12 of Hollywood’s Most Mysterious Deaths …

Thirty years after actress Natalie Wood died after going on a boating trip with then-husband Robert Wagner and Christopher Walken, officials have reopened theinvestigation of her death. For years after Wood’s death — which was ruled an accident — suspicions and theories have been raised about what actually happened on the boat that day. Wood’s death is not the only Hollywood tragedy that has been shrouded in mystery and intrigue.
Bob Crane
The Hogan’s Heroes star was found bludgeoned to death in a Scottsdale, Arizona apartment on June 29, 1978. The murder was examined in director Paul Schrader‘s 2002 film Auto Focus and A&E’s Cold Case Files.
Crane’s case was reopened in 1990 and led to John Henry Carpenter, a friend of Crane’s being tried for the crime. Carpenter was acquitted in 1994.
Bob Crane
David Carradine
The Kill Bill and Kung Fu star was found dead in a Bangkok hotel room closet with a noose around his neck on June 4, 2009.
A private autopsy funded by his family concluded that the actor died from asphyxiation, and that the way the actor’s body was bound allowed him to rule out suicide. Bangkok police said that Carradine’s body was in a sitting position, with a rope wrapped around his neck and attached to a closet bar when a maid discovered him.
David Carradine
Elizabeth Short
Elizabeth Short was a 22-year-old aspiring actress who was gruesomely murdered in Los Angeles. Short achieved fame post-humously when her story was sensationalized by the media, and she was dubbed the Black Dahlia.The case was never solved. A neo-noir novel, The Black Dahlia by James Ellroy, was published in 1987 and was made into a 2006 movie directed by Brian De Palma.
Elizabeth Short
George Reeves
The Adventures of Superman star was 45 when he was found dead lying naked in his bed with a single gunshot wound to the temple in his Beverly Hills home in 1959. And, though the death (which was the subject of the 2006 movie Hollywoodland) was ruled a suicide at the time, his mother commissioned her own separateinvestigation. Speculation arose that the actor’s ex-lover, actress Toni Mannix, orchestrated a hit on Reeves.
George Reeves
Jack Nance
A regular in David Lynch projects (EraserheadTwin Peaks, Blue Velvet), Nance was found dead on Dec. 30, 1996. The cause of death was subdural hematoma caused by blunt-force trauma.
He is believed to have been punched in the head and knocked to the ground during a fight with two men at his local doughnut shop.
Another theory is that he hurt himself in a drunken stupor, as his blood level was 0.24 percent at the time of his death.
Jack Nance
JonBenét Ramsey
JonBenét Ramsey was a beauty pageant child contestant who was murdered in her home in Colorado. Astrange and twisted tale unraveled in which Ramsey’s parents said that they had received a ransom note just eight hours before her body was found demanding $118,000 in exchange for their daughter’s return. Suspicion remained on JonBenét’s parents, who insisted they were innocent and published a book in 2000,The Death of Innocence. Ramsey’s mother died just before John Mark Karr admitted that he killed Ramsey. He was later released, however, when DNA tests showed he could not have been at the crime scene. Prosecuters cleared the parents, and claim that DNA points to an “unexplained third
JonBenét Ramsey
Marilyn Monroe
The actress’ sudden death was officially ruled a suicide in 1962 when she slipped into a coma after overdosing on sleeping pills. But, there has always been speculation surrounding the events of her death, which saw many items allegedly being removed from her home. Theories have included murder by the mafia in retaliation to President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert (both of whom she was reportedly having affairs with, and who have also been discussed as possibly orchestrating the murder), as well as an accidental overdose.
Marilyn Monroe


A Healer’s Description of the Illuminati …

Many people are mistaken that Illuminati or Satanists are mediocre and seek an unfair advantage by betraying society. The Illuminati actively seek out and recruit the gifted, especially those with spiritual gifts.
Typically, they will approach the talented with offers of fame and fortune and promises of high rank within their organization.
Satan himself has been known to personally make his offer to certain individuals. He does not have horns or a pointy tail. He is handsome, incredibly intelligent and charming. Like Al Pacino in Devil’s Advocate.  Nevertheless he is the father of all lies.
Yes, Satan is a real entity. Demons are organized and he is the leader.  He is a spirit. I personally know 3 people that have had the same experience of being offered fame and fortune if they would go over to his side. These 3 individuals are not acquainted. 

Similarly, the New Testament records that Jesus had been approached by Satan and offered the kingdoms of the world, if he would bow and worship him. Jesus also alludes that they are organized with the statement “a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand”.

This is a real experience, few ever speak of it.
They carefully place their intellectuals within universities. I have discovered them teaching not to educate, but to discredit morality and religion. They mislead youth by covering up or even falsifying science.
Some towns are dominated by Satanists; they are in city halls, police and fire departments. They are placed in the highest offices of politics, courtrooms and law practices from coast to coast.
They are in our churches. Even some well known evangelists are involved, where they teach guilt and dogmatism rather than love and forgiveness.
They are in the helping professions such as medicine and psychology. They are not there to help. They are there to milk people of all the money they can. They will connive to close down any MD that discovers cheap or easy cures or any psychologist that speaks out against homosexuality or ritual abuse.
In my experience, the tool they use is ridicule and shame to detour people from truth. However, they fear exposure and if I suspect them and allude to it, they quickly back away.
Having worked with several escaped Satanists, I can tell you that the Illuminati and Satanism are not based upon trust, but upon the fear of exposure of crimes they have participated in. None trust each other. In fact members generally envy and hate each other.
Generational Satanists ritually sexually abuse their own young children. These events are filmed. Should the perp step out of line, these films will be used to blackmail them.
When a certain governor endorsed a presidential candidate that was not the Illuminati’s choice, his use of expensive prostitutes was exposed in the national press. His life and career were deservedly ruined. The press were well aware of his proclivities for some time.
Should they be found out by honest law enforcement and still are in good standing, corrupt law enforcement will drop the charges as in the Aquino abuse and pedophilia case.
Today you can’t get anywhere in politics unless they have dirt on you, in order to keep you under control. If you are not one of them, you will not get publicity. You may even find yourself in prison under false charges.
The Illuminati could not have gotten where they are today without the help of their worldwide minions in the press
When their Babylonian economic system fails (which is very soon) they will be the first at each others throats. They may even instigate World War III as high rankingmembers are in the U.S., Chinese and Russian governments.
Therefore I suggest that all of you prepare quickly. Get enough food for your loved ones to last a year or more. We that refuse to lift the sword against our brothers will have to separate ourselves physically from the ensuring chaos for our mutual benefit and survival.
Witches and sorcerers are the lowest level within Satanism. They believe they have learned to harness demons to create havoc and receive gain.
But really it is the other way around. Their demons can confuse or enrage people to the point that they do savage acts or even commit suicide.
Demons can posses us if we allow them. Attempted possession usually happens when you choose to make a major positive change in your life. The demons want to stop your progress at all cost. There is absolutely no self doubt when you are attacked. It is like a train wreck, and will make a believer out of the staunchest atheist.
Demons can operate on the physical plane. They can make things go bump in the night. They can cause physical injury such as bites, bruises, cuts and can even cause illness. They come in different sizes, shapes and strengths. A powerful one can literally cause a stone building to shake to its foundations.
But demons have power over us only if we allow them. We allow them by feeding them with our own fear, guilt, shame, rage, greed, lust, or hunger for power; though we may not always be conscious of it.
To those rare few that can see them, most demons are hideous and deformed non-human entities. Through Hollywood, (Satan’s propaganda machine), our culture is now reflecting the same ugliness in ourentertainment and arts.
Vulgar TV programs, rap or rock music, arguments and fighting also attract them into our own homes.
Even Christian rock music will attract them. They are attracted to the ugliness of the music; it’s not necessarily the lyrics that bring or repel them.
The use of mind altering drugs and alcohol debilitates us and enables them to gain control over us. This is why so many heinous crimes are committed while under the influence.
Promiscuity will open us up to their influences in addition to adding and sharing the “Karmic’ burden of each sexual partner. That is why the promiscuous heap huge problems into their lives, suffer multiplehealth and emotional problems and age faster than the rest of us.
Getting rid of demons is not that difficult. Firmly invoking the name of, God or Christ can send them away. But if you do so with fear or anger they stay and laugh at you. They feed off of your fear or rage and become stronger.
Those that carefully repent and live upright lives are protected by being free of the guilt associated with sin.

Methods of Illuminati Mind Control …

The Illuminati have the means to introduce thoughts, to influence night time dreams, and to produce visual projections seemingly in real time space.
They have sponsored brain-pattern science because the ability to produce a controlling mental signal is the final key.
The operating principle of this mind-controltechnology is that there does exist a ‘sixth sense’ — the electromagnetic brain field. The scientific assessment is that this field is responsive — therefore, control is possible.
Illuminati mind-control technology is capable not only of reading thoughts of all types with absolute precision, but of using predictable neuron-firing patterns (‘resonance’) as a point of delivery. In other words, thoughts can be inserted into the weak-minded.
The finessed process of deep mind control involves several stages.
SCANNING: Targeted individuals’ minds are monitored in order to establish a schedule of attention patterns. That is, habits. Everyone thinks about a few things often.
This is the entry point. Once a mental and emotional map of repetitive thought has been drawn, the initial stage of influence can begin. The electromagnetic mind-delivery system interrupts an habitual neuron-firing pattern with an extremely brief ‘blank’ state, immediately followed by a new, and brief, Illuminati-designed pattern.
As the targeted subject becomes accustomed to the briefly imposed pattern, that pattern can be lengthened over time into an entirely new and controlled series of thought patterns.
This method is called ‘emotional acclimation’. It has been derived from the most basic principles of human learning, and it differs from home and classroom education only in that the delivery of information is both concealed from the ‘learner’, and originates from a remote location via advanced technology.
CONCEALMENT: Intrusive thought control must be hidden. The introduction of ideas, the presentation of influential imagery, and emotional influence of behavioral choices, must all be concealed.
There are numerous means of concealment, but I will present the most obvious.
It is especially important to the Illuminati that pornography is consumed. The more extreme the pornography, the better. The more often the better. Habitual sexual fantasizing provides a smooth entry point for the insertion of thoughts, not only because sexual fantasy tends to be repetitive and to self-amplify over time. Sexual taboos provide external thought intrusions with an ideal place to hide.
A man holding taboo sexual desires is in no hurry to exhibit his hidden self to the world. Thoughts inserted, or else any deeper influential control mechanisms installed during a person’s time in this dark space, are by practical definition destined to dwell within and operate from a deep internal space.
The Illuminati appreciate that, because it makes their work easier. Habitual fantasizing provides the perfect framework for mapping the behavior/reward structure of any given psyche.
RATIONALIZATION: It is not sufficient only to introduce new thoughts, notions, and impulses which enable deep control. The receiver must eventually become willing to accept them and follow them at the conscious level.
Individuals being influenced by mind control themselves perform the psychological choices which foist theirawareness of external control. This is kit and key to the success of the process. Rebellion against the process would be a risk.
CULTURE-WIDE BOMBARDMENT: Have you ever wondered why Hollywood tends to produce more than one film of the same theme, the same exact subject material, within close periods of time?
For example, last year two major motion pictures were released, concerning specifically the ninth roman legion; two, concerning no-strings sexual friendships; and at least three, concerning alien invasions. I should mention that we’re going on FIVE “Pirates of the Caribbean” films, now. Five.
Most would put this down to mere film studio competition (but you might note that no other film studios have been producing pirate films). The actual reasons are more sinister. Media theme saturation gets millions — sometimes billions ( as with ‘Avatar’, and especially ‘Pirates’) — of people thinking the same thoughts, memorizing the same imagery, asking the same questions, and ingesting new ideas…all together, at the same time.
See, even though the precise neural arrangement of each individual brain is unique, and each mind is unique, neural firing patterns are predictable. Each action of the mind moves through the human brain in a pattern that is statistically knowable.
The Illuminati use their select base of test subjects as a survey to establish templates for general (broad wave) delivery to the media-devouring public.
Once a template is established, and the delivery point has been chosen, the process of introducing subliminal messages may commence.
This procedure is successful because most members of the public happily embrace repetitive — and therefore increasingly predictable — thoughts and behaviors.
Media presentations presenting strong sexual and violent content are particularly effective, because these themes reduce internal reflective activity to a minimum. That gives the broadwave broadcast some space, to get in and influence minds without interrupting real-time conscious thinking.
Here is a list of the media categories targeted as vehicles for mass thought synchronization and habituation:
tv series
mainstream news
popular novels
films of similar theme
film series
video and computer games
online interactive games
social networking websites
political slogans
religious campaigns
popular music
diet fads
fashion trends
“Aspen” claims he is what the Illuminati call a “Signal and Context Tester.”
They select individuals of superior intelligence and subject them to intrusive signals, via multiple means. This has been happening to him since he was a child.

Satan Is In A Cell Phone …

I grew up in a conservative Christian church with a robustly literal view of Satan. He was pictured as an actual being with mind-invading capacities for temptation and an insatiable lust for doing evil. Despite my upbringing, I had never been able to believe in Satan as anything more than a quaint, outdated metaphor. There’s no need for a supernatural tempter. Humans are capable of monumental evil all on their own.
But I’ve recently changed my mind. Now I’m convinced. There is a Devil, he is real, and he lurks in our cell phones. And our iPads, laptops and desktops. The Prince of Darkness buries himself deep in the demonic depths of the computer, the microchip, the touchscreen, the instant messager. Seduced by the possibility of communication that is both faceless and conducted at lightning speed, we step, perhaps innocently at first, into an infernal realm that soon overtakes us. We find ourselves texting and writing messages we’d never communicate face-to-face with a real person. Our perception of evil is warped by our ubiquitous electronic telecommunication devices that promise faceless communication at lightning speed.
The electronic devil isn’t adorned in a red cape with horns and smoke shooting out of its nostrils. It is shrouded in the effortless speed and sexiness of simulated relationships served up by our electronic gizmos. The magic of the computer world blinds us to consequences, politeness and due regard – our basic ethical principles.
Some examples. Let’s call him “Joe.” Joe comes home late one night from the office. His wife is asleep. As usual, he plops down in front of the computer for a little late-night web surfing. Sliding the mouse to awaken the sleeping screen, Joe runs across the undeleted remnants of a chat, apparently involving his wife. She forgot to erase it. Before him in luxuriantly pixilated colors is a lurid instant-message exchange between his wife and a man, identity unknown. Or take “Jane,” who stumbles onto messages sentby her husband to a long-lost love with whom he has reunited through Facebook.
Such exchanges might not entirely be the fault of the electronically wayward spouse. There’s something about the electronics, the distance that overtakes us. Talk that would be “out-of-character” if uttered at arm’s length spews forth almost automatically when a person uses telecommunication devices. The diabolical delusion is that telecommunication is without moral import, that somehow because you’re not physically near the person you’re “talking” to the boundaries of decency have been altered, that none of it really counts, that online flirting, even when explicit, isn’t really cheating, that lying isn’t really lying, that exaggeration is as good as accuracy, that mean-spirited comments fall noiselessly like the proverbial tree in the desert, that the virtual world has supplanted the red-blooded, living and breathing real world of morality.
The facelessness of chatting has spawned “sexting,” a term recently added to our digital-age vocabulary by the ability to abandon inhibitions in front of a screen and type something provocative. We are lulled into moral somnolence by the whirring hum of the computer. We’re not interacting with a person. We’re just hitting keys and watching a monitor.
The Satan in cell phones doesn’t only operate through coaxing us into intentional acts of wrongdoing. He lays clever traps for the unwary in the form of accidents waiting to happen. For example, how many have written unkind emails about a boss or a fellow employee, only to hit “reply to all” by mistake, thereby sending the message to the very objects of our put-downs? Even if you don’t think Satan is in a cell phone, you must agree that he invented the “reply to all” button.
Or you write a personal text message, forget to change the addressee, and hit “send” before realizing that it’s going to someone you didn’t intend.
Our electronic sins may be forgiven, if we’re lucky, but they are never forgotten. I recently learned that the SIM cards in our smartphones indelibly imprint everything we do, every text, every email, every photo. The same is true of computers. Nothing is ever deleted.
Even our posture is changing. You know the look – people walking around in stores, on sidewalks, everywhere – head hunched over, cellphone in hand, thumbs wildly typing or swiping through web pages. Watch couples or families in restaurants. No one is talking to each other. They’re all playing Solitaire. Or Angry Birds.
Cyber addiction is rampant. There should be a 12-step program for electronics withdrawal. Step one: Admit you’re powerless. Next, force yourself to put down the phone, and walk with your head held high instead of bowed in worship to the Lord of Darkness.
Candidly, I don’t believe in the devil. Or that any satanic force dwells in a cell phone. But “smart” or not, our electronic devices remind us that it is devilishly hard to exorcise our all-too-human impulses.

CDC Caught In Blatant Lies About Pandemics And Vaccines …

The CDC relies on an authoritative presence to influence not just USA health policy, but world health policy. This prestigious presence also demands more federal funding, which is being questioned. It seems that the CDC’s research, practices, and expenditures have been under scrutiny lately.
Although very few know of what has been hidden from public view regarding CDC investigations, there may soon be too much dirt for the White House to cover upcompletely.

Remembering the 2008 swine flu hoax

Remember all those pandemic forecasts from the CDC when different high numbers of swine flu outbreaks were reported? A CBS News program called “Washington Unplugged” wanted to know more details on how those figures were derived, but the CDC stonewalled that reporter.
To his credit, he went around the CDC by surveying each individual state’s health agency, and he discovered thatvery few swine flu cases reported by the CDC were confirmed as swine flu.Most were actually a normal “seasonal” flu.
The discrepancy between CDC swine flu statistics and actual confirmed cases was too large to considered sloppy record keeping. Upon further pressure from “Washington Unplugged” news producer, the CDC clamped down more and decided they couldn’t track swine flu cases anymore because “it was too difficult.”
The CDC quit doing what they’re supposed to do because they got caught cooking the swine flu stats.
This was a rare case of kudos for the mainstream media. For those paying attention, it flagged the CDC’s bogus promotion of swine flu shots for aflu that hardly existed and that many considered less dangerous than a normal seasonal flu.

CDC lies about mercury in vaccines

From investigative reporter Tim Bolen of The Bolen Report’s two part article “The CDC Has Known All Along How Dangerous Vaccines Are – And Has Covered It Up” (sourced below). As early as 1998 the CDC knew that there were problems with using thimerosal mercury in vaccines.
This was especially true with the ever increasing childhood vaccination schedule. Their own researchers turned in a internal draft stating this. The CDC decided to cover this up by hiring fake studies to explain away those mercury links to the rising autism rates.
The earliest misleading study was the “Danish Study,” masterminded for the CDC by Kreesten Madsen, whose partner Paul Thorsen has recently been indicted for fraudulent funding activities. This epidemiological study became the cornerstone for the foundation of lies “proving” thimerosal was not a factor for causing autism or other childhood developmental disabilities.

Bolen adds, “Even the US Congress began to smell the CDC stink and investigated.” A congressional committee released a 2003 report calledMercury in Medicine – Taking Unnecessary Risks. The report pdf can be seen here:http://vaccines.procon.org/sourcefi…
Congressman Dan Burton headed theinvestigation. He had a grandchild who was vaccinated then became autistic, and he was ruthless with vaccine industry and CDC representatives while he presided over hearings. The appropriate findings and excellent suggestions were ignored by the Bush administration and the CDC.
Bolen wondered where anti-vaccinationactivist Bobby Kennedy, Jr. got a one in six figure for developmentally challenged children. Then he came across a bulletin from the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics issued in 2004 entitledAutism A.L.A.R.M.(source below) which stated that one in six children had developmental/behavioral issues while one in 166 werediagnosedwith an autistic disorder.
Tim Bolen estimates that from 1998 to 2011, close to 12 million children worldwide have been afflicted with autism, making the worldwide autism ratio one out of 111 children. The CDC claims they don’t understand how this is all happening. They just know it is.
The full title of the CDC is Center for Disease Control and Prevention. They’re very heavily funded but clueless about autism and developmental disorders on the rise?

Ten billion and asking for more

In 2007 Senator Tom Coburn issued a report titledCDC Off Center(source below). The report cites huge mismanagement of funds for non-disease related expenses, generous payrolls, overly lavish facilities, and trips wasting funds on frivolous disease control issues while unable to explain how they are preventing disease.
CBS did a special report on Coburn’s report, and mentioned that even then (2007) the CDC was asking the US Government for an additional billion dollars to its $10 billion dollar budget. See where the money goes on this TV report here:http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/…

David and Goliath

A Ph.D biochemist, Brian Hooker, whose son became autistic after a series of vaccinations, has recently filed a suit against the CDC for violating the Freedom of Information Act by not releasing data he has been requesting since 2005 regarding CDC studies that dismissed mercury vaccine dangers.
According to Bolen, Hooker is going in with top gun lawyers in the Washington, DC loop. He has given the CDC an ultimatum to release the documents he wants by late October 2011. This could be interesting.
Sources for this article include:
Bolen Reports CDC thimerosal cover up part 1http://www.bolenreport.com/Geier/fo…
Bolen reports CDC thimerosal cover up part 2http://www.bolenreport.com/Geier/fo…
CBS 2008 CDC Swine flu investigationhttp://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009…
Senator Tom Coburn’s CDC Off Center reporthttp://coburn.senate.gov/public/ind…
Autism A.L.A.R.M.http://www.ewg.org/files/AutismAlar…

CDC Caught In Blatant Lies About Pandemics And Vaccines …

The CDC relies on an authoritative presence to influence not just USA health policy, but world health policy. This prestigious presence also demands more federal funding, which is being questioned. It seems that the CDC’s research, practices, and expenditures have been under scrutiny lately.
Although very few know of what has been hidden from public view regarding CDC investigations, there may soon be too much dirt for the White House to cover upcompletely.

Remembering the 2008 swine flu hoax

Remember all those pandemic forecasts from the CDC when different high numbers of swine flu outbreaks were reported? A CBS News program called “Washington Unplugged” wanted to know more details on how those figures were derived, but the CDC stonewalled that reporter.
To his credit, he went around the CDC by surveying each individual state’s health agency, and he discovered thatvery few swine flu cases reported by the CDC were confirmed as swine flu.Most were actually a normal “seasonal” flu.
The discrepancy between CDC swine flu statistics and actual confirmed cases was too large to considered sloppy record keeping. Upon further pressure from “Washington Unplugged” news producer, the CDC clamped down more and decided they couldn’t track swine flu cases anymore because “it was too difficult.”
The CDC quit doing what they’re supposed to do because they got caught cooking the swine flu stats.
This was a rare case of kudos for the mainstream media. For those paying attention, it flagged the CDC’s bogus promotion of swine flu shots for aflu that hardly existed and that many considered less dangerous than a normal seasonal flu.

CDC lies about mercury in vaccines

From investigative reporter Tim Bolen of The Bolen Report’s two part article “The CDC Has Known All Along How Dangerous Vaccines Are – And Has Covered It Up” (sourced below). As early as 1998 the CDC knew that there were problems with using thimerosal mercury in vaccines.
This was especially true with the ever increasing childhood vaccination schedule. Their own researchers turned in a internal draft stating this. The CDC decided to cover this up by hiring fake studies to explain away those mercury links to the rising autism rates.
The earliest misleading study was the “Danish Study,” masterminded for the CDC by Kreesten Madsen, whose partner Paul Thorsen has recently been indicted for fraudulent funding activities. This epidemiological study became the cornerstone for the foundation of lies “proving” thimerosal was not a factor for causing autism or other childhood developmental disabilities.

Bolen adds, “Even the US Congress began to smell the CDC stink and investigated.” A congressional committee released a 2003 report calledMercury in Medicine – Taking Unnecessary Risks. The report pdf can be seen here:http://vaccines.procon.org/sourcefi…
Congressman Dan Burton headed theinvestigation. He had a grandchild who was vaccinated then became autistic, and he was ruthless with vaccine industry and CDC representatives while he presided over hearings. The appropriate findings and excellent suggestions were ignored by the Bush administration and the CDC.
Bolen wondered where anti-vaccinationactivist Bobby Kennedy, Jr. got a one in six figure for developmentally challenged children. Then he came across a bulletin from the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics issued in 2004 entitledAutism A.L.A.R.M.(source below) which stated that one in six children had developmental/behavioral issues while one in 166 werediagnosedwith an autistic disorder.
Tim Bolen estimates that from 1998 to 2011, close to 12 million children worldwide have been afflicted with autism, making the worldwide autism ratio one out of 111 children. The CDC claims they don’t understand how this is all happening. They just know it is.
The full title of the CDC is Center for Disease Control and Prevention. They’re very heavily funded but clueless about autism and developmental disorders on the rise?

Ten billion and asking for more

In 2007 Senator Tom Coburn issued a report titledCDC Off Center(source below). The report cites huge mismanagement of funds for non-disease related expenses, generous payrolls, overly lavish facilities, and trips wasting funds on frivolous disease control issues while unable to explain how they are preventing disease.
CBS did a special report on Coburn’s report, and mentioned that even then (2007) the CDC was asking the US Government for an additional billion dollars to its $10 billion dollar budget. See where the money goes on this TV report here:http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/…

David and Goliath

A Ph.D biochemist, Brian Hooker, whose son became autistic after a series of vaccinations, has recently filed a suit against the CDC for violating the Freedom of Information Act by not releasing data he has been requesting since 2005 regarding CDC studies that dismissed mercury vaccine dangers.
According to Bolen, Hooker is going in with top gun lawyers in the Washington, DC loop. He has given the CDC an ultimatum to release the documents he wants by late October 2011. This could be interesting.
Sources for this article include:
Bolen Reports CDC thimerosal cover up part 1http://www.bolenreport.com/Geier/fo…
Bolen reports CDC thimerosal cover up part 2http://www.bolenreport.com/Geier/fo…
CBS 2008 CDC Swine flu investigationhttp://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009…
Senator Tom Coburn’s CDC Off Center reporthttp://coburn.senate.gov/public/ind…
Autism A.L.A.R.M.http://www.ewg.org/files/AutismAlar…

The Real Reason For Rollout Of HDTV …

Did you ever hear of the expression if it’s to good to be true then it probably is .This is a good example here.
Wow that was nice of our Government to help people get HD TV boxes with the vouchers they gave out..They would lose sleep at night if your TV picture wasn’t crystal clear.They care so much ,it’s very important to them.
How else could they program your mind with whatever they want.Maybe they could play messages like .It’s ok for the bankers to rape and destroy america .Bailing outbanks is a good thing.Or ,You accept GMO food as real food.The fluoride that’s put in tap water tastes delicious, drink plenty of it.God only knows what they are playing .Maybe even, it’s time for a new world order.Here is the scary technology you can bet they are using on us right  now.
UHF Silent Subliminals
The Amazing Patented Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) “Silent” Subliminal® Affirmations process was created by aerospace engineer O.M. Lowery (US Patent #5,1159.703) is one of the most exciting advances in personal improvement in years!
Just imagine powerful subliminal messages recorded at high frequencies that are not masked by music or any other sound but are essentially inaudible to your conscious mind! Play them anywhere, anytime while driving, eating, watching TV, even while you sleep.
Now you can experience the latest achievement in subliminal technology!

A Revolutionary Approach to Subliminal Technology

We we’re so impressed by this powerful, new way to record subliminal messages, we contacted its creator, aerospace engineer O.M. Lowery, to find out how and why his encoding method is such an important step into21st century brain/mind technology.
Lowery explained that he designed his patented process to overcome the deficiencies found in many “masked” subliminals which completely bury all voice affirmations. (The subliminals developed by WBLI are recorded at higher decibel levels which do not completely mask our messages).
Although inaudible to the conscious mind, the Silent Subliminal signals are powerfully perceived by the listener’s unconscious mind.
The Silent Subliminal process records voice affirmations on a powerful, inaudible, ultra high audio frequency carrier (14.8 khz) in a format which is easily picked up and decoded by the human ear. The encoded voice affirmations actually vibrate the tympanic membrane (diaphragm) of the ear at the strongest possible, yet totally safe, level.more
Here is a good story about all of this from the PPJGazette :

Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) & the All-Digital TV Broadcast Signal: Connection?

Ever since first hearing of it last spring, I’ve had a deepening sense of foreboding – an unnamed dread of the upcoming shift to an all-digital television broadcast signal, scheduled to occur in February 2009. Now, I believe, that nameless dread may have a name, after all.
The Department of Defense calls it Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), and it also goes by the name of S-quad or Squad. In the private sector, the technology goes by the name of Silent Subliminal Presentation System and the technology has also been released to certain corporate vendors who have attached catchy brand names like BrainSpeak Silent Subliminals to their own SSSS-based products.
Whatever you call it, SSSS is a technology that uses subliminal programming that is carried over Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) broadcast waves, planting inaudible messages directly into the subconscious human mind.
Perfected more than twenty years ago by the Department of Defense and battlefield-tested upon unwitting Iraqi soldiers serving in the army of Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War during 1991, SSSS is a sinister weaponthat may have been been developed for a specific mission: the total subjugation of the American people.

The Blue Beings: Occult Programming?

Ever notice the string of blue entities we’re treated to seeing periodically? It can be anything from (top left going clockwise) ‘Mystique’ of Xmen, Avatar’s heroes, the Smurfs, nuclear Dr. Manhattan, and the genie from Aladdin, to start with a few.
Is there any significance to this?

The Color Blue and Esoterica

Just the list of characters alone is a bit of a give-away that something’s very symbolic about this color. Is it part of a secret language?
Here’s somewhat of an introduction:
Within Freemasonry, the color blue is a symbol of universal friendship and benevolence, as it is the color of the vault of heaven. Blue is the only color other than white which should be used in a Master’s Lodge for decorationsSource
Something else of interest:
Among the ancients a fabulous bird called the Phoenix is described by early writers … in size and shape it resembles the eagle, but with certain differences. The body of the Phoenix is one covered with glossy purple feathers, and the plumes in its tail are alternately blue and red.
Blue and Red? Did someone say blue and red feathers? Like these?
Or maybe this type of simplified confusion?
How’s that for variety? Are we being programmed?

So Now Blue

Is this typical Freemasonic either/or false choice speak so we don’t consider other alternatives? Or is it implying a more subtle, “you uninformed cattle don’t know anything about this” type of message? Or more?
And no, “they” don’t own all the symbols and colors. Blue is a dominant color of our  gorgeous and so many of its fabulous natural phenomena. According to Wilhelm Reich our planet’s orgone energy (chi, ki, prana etc.) gives off this wonderful blue hue we see around us.
It’s also a color often associated with spirituality. I just like to find out just WHICH spirituality we’re talking about, knowing our societal manipulators are just about always up to no good. After all, why was the clandestine UFO research unit called Project Bluebook, or the fake UFO scenario called Project Bluebeam?
Take a quick look at some of these characters and see what elusive qualities they have in common:
Radha Krishna, Hindu god. Real entity? If so, limiting and controlling, or helpful?
The less subtle, more imposing underlying genie concept.
These dudes are badass in the religious world. You don’t just flip the blue guy and walk away.
The name Genie is from the Arabic “Jinn”, considered nasty, demonic entities. That Disney would make a good bud outta one is no surprise, as they do with several other “monsters” below.
“Megamind”. Again, why blue? Nothing innocuous here. Mental suggestibility lubrication for their subliminal message?
The Blue Meanies of the Beatles’ psychedelic Yellow Submarine. Early programming for boomers.
Blue aliens are a popular image in Sci-Fi movies…bigtime. Watch for it…there’s a reason.
Many people report blueish “lightbeings” as ET contacts. Blue can be good or bad, as anything. In this world it’s unfortunately minimized.
Good doesn’t “sell” like fear does, nor can you manipulate and control with it. Hence, the “truth twisters”.

More blue alien images…this is everywhere. Are they blue? Perhaps.

And The Use of Blue In Imagery

“Cowboys and Aliens”..totally ridiculous film glorifying monster mayhem and phony heroics. All about fear.
E.T. artwork..setting a stage, or mood, or more? Early programming again.
“War of the Worlds”. Blatent fear message again. Spielberg a total “insider”.

Blue Monsters

Such friendly, harmless monsters….again, Disney HUGE inside player feasting on the young.
Cookie monster……why?…just guess…
Now a friendly, heroic blue DRAGON?…reptilian programming everywhere!

Blue Demons

University mascot….nice
Sports logo…again, inspiring…
Brooklyn high school mascot. Roll model?
Duke University mascot. “Higher learning” institution? Of what?

It goes on. I guarantee you.

But what does it mean? A LOT more…
Just wondering again…but it is intriguing, and certainly does not indicate a strengthening of humanity…just more debilitating fear in almost every case. Sad, when there’s so much good to this wonderful color.
It’s really the use of it in the form of beings I want to point out here. Just as they have debased love into hedonistic sex, turned the feminine form into an unnatural, unattainable distortion from reality, made bad guys the good guys and vice versa, and glorified war, death, destruction and even vampires and transhumanism, they’re using this for their agenda in some way.
It’s just the way it is. We’re living in a carefully engineered matrix.
I don’t know the whole picture, but I’m on to ‘em, as are many others. And it brings freedom and empowerment.
And again, it’s worth keeping an eye out for patterns such as these, looking for the good as well as the bad. There are signals in everything we’re fed, most deliberate, some accidental. But we are input accumulators and interpreters, all according to our various combinations of experience and programming, good and bad, natural and, in this current controlled world, extremely unnatural. Understanding is an essential tool for staying conscious.
That’s the issue at hand. Unfortunately, the PTB’s disinformation is self-metastasizing and needs meticulous attention from all of us as to what they’re up to so we can identify and dispel their poisonous disinformation. And hopefully help others do the same.