the Zionist entity doesn’t have embassies in most of Muslim Capitals – it uses the local US embassies for its espionage networks. The US embassies in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, AfghanistanPakistan, Qatar,Bangladesh, etc. have pro-Israel staffers.
Professor Robert Wright (Trenton University, Canada) in his book Our Man in Tehran – exposes Canadian Ambassador in Tehran Kenneth Taylor (1977-1980),  during 1979 Islamic Revolution as head of CIA operation in Iran.
Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer claimed in August that Israeli Mossad has captured America.

Bring The Devil To The Knees! …

Investing Your Future In A Poison Peace Process  

The leaders of both Pakistan and India must be prepared to turn away from the American bait and switch operation at play inAfghanistan, if they want to survive without suffering through violent repercussions for their partnerships with the devil.

The Indian analyst who authored the following piece (SEE: India, Pakistan, and God’s geostrategic will) is probably giving an accurate assessment of hisgovernment’s opinion of the current status of the Pakistani military, even though both his opinion and the projected government position are probably miscalculations or misinterpretations of Pakistani gestures.  He interprets recent moves and counter-moves by the Pak. Army and its “Islamist” paramilitary forces as signs of weakness, thereby justifying taking advantage of the new “peace process” as an opening for India to seize-upon, in order to exploit those perceived weaknesses.
Like all Indian analysts, Praveen Swami makes a lot of assumptions, based on the understanding that Pakistan is “besieged on all sides,” without ever acknowledging either India’s hand in that siege or America’s primary role (or for that matter, the British or Israeli hand).  You will never hear or read an Indian writer discussing outside sponsorship of the violence which plagues parts of Pakistan, even though many Western and Pakistani writers have examined Indian/American support for anti-Pakistan terrorists in depth (SEE:  The Stunning Investigative Story on the Birth of Balochistan Liberation Army–Mar 1, 2005).  The truth is, Pakistan the Nation probably is on the ropes, even though the Army is as robust as ever.  Through a clever combination of economic incentives and state-sponsored terrorism (compounded by successive, near-fatal blows from Mother Nature) Pakistan has been economically crippled and branded as an international pariah state.
The “peace process” has been sold to Pakistani leaders as a doorway out of this hellish existence, into the arms of the “community of nations,” even though entry will only be possible if Pakistan kneels before the Imperial dictates of the United States and its Indian proxies.  Pakistan’s biggest problem is its history with theCIA.  For more than thirty years, Pakistan has served as the CIA’s terrorist/jihadi laboratory, the place where the spymasters have perfected their art of “Islamist” destabilization.  This is the behavioral science of motivating indigenous Muslim populations to overthrow their own governments.  From the many years of practical experience that has been gained in Pakistan, the CIA mind-benders have established a working formula of “Islamist” agitation of highly religious, though under-educated Muslim populations, that takes advantage of the weaknesses in human nature itself, to cause the populations to rise-up against their own governments, demanding that those legitimate governments enforce a system of corrupt “Shariah Law” upon them.  This “peace process,” much like the failed Israeli/Palestinian peace process, is a delusional process, used to sell the participants a false “bill of goods” as the only “road map” to peace, even though it only leads to war.
Pakistan has many times seen the Islamist armies that it has trained turn against its trainers, usually for failure to live up to the Jihadi standards that they were taught.  These disaffected Jihadis then become active enemies of the state, such as the TTP in Waziristan and Swat.   These reversals have happened under the watchful eye and protection of that same State.  It is a moot question, at this point, whether the Army and ISI were willing players in all of this, or whether they too have fallen victim to American psywar games.  It is a process that has played-out in too many countries to be written-off to the workings of fate—the CIA mind games could never succeed without willing participants among the homeland populations.  Pakistani leaders have sold Pakistanis out, just as American leaders have continually sold Americans out.  It is the way of the Evil Empire.  You must invite the vampire into your house before he can drink your blood.
Now that this northern army has become fully activated as true enemies of the State, they work toward the same goals as the Baloch Liberation Army in the south, the destruction of the legitimate, democratically elected government of Pakistan.  Both puppet (proxy) armies dance to the same puppeteer’s tunes, but they believe that they are fighting for either Allah, or for country.  This is the glaring hypocrisy of the American Hegelian dialectic–the American government is continually building things up, to later knock them down.  Pakistan is suffering from a traditional pincer movement, but since they appear to be completely opposite in nature, with completely different goals, we tend to ignore the connection.  The Af-Pak region, more specifically, the Pashtun belt of that region, is being squeezed into a fluid, homogeneous mass, which can easily be pushed back and forth, to erase the invisible border which impedes American actions.
But you will hear about none of this from an Indian analyst.
American analysts are different, in that we analyze the Imperial plans from an American nationalist perspective.  Taking a patriotic angle, we look for weaknesses that will help us slay the Imperial Beast that has taken over our government and has been set loose upon the world.  We have become a fascist power in our effort to reshape the world, and realistic American analysts understand this.  Any useful analysis of world events must be based upon that premise.
The fascist power operates through a traditional “bait and switch” strategy.  They promote “Democracy” throughout the world as the primary weapon of destabilization, with the intent of crushing the results of any democratic movement in the end. We use it as bait, to tempt the targeted audience with unimagined political freedoms which will never materialize, holding them up as promised rewards for them risking their own lives in mass-movements to reform their own governments.  The switch comes after the regime is forced to change, whenever the democratic-revolution is exposed as an exercise in American Imperialism, giving the Empire veto power over any “democratic” decisions made by that government or the people they claim to represent.  After the dust of “regime change” has settled, the next American puppet government rules for as long as it can continue to repress the people.  Any elected government that doesn’t adhere to this rigid fascist formula becomes itself the next subject for regime change.
A realistic analysis of the India/Pakistani peace process would have to proceed on the assumption that the primary beneficiary will prove to be American.  If a deal between them is brokered by the US State Dept., by the Dept. of Commerce, or by the Pentagon, everyone should understand by now exactly where the big pay-off will go.  Mr. Singh is proving himself to be even more of a dupe than Zardari.  Nobody really expected anything less from Mr. Ten Percent, but the world put high hopes on Manmohan Singh.
Obama wants India and Pakistan to play nice, so that he can pretend to withdraw from Afghanistan, while leaving both of them (and the rest of the regional players) holding the bag after 2014.  Obama wants you to build and protect TAPI, which is to be the first of many pipelines on the strategic corridor to Central Asia, otherwise referred to as the “Silk Roads.”  Obama wants India to fill the great void of the former Soviet space with warm Indian bodies, some tending shiny new American-made jet fighters, others slaving in the elements on Indian road crews.
Obama wants Indian telecommunication companies as well as construction companies to help energize the CIS space, especially to build the currently non-existent road and rail networks needed to assimilate the resource bonanza.  India does stand to reap enormous financial rewards from this, if it will consent to transferring its developing industry into Central Asia, away from the Indian homeland, where it is needed even more urgently.  In Central Asia there are not enough roads because there have never been enough people, as opposed to India, where perhaps half a billion people suffer from economic deprivation that is exacerbated by a lack of development and the great investments which come with it.
Obama wants all of Afghanistan’s neighbors to lend full support to the hidden American plans, without ever revealing what they are, always with the promise of rewards beyond measure for unquestioned collaboration in that unrevealed plan.  He sells them a message of Hope, resting upon an appeal to Blind Faith in Americans and their inescapable commitment to do the Right Thing.  This is the formula for the fascist “snake oil” that Obama is peddling to get his way in the world.
The leaders of both Pakistan and India must be prepared to turn away from the American bait and switch operation at play in Afghanistan, if they want to survive without suffering through violent repercussions for their partnerships with the devil.  All Nations with peoples yearning to be free must be prepared to turn away from the fraudulent con-games which pass for world government these days, before the devil can ever be brought to his knees and humanity can finally learn what it means to be truly Free.

Russian warships entering Syrian waters to inhibit foreign invasion as opposition calls for no-fly zone …

In what represents the most confrontation between the West and Russia over the issue of Syrian intervention to date, Haaretz reports that a Syrian news agency said that Russian warships are due to arrive in Syrian territorial waters.
Haaretz characterizes this move as “a clear message to the West that Moscow would resist any foreign intervention in the country’s civil unrest,” and indeed it is a clear message that comes with threat of military repercussions.
Previously Russia has made it clear that they will not support yet another Western intervention in Syria but with the Arab League suspending Syria this week over their crackdown on armed opposition protesters, the stakes are getting higher by the day.
To make the already tense situation astoundingly worse, the former Syrian colonel and current leader of the Free Syrian army is calling for international intervention in no uncertain terms whatsoever.
There is truly nothing left to interpretation anymore, the Syrian opposition is armed, and as Riad al As’ad the leader of the Free Syrian Army said to Businessweek via telephone interview, “Our operations are increasing and we will reach the presidential palace. The regime is going to fall. It may take longer if there is no foreign assistance, but it’s not going to stay. It’s finished.”
“With the three separate attacks this week, they have raised the ante and are preparing the ground for a no- fly zone, similar to the scenario in Libya, which may have the support of a number of countries,” Theodore Karasik, the director of research at the Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis in Dubai told Bloomberg.
While As’ad claims that no country has offered to support the Free Syrian Army yet, the fighting group “welcomes all assistance.”
Yet Mohammad Riad Shaqfa, the exiled leader of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood said that, “If other interventions are required, such as air protection, because of the regime’s intransigence, then the people will accept Turkish intervention. They do not want Western intervention.”
Either Shaqfa is out of the loop or “all assistance” means “only Turkey.” I tend towards speculating that Shaqfa is just attempting to make foreign intervention more palatable, when in reality Turkey invading would mean Western nations taking part as well.
Of course, like Libya, this would be under the guise of a “support” role which in actuality means flying the vast majority of bombing runs and missions.
Yet Shaqfa’s assertion is completely contrary to the facts.
Reuters reports that France said it was encouraging Syrian opposition groups, including the Paris-based Syrian National Council, yet they claim they are opposed to outside military intervention.
“In any case we are helping them, we are encouraging them to get organized,” French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe told the French BFM Radio.
As’ad is calling for a so-called buffer zone in the north on the border between Syria and Turkey along with another in the south near the Jordanian border, supposedly “to help them bring the fight closer to Assad.”
The Arab League also proposed sending hundreds of so-called observers to Syria, but one wouldn’t be out of line in pointing out that Arab League nations helped obliterate Libya, specifically Qatar which was directing and fighting with the rebels in every major battle throughout the entirety of the uprising.
I believe that it might be a bit foolish to assume that observers are only observers and not so-called “trainers” who will help train, direct and fight with the opposition against Bashar al-Assad’s government.
As I have pointed out countless times now, all of the signs are pointing to a Libya-type scenario unfolding in Syria and all I can say is that I truly hope that I am wrong about this.
However, the Syrian government has already decried the United States’ “blatant interference” in the uprising there, and the reality of American interference is hardly arguable at this point.
Prominent U.S. politicians like John McCain, who just happens to be the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, have openly called for foreign intervention in Syria.
Earlier this month, the Syrian government accused the United States of funding terrorists in Syria, along with the clear meddling America has participated in recently.
The fact is, just like Libya, these so-called protesters, who are better characterized as a well-armed rebellion, have absolutely no interest in a peaceful resolution.
The Syrian opposition has declared that they will not hold any talks with the Assad government, and we saw this same thing with the al-Qaeda affiliated Libyan rebels.
The Russians are quite aware of this fact, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made this quite clear in talks with French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe in early September.
Lavrov pointed out that the Syrian opposition’s outright refusal to hold talks with the government clearly indicates that they are seeking international backing in the vein of what the Libyan rebels received.
Lavrov further emphasized the fact that international support could well lead to “new bloodshed” in Syria.
The Syrian opposition has also established a proto-government of sorts, straight out of the Western-backed Libyan playbook.
Instead of the National Transitional Council or Transitional National Council (NTC/TNC) depending on the news source, it is the Syrian National Council (SNC).
Is anyone else a bit amazed at the fact that they would follow the Libyan blueprint after seeing Libya absolutely decimated?
This is just one of the many pieces of the puzzle indicating that this is a Western-engineered faux revolution to justify armed intervention.
Yet, unlike Libya, Russia has pledged their support to the Assad government and they are actually backing it up with military firepower.
This will undoubtedly make for a much muddier situation for the U.S.-led NATO forces with the help of Arab League nations to wade into.
Lavrov has recently pointed out that the so-called Free Syrian Army assault on an Airforce Intelligence compound on the peripheries of Damascus was “already completely similar to civil war,” and he couldn’t be more correct.
You can no longer pretend to be a peaceful pro-democracy movement when you’re using rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns to assault a military base.
The 10-member military council that leads the Free Syrian Army has taken full credit for this assault while also destroying an armed personnel carrier (APC) at another intelligence agency base in Aleppo, according to the spokesman, Ammar al-Wawi.
The armed assault does not end there, indeed army defectors using rocket-propelled grenades to attack the Baath Party offices in the town of Maaret al-Numan.
As’ad claims that the Free Syrian Army gains 100-200 new members every time they conduct an attack on government targets.
According to As’ad the group’s fighters are spread out amongst all of the hotbeds of conflict that have seen the most action in the eight-month uprising.
These include suburbs of the Syrian capital of Damascus, the central cities of Homs and Hama, the southern region of Daraa, the norther province of Idlib, the port city of Latakia, and the eastern town of Deir al-Zour.
Even the establishment media seems to be picking up on the fact that the Syrian uprising isn’t just a bunch of peace-loving pro-democracy protesters dancing in the streets and hugging each other while the bloodthirsty Assad heartlessly slaughters them.
As Liz Sly for The Washington Post points out, in a blog of course as this is far from front-page material for a rag like The Washington Post, “If there were any doubt that the Syrian uprising is rapidly evolving into an armed insurgency, an unverified video posted on the Internet depicting what appears to be the ambush of a military vehicle by defected soldiers seems to dispel it.”
Her inclusion of “unverified” is a bit out of order seeing as the Free Syrian Army openly brags about the attack.
The Syrian state-run SANA news agency reported a rise in military casualties which clearly indicates that there is a well-armed insurgency in Syria.
The absurd part about this whole Syria debacle is that armed insurgents are free targets for American troops and drones nearly anywhere on Earth, yet when Assad attempts to defend his own government and his military; it is suddenly a humanitarian crisis.
This kind of doublethink and moral pragmatism disgusts me, and the fact that so many Westerners can reconcile this is beyond me.
Hopefully the Russian presence in Syrian territorial waters will deter any foreign invasion, be it Turkey or the U.S.-led NATO forces that are still washing the blood of Libyan civilians off their hands.
Any situation in which foreign troops invade Syria will not be a positive one for the invaders or the people of Syria.
Just like Libya, it will undoubtedly lead to a total destruction of the infrastructure, followed by looting of the natural resources and then the gold rush that is involved in rebuilding a country they just bombed into the Stone Age.
Madison Ruppert is the Editor and Owner-Operator of the alternative news and analysis database End The Lieand has no affiliation with any NGO, political party, economic school, or other organization/cause. If you have questions, comments, or corrections feel free to contact him at

Historian Brought Freemasons to Heel …

Nazi Germany had to make a show of being anti-Masonic
since its enemies were controlled byFreemasonry.
Bernard Fay seized this brief moment to try to save his beloved France.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Dufay.jpgring a brief periodfrom 1940-1944 in France,Freemasonry met its nemesis. He wasn’t a mighty warrior but rather an intellectual.
Harvard-educated historian, Bernard Fay, a member of the College de France and Director of the National Library, headed an investigative unit that rooted out Freemasons
Working for Vichy President Philippe Petain and the Gestapo, Bernard Fay compiled a list of 170,000Freemasons, of whom 989 were sent to concentration camps where 549 were shot. In addition, about 3000 lost their jobs. All Freemasons were required by law to declare themselves to authorities.

Fay also seized the secret archives from the Grand Orient in Paris and from Masonic lodges throughout the country. He compiled the information at the Biblioteque National and edited a monthly Journal, Les Documents Maconniques.

The lead articles had titles like “Freemasonry and the Corruption of Morals.” “Freemasonry Against the State,” and “The Masonic Lie.”

In 1943, Fay produced a film entitled Forces Occultes which depicted Masonic subversion world wide. The film recounts the life of a young Député (Congressman) who joins the Freemasons in order to relaunch his career. He thus learns of how Illuminati Jewish finance in England and the US used Freemasonry to involve France in a war against Germany. The Director Jean Mamy was executed as a collaborator in 1949.  Thanks to YouTube, the film in French can be seen online.

Of course, after France was “liberated” by the Masonic powers in 1944, the tables were turned.
Fay was arrested and sent to a concentration camp. When he finally came to trial in 1946, he was unrepentant and defiant.
“My great imprudence was to remain in France from 1940 to 1944, to dream of its regeneration, to consecrate all of my forces to it, to risk my life for it, and to believe in it, ” he said.
According to Barbara Will, author of Unlikely Collaboration, “perhaps the most striking aspect of his trial was the unwillingness of prosecutors to argue with Fay about the political opinions he still freely expressed.”
For example, he stated to the court that “for many years I have considered Masonry a dangerous institution, and on this point for some twenty years I have changed neither opinion nor language. The presence of the Germans had no effect on my ideas.” (p. 181)
It is a measure of the vice-like grip that Freemasonry has on the liberal mind that Barbara Will, an English professor at Dartmouth College, persists in describing Fay’s views as “paranoid” and “bilious.”
Fay had access to the secret archives of the Grand Orient. If he said they were dedicated to establishing a Luciferian world tyranny, he was anything but uninformed.
The French Masonic powers investigated more than 300,000 cases of collaboration between 1944 and 1949; 6783 sentences of death were handed down in France and 1600 carried out. In contrast, only 200-300 Nazis were hanged in Germany.
Fay didn’t have much faith in his trial. The judge, he noted, was an “Israelite and Freemason.” Surprisingly, he was not hanged. On Dec 6 1946, at the age of 54, he was sentenced to hard labor for life.
In 1951, while convalescing in a prison hospital, he managed to escape toSwitzerland with the help of fellow anti-Masons. Two years later, he was pardoned by Charles de Gaulle. Nevertheless, he remained in Switzerland, where he continued to teach and write books until his death in 1978.
Our minds have been trained to shut down at the mention of God. However, the New World Order is ultimately an occult exercisedesigned to replace God (Reality) with Lucifer, who represents the Illuminati’s self serving rebellion.
This cult consists of Cabalist Jews and Freemasons who proclaim God has no form and is unknowable. They step into the breach and anoint themselves God.
They create a solipsistic man-made reality. This is why they must control the mass media and education. We are prisoners of this matrix. Modern (i.e. Masonic) culture is a fraud dedicated to undermining marriage and family (through gender bending and promiscuity), race, religion (God) and country. It is a dead-end.
In fact, mankind is connected to God by our soul (which the Illuminati deny exists.)  God has attributes which we all crave, spiritual absolutes such as Truth, Love, Goodness, Justice, Beauty and Harmony.
These attributes ultimately are Reality. That is why we we feel confused, listless and empty without them. The Illuminati is dedicated to turning Reality on its head, making what is healthy seem sick, good seem evil, true seem false; and vice-versa.
All true religions are based on this paradigm. That is why Freemasonry is dedicated to destroying them.
Bernard Fay belongs to the France of theancien regime, the true France of Monarch, Church and army. This France was rotted out and destroyed by Illuminati Jewish finance and their Masonic lackeys who sponsored the French Revolution.
Modern history is an account of how power and wealth has been transferred from the church and aristocracy to Illuminati finance using liberal and democratic ideals as pretexts.
Nazi Germany had to make a show of being anti-Masonic since its enemies were controlled by Freemasonry.  Bernard Fay seized this brief moment to try to save his beloved France. Of course, this window closed quickly since the Nazis were financed and controlled at the top by the Illuminati.
Modern history and culture is saturated by Masonic assumptions yet the cult is largely unknown and unmentioned. Masonic Illuminism is the (satanic) religion of mankind yet its name is never spoken.
I was channel surfing yesterday and landed on the program “Decoded.”
A 33-degree Freemason in Washington DC was disavowing any Masonic plot for world domination.
This is another case of “listen to what we say, not what your eyes tell you.”
Illuminati conspiracies always deny with their lips what they do with their hands.
If Freemasons don’t control the world, why do their symbols dominate Washington DC and other world capitals? Why are Barrack Obama and most of his GOP opponents Freemasons?
If they were dedicated to good as they claim, the world would be a different place.
Our society continues to be dysfunctional, corrupt and scandal plagued. Yet it refuses to address the underlying cause: subversion and control by a pernicious satanic cult.

Top Russian general: NATO expansion raises danger of nuclear conflict …

By The Associated Press

Russia sees NATO’s expansion to include formerSoviet bloc countries in eastern and central Europe as a key threat to its security.

Russia is facing a heightened risk of being drawn into conflicts at its borders that have the potential of turning nuclear, the nation’s top military officer said Thursday.
Gen. Nikolai Makarov, chief of the General Staff of the Russian armed forces, cautioned over NATO’s expansion eastward and warned that the risks of Russia being pulled into local conflicts have “risen sharply.”
Makarov added, according to Russian news agencies, that “under certain conditions local and regional conflicts may develop into a full-scale war involving nuclear weapons.”
A steady decline in Russia’s conventional forces has prompted the Kremlin to rely increasingly on its nuclear deterrent. The nation’s military doctrine says it may use nuclear weapons to counter a nuclear attack on Russia or an ally, or a large-scale conventional attack that threatens Russia’s existence.
Russia sees NATO’s expansion to include former Soviet republics and ex-members of the Soviet bloc in eastern and central Europe as a key threat to Russia’s security.
Makarov specifically referred to NATO’s plans to offer membership to Georgia andUkraine as potentially threatening Russia’s security. Russia routed Georgian forces in a brief August 2008 war over a separatist province of South OssetiaMoscow later recognized South Ossettia and another breakaway Georgian province of Abkhazia as independent states and increased its military presence there.
Makarov warned that the planned pullout of NATO forces from Afghanistan could trigger conflicts in neighboring ex-Soviet Central Asian nations that could “grow into a large-scale war.”
In its military doctrine, Russia has also described U.S. missile defense plans as another major security challenge, saying it could threaten its nuclear forces and undermine their deterrence potential.
Moscow has agreed to consider NATO’s proposal last fall to cooperate on the missile shield, but the talks have been deadlocked over how the system should operate. Russia has insisted that the system should be run jointly, which NATO has rejected.
Makarov also said Russia is struggling to get enough recruits for the 1-million military, as the number of draftees has shrunk dramatically because of demographic changes.
He said that the military is aiming to gradually increase the number of contract soldiers and eventually form an all-volunteer army. He didn’t mention a specific time frame.
The statement marked a sharp change of course for the top military brass who previously insisted that Russia needs to maintain the highly unpopular draft because an all-volunteer military would be too costly.

Venezuela: Nuclear Conflict Looms ahead if Iran and Syria are Attacked …

After a long break caused by serious health problems, Venezuela’s H. Chavez resumed on November 15 the practice of televised addresses on key policy issues. As a key message prompted by the recent developments, the Venezuelan leader sent to his nation and to the international community a strong warning about the threat of anuclear conflict currently brewing in the Middle East… “There’s a nuclear war threat…The most guilty [of this risk] is the United States government and its allies such as Israel, who have many nuclear bombs,” said Chavez in a voice full of emotion.
The US propaganda campaign built around the myth of Iran’s nuclear-arms ambitions has been unfolding for years, growing increasingly hysterical in the process. Chavez at all times reiterated Venezuela’s support for Iran, expressing confidence in the civilian character of the country’s nuclear program. The statements invariably drew  Washington’s ire or even allegations of the Venezuelan regime’s complicity with Ahmadinejad in secretly building nuclear weapons. Among other groundless claims, the US information warfare forces floated the fictitious story of uranium mining in Venezuela in the interests of the Iranian nuclear programand even fed to the media photographs of the Venezuelan uranium mine which, as it transpired shortly, actually showed a bicycle-assembling factory which used Iranian-supplied components. No apologies followed, as for the Empire lies are a normal instrument employed to influence the world around. The world is used to hearing lies from US presidents, secretaries of state, defense secretaries, bankers, journalists, diplomats, and intelligence operatives. The intensity of alarmist call for a global war on terror, ostensibly to counter the terrorist threat targeting the US at all angles, peaked in the wake of the September 11, 2001 drama when the Trade Center in NY was blown up on the order from the US “shadow government”. A tide of US special operations immediately swept across the world from Afghanistan and Iraq to Russia.
At the moment Syria, like Iran, is facing an unprecedented smear campaign. Armed groupstrained by the US and Israeli intelligence services are penetrating the country with the mission of destabilizing Bashar al-Assad’s regime and igniting clashes, which could be cited internationally as a pretext for an intervention. The mercenaries’ atrocities in Syria seem to indicate that they have been trained by the US, Israeli, and French instructors who gained much of their past experience in Libya. Israeli commandos and Mossad operatives are particularly notorious for cruelty. Tel Aviv is fanning the internal strife in Syria to weaken the country militarily in the run-up to air raids against Iran’s allegedly arms-related nuclear infrastructures, along with its command and communication centers, air-defense installations, and munitions depots.
With memories still fresh of what happened in Iraq and Libya, of the sufferings the countries’ populations had to endure, and of the killings of S. Hussein and M. Gadhafi, Iran is determined to fight back in every way possible, and the Pentagon is fully aware of the perspective. US military planners warned the White House that the consequences of a military campaign against Iran can prove unpredictable, and B. Obama, who has permanently looked exhausted recently, decided to take time and, within several weeks, to consult with the US allies. The forecast at the moment is that Washington will not go beyond pushing for tighter sanctions against Iran, but chances are the US is simply trying to cause Tehran to lose vigilance.
The pro-Zionist global media provide extensive coverage of the potential plans for an attack on Iran, throwing in pieces of disinformation or attempting to intimidate the country. At the end of a long process of forging evidence of Iran’s making dirty bombs and bacteriological warfare in secret laboratories, the Western intelligence agencies may have started to believe in what they preached and now take seriously Tehran’s pledges of a crushing retaliatory strike. From Chavez’s perspectives, neither the US nor Israel can be trusted, Iran has serious reasons for concern, and provocations can take place any moment. Iran’s foes have no shortage of prefabricated scenarios, and some of the Western analysts in fact suggested using tactical nuclear weapons to  inflict maximal damage on the Iranian military infrastructure. This may be the reason why Chavez had to stress that no government has the right to resort to nuclear weapons as no nations, including their own, would stay unharmed, and the radioactivity would put life on Earth as a whole in jeopardy.
In September, 2011, Venezuelan foreign minister Nicolás Maduro delivered a message on behalf of Chavez to the 66th session of the UN General Assembly. The sense of concern behind the talk resonated with the audience as Maduro said: “an unprecedented, imperialist and permanent war had begun”. The Venezuelan envoy maintained that the unlimited power of the military and financial oligarchy which, to boost its own revenues, is destroying the world and de facto runs a large group of countries, leads the world to a global catastrophe. He further stressed that war has to be a way of life for the financial capital as, destroying societies, wars help the chosen few to amass unbelievable riches. In the nearest future the world will be confronted with the threat of a new series of colonial wars being unleashed, with Libya as the starting point, to revitalize the global capitalist system now trapped in a deep structural crisis.  
It is clear that the escalation around Iran and Syria, least the launch of military campaigns against the two countries, would cast a long shadow over the relations between Moscow and Washington. For Moscow, the independence and sovereignty of Iran and Syria are important from the standpoint of geopolitical stability along Russia’s southern frontier, and the Kremlin becomes increasingly vocal about this aspect of the situation. So far, there is no impression that Washington and Tel Aviv, eager to make another step towards global dominance, are ready to take Moscow’s position into account.  
Discussing ways of taming the US and NATO, Chavez constantly invokes the themes of the multipolar world, alternative centers of power, and the cooperation between such countries as China, Russia, India, and Brazil in the name of peace. So far, however, their leaders appear to be lacking the will needed to put an end to the rising neocolonialism and unabashed international banditry.
Global Research Articles by Nil Nikandrov

2011 Poll: Only 6% of the EU would support Military Action against Iran …

According to a 2011 poll by Transatlantic Trends very few people in the EU, US, and Turkey would support military action against Iran.
The report starts with preamble by saying: “In a year of tumult and upheaval, with political revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa, natural catastrophes in Japan,economic turmoil in Europe and theUnited States, the killing of Osama bin Laden, and heated debates over NATO, Transatlantic Trends paints a picture of a complex relationship between the United States andEurope and how they respond to global challenges. Transatlantic Trends shows that people respond to complexity with nuance rather than simplification.”
One of its key findings was in regards to Iran and the support that US, EU, and Turkish citizens would provide their states for a military attack on Iran.
In Section Four (Transatlantic Security), the poll states: “Very few people in the EU (6%), the United States (13%), and Turkey (4%) preferred military action over other options.”
See the report.

Asia-Pacific: US Ramps Up Global War Agenda …

Like a schoolyard bully, President Barack Obama is flexing American military muscle as he currently sweeps through the Asia-Pacificregion. The nominal impetus for the tour was the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit held in Hawaii last week. But rather than discussing “economics” (the E in APEC), the salient focus for Obama and his entourage appears to be “war” – and in particular laying down battle lines to China.
Testy relations with China is nothing new for Washington given recent months of US haranguing over trade and finance, but what Obama’s bombast signals is a sinister ramping up of the militarist agenda towards Beijing.
As if bouncing underlings and lackeys into his gang, the American president has moved on from Honolulu with stopovers in Australia, Indonesia and elsewhere. Given the primary economic power of China in the hemisphere, it might be thought appropriate for Obama to make a cordial visit to Beijing to discuss partnerships and policies to revive the global economy. But no. The omission of China on this major US tour seems to be a deliberate snub to Beijing and a message to the region: that China is to be isolated and ringfenced. This is the stuff of warmongering writ large.
The blatant aggression is naturally smoothed over and made palatable by the Western mainstream media. Reporting on Obama’s unilateral belligerence at the APEC, the Washington Post bemoans: “Try as he might to focus Asian and Pacific leaders on forging new economic partnerships during a regional summit here, President Obama has spent much of his time in private meetings with his counterparts discussing another pressing concern: national security [that is, US military power].”
The Financial Times reports breathlessly: “Barack Obama will not set foot in China during his swing through the Asia-Pacific region… yet the country’s rapid economic ascent and military advances will provide the backdrop for almost everything he does on the trip.”
Note the assertion that it is China’s “military advances” that are prompting US concerns, not the more reasonable and realistic observation that Washington is the one beating the war drums.
The FT goes on to say: “The Pentagon is quietly working on a new strategy dubbed the AirSea Battle concept, which is designed to find ways to counter Chinese military plans to deny access to US forces in the seas surrounding China.”
In “seas surrounding China” it may be thought by some as entirely acceptable for Beijing to “deny access to US forces”. But not, it seems, for the scribes at the FT and other Western mainstream media, who transform US offence/Chinese defence into Chinese offence/US defence. One can only imagine how that same media would report it if China announced that it was intending to patrol nuclear warships off California.
As previously noted by Michel Chossudovsky at Global Research, theSouth China Sea’s untapped reserves of oil and other minerals are a major driver in US maneouvring. China stands to have natural territorial rights to these deposits and has much more valid claim to the wealth than the US, whose counter-claims on the matter seem at best arrogant and at worst provocative. Again, one can imagine the US and mainstream media reaction if China was eyeing oil and gasfields off Alaska.
But there is a bigger geopolitical agenda here, as Global Research has consistently analysed. The increasing US militarism in Asia-Pacific is apiece with the globalization of war by the US/NATO and its allies. The shift in policy is, as the Washington Post lamely tells us, “the US reasserting itself as a leader in the Asia-Pacific after years of focusing on [illegal] wars in the Middle East.”
However, this is not a dynamic that should be viewed as somehow normal and acceptable. This is, as we have stated, an escalation of global aggression by powers that are “addicted to war” as a matter of policy.
Top of the US hit list is China. Washington’s criminal wars in Iraq and Libya have in particular been aimed at cutting China out of legitimate energy investments in the Middle and East and North Africa (and Africa generally). That in itself must be seen by Beijing as a flagrant assault on its overseas’ assets. Not content, it seems, with achieving that dispossession of vital Chinese energy interests, Washington is now pushing its insatiable appetite all the way into China’s domain. But such unprecedented aggression is made to appear by the US government and the dutiful mainstream media as a natural entitlement where refusal by the other party is perversely presented as “military plans to deny access”.
Obama’s visit to Australia this week is undoubtedly aimed at further twisting the threat to China. In Darwin, the US president is overseeing the opening of a base that will see for the first time US Marines being able to conduct war games on Australian soil. Thousands of kilometers from China, this development may at first seem inconsequential. But then we are told that the move is designed to station US military “out of the reach of Chinese ballistic missiles”. The insinuation is unmistakable and menacing: China is an imminent threat. Somehow, without issuing any such aggressive moves, Beijing is suddenly made to look as if it is prepared to launch ballistic missiles at US installations.
It is tempting to call this US-led dynamic of global war “dysfunctional”. But, disturbingly, it is not merely dysfunctional. The global war dynamic is a function of the collapse of capitalism and democracy in the US and Europe (the brutal police crackdown on Occupy protesters across the US is evidence of the latter). War on the world is the logical outcome of this failed system, as history has already shown us with the horrors of World War One and Two.
Karl Marx once noted: “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce”. To avert another “farce” in which the horrors of history are repeated, we need to once and for all challenge the root cause: capitalism.

Iran loses top missile expert in explosions …

Brig. Hassan Moghadam, head of Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) missile development and sections of its nuclear program, was killed in one of the two consecutive explosions that hit two IRGC bases 46 kilometers west of Tehran Saturday, Nov. 12. The official fatality figure is 32.  Fourteen hours after explosions blasts could still be heard and fires raged.  debkafile’s exclusive sources report the bases are located in Malard, a town in the Shahryar district. The Moadarres facility was the first to be hit, while the second and bigger blast occurred at Amir-al-Mo’menin.
Their force was such that the Iranian Red Crescent rushed 45 ambulances to the two facilities plus 23 buses converted to first-aid vehicles and a helicopter to evacuate the critically injured.
However, only six rescue workers were given access to the Moadarres base and none were permitted to enter Amir-al-Mo’menin because of the facility’s sensitivity.
 Fourteen hours after the explosions, the blasts continued and fires raged. Surrounding streets were closed and reporters kept away from the scene.
Our sources report increasing evidence that the first explosion was caused by a failed effort to mount a nuclear warhead on a Shahab-3 intermediate-range missile.
It was powerful enough to shatter windows and damage shops in Tehran. People gathering on street corners wondered if Israel had attacked Iran’s nuclear sites or destroyed Revolutionary Guards missile bases.  They recalled Supreme Ruler Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s threat Thursday, Nov. 10 to take the war to the streets of Tel Aviv if Tehran was attacked.
IRGC spokesman, Brig. Ramedan Sharif, sharply denied what he said was speculation that the military base was linked to Iran’s nuclear program. “This blast is not related to any nuclear tests,” he said in response to widespread rumors. He insisted the explosion had occurred at an ammo store which was part of the Guards’ “self-sufficiency” system, a term they apply to their munitions plants and the factories manufacturing missile components.
The Iranian authorities, after raising the fatality figure to 32, withheld information on the injured, most of which where transferred to IRGC rather than civilian hospitals. Some may have been foreign engineers or scientists whose presence Tehran is anxious to conceal.
The Emergency Council which deals with extraordinary happenings liable to affect the regime’s stability met in emergency session Saturday night.
Earlier Saturday, debkafile reported on the two huge explosions at two separate military bases west of Tehran killing dozens of Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), wounding many more and trapping an unknown number under rubble.
In Tehran, 40 kilometers away, windows were shattered and damage caused vehicles and shops. The blasts were heard in Tehran’s center.
debkafile’s military and Iranian sources report that the explosions may have been part of a series carried out by Iranian dissident groups last month.
The suspicion of sabotage was strengthened by the occurrence Friday of a big fire at a Tehran warehouse used according to our sources by the IRGC for crowd dispersal gear.
The ammo base blown up Saturday in the town of Malard in Shahryar district contained large quantities of rubber bullets, tear gas and other ordnance. A short time later, the second explosion hit a light arms depot at a military camp of Bidganeh several kilometers away. That both were accidents is hardly credible. The two blasts were confirmed by the Iranian lawmaker Hossein Garussi without further details.
Tehran recently broke up an armed dissident group called Oghab. Three members were executed and the others were allowed to flee the country. An organization of that name operates in the United States, but its leader denied involvement in any sabotage operations inside Iran.