Halliburton Charged With Selling Nuclear Technology To Iran …

Halliburton, the notorious U.S. energy company, sold key nuclear-reactor components to a private Iranian oil company called Oriental Oil Kish as recently as 2005, using offshore subsidiaries to circumvent U.S. sanctions.


Calling for an Attack on Iran: US, Israel Politicians are “Detached From Reality” …

In the wake of the recent IAEA report on Iran’s nuclear program, Israel and its Western allies are once again pushing for a military confrontation with Iran. While they argue that confrontation with Iran is a rational action, in actuality the US and Israeli governments are showing just how much they are detached from reality.
Recently, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is “trying to rally support in his cabinet for an attack on Iran” [1] with only a narrow majority of the Cabinet opposing the move. Netanyahu has also stated that in regards to Iran that “all options are on the table.” This truly shows how detached from reality he is as an attack on Iran would potentially spell disaster for Israel as while there is currently no proof that Iran is attempting to gainnuclear weapons, attacking Iran would ensure that the regime would then make it a goal to have nuclear weapons to use as a deterrent from future attacks.
In addition to this, an attack on Iran could potentially anger the entire region against Israel as it “would produce a nightmare far more extensive than Chernobyl” and ”The immediate and long-term human toll from the nuclear fallout and radiation from so many reactors and plants [would be] inconceivable;” it would potentially “strengthen extremist forces and impeded democratic reform in Iran, and it would ignite hatred against religious minorities throughout the Middle East.” [2]
Thus, an attack on Iran would not be in Israel’s interest in the slightest from a purely logical standpoint when one looks at the potential repercussions.
Unfortunately, this detachment from reality also extends to the US leadership as well. There are many in the Republican Party who are “reviving many of the arguments thatneoconservative proponents of armed intervention against Tehran lost in the latter years of George W. Bush’s presidency.” [3]
Republican Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney stated that if Obama was re-elected Iran would attain a nuclear weapon. He also openly stated that he would attempt to destabilize the Iranian regime, saying that “the U.S. should be ‘working with the insurgents in the country to encourage regime change’” but “if ‘there’s nothing else we can do besides take military action, then of course you take military action.’” [4]
Another Republican Presidential hopeful, Newt Gingrich, followed in the same vein, calling “for ‘maximumcovert operations to block and disrupt the Iranian program.’” [5] By openly stating that they plan to engage in covert action against Iran, the Presidential hopefuls are effectively alerting Iran of their intent and allowing Iran to be on their toes should either person become President. In addition to this, how does either candidate expect to find money or troops for this? The US military is stretched thin, the US economy is in shambles, America is nearing a GDP to debt ratio of 1 to 1, and there is currently a super-committee which is planning to impose harsh austerity measures on the country.
Both the Israeli and US leadership are further detached from reality on the issue of Iran when both state that Iran is a threat. Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman stated that “Iran poses the largest, most dangerous threat to the current world order” [6] and President Obama stated that the US was “’not taking any options off the table’” in regards to Iran’snuclear program and that an “’Iran with nuclear weapons would pose a threat not only to the region but also to the United States.’” [7]
This argument is quite ridiculous. TheUnited States, a nation that has consistently been directly and indirectly involved in military conflicts every decade since the 1940s and Israel, the most aggressive militaristic regime in the region, are much greater threats toworld peace than Iran could ever be.Iran is a threat to neither in the US or Israel. Israel is a regionalsuperpower with a world-class army and nuclear weapons. The US is the world’s sole superpower and recently acquired 20 GPS-guided 30,000 lb bunker-busting bombs [8] and “held a successful test flight of a flying bomb that travels faster than the speed of sound and will give military planners the ability to strike targets anywhere in the world in less than a hour.” [9] (emphasis added) Thus, how would Iran pose a threat to either nation, much less the entire world?
The US and Israeli leadership are detached from reality and this could potentially prove quite dangerous and costly not only for their nations, but for the world at large. 

Israel’s Plan to Destroy Iran’s Civilian Infrastructure …

Israel plans not only to attack Iran’s fledgling nuclear program, but also its civilian infrastructure.
Eli Lake, writing for The Daily Beast, cites current and former U.S. intelligence officials who say Israel’s target list includes Iran’s electric grid, internet, cellphone network, and emergency frequencies for firemen and police officers.
Officials say Israel has developed a weapon that simulates a maintenance cellphone signal commanding cell networks to “sleep” and stopping transmissions. It also has electronic jammers that can interrupt emergency frequencies for first responders and police.
Iran’s civilian electric grids are connected to the internet and vulnerable to cyberattack with computer viruses such as Stuxnet, a sophisticated version of malware developed by the United States and the Israelis. A retired senior military intelligence officer told the Daily Beast the Israelis also have the capability to launch a denial-of-service attack on Iran’s command and control system that is connected to the Internet.
The Israelis will likely use an unmanned drone known as Eitan to deliver a blow to Iran’s civilian infrastructure. The Eitan can fly for 20 straight hours and carry a payload of one ton. Another version of the drone, however, can fly up to 45 straight hours, according to U.S. and Israeli officials, The Daily Beast reports. The Eitan is part of Israel’s special electronic air force unit known as the Sky Crows, which concentrates on electronic warfare.
The existence of a program designed to cripple crucial civilian infrastructure not related to Iran’s nuclear program reveals that the Israeli-U.S. plan is to reduce the country to a Stone Age condition much the same way Iraq was leveled in 2003.
Beginning in 1991 with Bush Senior’s illegal invasion, Iraqi civilians and their infrastructure were deliberately targeted by the U.S. military. The savage bombardment had a “near apocalyptic impact” on Iraq and had transformed the country into a “pre-industrial age nation,” which “had been until January a rather highly urbanized and mechanized society,” writes author William Blum, citing United Nations observations.
Iraq’s civilian infrastructure targeted.
“Bombing of Iraqi cities served no military purpose but was designed to destroy the civilian infrastructure. War games in July 1990 in South Carolina trained pilots to bomb civilian targets and Pentagonstatements about plans to bomb civilian targets in August and September 1990 areevidence that these targets were set well in advance of January 15, 1991,” writes David Model in his book, Lying for Empire: How to Commit War Crimes With A Straight Face.
“Critical elements of the civilian infrastructure were destroyed including communication systems, oil refineries, electric generators, water treatment facilities, dams, and transportation centers,” Model continues. “Over 90 percent of Iraq’s electrical capacity was destroyed in the first days of the bombing.”
Iraq’s water supply was specifically targeted and resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children. Iraq’s capacity to produce food was also destroyed by attacks on agriculture, food processing, food storage and the food distribution system. Half of Iraq’s agricultural output depended on irrigation systems which were also destroyed.
In addition to hundreds of hospitals, health centers, mosques and schools, Bush’s Pentagon bombed densely populated cities, killing thousands. Civilian highway traffic was targeted and vehicles such as buses and cars were bombed repeatedly.
Following the decimation of Iraq, the United Nations imposed draconian sanctions on the country that resulted in the death of more than a million, including over 500,000 children. When that failed to unseat Iraq’s dictator Saddam Hussein (a former CIA asset), Bush’s son launched another invasion of the country in 2003. As a result, more than a million people have died.
6 years after war, Iraq still in ruins.
Israel and the United States plan to do the same to Iran, using its nuclear program as an excuse the same way Bush and the neocons used Saddam’s alleged weapons as of mass destruction as an excuse to level the country.
Prior to Bush Senior’s invasion, Iraq was an industrialized country with a modern infrastructure with electricity and water available to the entire country. Following the first invasion and the imposition of medieval sanctions, the country was on par with failed states in Africa.
Iran, despite its fledgling nuclear program, does not threaten either Israel or the United States. The problem, according to the international bankers and the globalists, is that Iran is not a vassal state mired in poverty and misery like many of its neighbors. It does not take orders from Wall Street and the City of London.
Even the IMF is obliged to note that Iran’s economy grew by 3.2 percent this year on the strength of greateragriculture production and higher oil prices. It is not indebted to the bankers and refuses to kowtow to Israel’s insatiable hegemonic drive, so it has to be reduced to rubble.

UFO Detected Near ISS And NASA Cut Transmission!

ISS camera follows UFO
NASA cut transmission again!
A pulsating unknown object detected near the International Space Station. Notice the different speed and the sudden impossible manouver at 90° and change of direction. And NASA “Cut” Live transmission.
That “thing” is obviously under intelligent control. It is clear that again NASA is trying to hide the truth about the existence ofextraterrestrial intelligence.

Earth Sized UFOs Using Our Sun As Stargate : Nassim Haramein …

Now in latest development TV series Weird or What? (hosted by William Shatner) in their 14th episode showed how Nassim Haramein has spotted Earth Sized UFOS and he think they are using our sun as a “Stargate” portal to other systems.
Nassim Haramein Earth Sized UFOs Using Our Sun As Stargate Lecture

Israeli Intelligence Sources: NATO Killed Qaddafi …

German Intelligence played a behind the scenes role on behalf of NATO
by Julie Lévesque
An article released by the Israeli intelligence news service DEBKAfilereveals NATO allies are competing “over who will take credit for his termination and therefore for ending the alliance’s military role in Libya”. (DEBKAfile, US and NATO allies vie over “kudos” for Qaddafi’s termination, October 24, 2011.)
According to DEBKA,
“American sources are willing to admit that US drones operated by pilots from Las Vegas pinpointed the fugitive ruler’s hideout in Sirte and kept the building under surveillance for two weeks, surrounded by US and British forces.
Both therefore had boots on the ground in breach of the UN mandate which limited NATO military intervention in Libya to air strikes.” (DEBKAfile, op.,cit.)
This contradicts NATO’s claims: “No NATO ground troops have participated in the operation – NATO’s success to date has been achieved solely with air and sea assets.” (NATO, NATO and Libya – Operation Unified Protector.)

According to the London Daily Telegraph, his [Qaddafi’s] presence in the convoy was first picked up by the USAF River Joint RC-135V/W intelligence signals plane, which passed the information to French warplanes overhead who then carried out the strike on Qaddafi’s vehicle. (DEBKAfile, op.,cit.)
The Israeli website also points out that theGermany’s Secret Service theBundesnachrichtendienst (BND) “played an important role in intelligence-gathering” in revealing where Qaddafi was hiding.
The report further states:
It was generally believed in Tripoli that the strongmen ruling the capital, Abdel Hakim Belhaj, ex-al Qaeda, and Ismail and Ali al-Sallabi, heads of the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood, only granted [Libya’s transitional leader] Abdul-Jalil’s wish for a big liberation rally in Benghazi after he agreed to declare the new Libya a Sharia state. (Ibid.)
This would mean that in reality, Libya’s new leaders are not the members of the National Transitional Council officially backed by NATO and promoted in the Western media as democrats. DEBKAfile‘s sources claim “the transitional leader will be little more than a figurehead”.
NATO’s stated objective in Libya has been “protecting civilians under threat of attack in Libya”. The Alliance declared that in early September “’Friends of Libya’ – heads of state and government as well as representatives of key international and regional organizations – met in Paris to discuss ways to aid Libya’s transition to a functioning democracy”. (NATO, op.,cit.)
However, Western “Friends of Libya” generally see Sharia law as incompatible with democracy.
DEBKA’s report concludes:
A primary objective of the Arab Spring as promoted by the United States and the Western Alliance is the substitution of those dictatorships by fundamental Muslim regimes whose leaders quite frankly usher Sharia law in to the liberated countries. (DEBKAfile, op.,cit.)
It should be noted that, in terms of public relations, Israel would profit from the presence of another Islamic regime, since Israel’s propaganda is largely based on the exisitence of  an alleged “hostile Muslim environment” in the Middle East.

New Universes Are Being Constantly Created …

Modern cosmology theory holds that ouruniverse may be just one in a vast collection of universes known as the multiverse. MIT physicist Alan Guth has suggested that new universes (known as “pocket universes”) are constantly being created, but they cannot be seen from ouruniverse.
In this view, “nature gets a lot of tries — the universe is an experiment that’s repeated over and over again, each time with slightly different physical laws, or even vastly different physical laws,” says Jaffe.
Some of these universes would collapse instants after forming; in others, the forces between particles would be so weak they could not give rise to atoms or molecules. However, if conditions were suitable, matter would coalesce into galaxies and planets, and if the right elements were present in those worlds, intelligent life could evolve.
Some physicists have theorized that only universes in which the laws of physics are “just so” could support life, and that if things were even a little bit different from our world, intelligent life would be impossible. In that case, our physical laws might be explained “anthropically,” meaning that they are as they are because if they were otherwise, no one would be around to notice them.
MIT physics professor Robert Jaffe and his collaborators felt that this proposed anthropic explanation should be subjected to more careful scrutiny, and decided to explore whether universes with different physical laws could support life.
The MIT physicists have showed that universes quite different from ours still have elements similar to carbon,hydrogen, and oxygen, and could therefore evolve life forms quite similar to us, even when the masses of elementary particles called quarks are dramatically altered.
Jaffe and his collaborators felt that this proposed anthropic explanation should be subjected to more careful scrutiny, so they decided to explore whether universes with different physical laws could support life. Unlike most other studies, in which varying only one constant usually produces an inhospitable universe, they examined more than one constant.
Whether life exists elsewhere in our universe is a longstanding mystery. But for some scientists, there’s another interesting question: could there be life in a universe significantly different from our own?
In work recently featured in a cover story in Scientific American, Jaffe, former MIT postdoc, Alejandro Jenkins, and recent MIT graduate Itamar Kimchi showed that universes quite different from ours still have elements similar to carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and could therefore evolve life forms quite similar to us. Even when the masses of the elementary particles are dramatically altered, life may find a way.

“You could change them by significant amounts without eliminating the possibility of organic chemistry in the universe,” says Jenkins.
Although bizarre life forms might exist in universes different from ours, Jaffe and his collaborators decided to focus on life based on carbon chemistry. They defined as “congenial to life” those universes in which stable forms of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen would exist.
“If you don’t have a stable entity with the chemistry of hydrogen, you’re not going to have hydrocarbons, or complex carbohydrates, and you’re not going to have life,” says Jaffe. “The same goes for carbon and oxygen. Beyond those three we felt the rest is detail.”
They set out to see what might happen to those elements if they altered the masses of elementary particles called quarks. There are six types of quarks, which are the building blocks of protons, neutrons and electrons. The MIT team focused on “up”, “down” and “strange” quarks, the most common and lightest quarks, which join together to form protons and neutrons and closely related particles called “hyperons.”
In our universe, the down quark is about twice as heavy as the up quark, resulting in neutrons that are 0.1 percent heavier than protons. Jaffe and his colleagues modeled one family of universes in which the down quark was lighter than the up quark, and protons were up to a percent heavier than neutrons. In this scenario, hydrogen would no longer be stable, but its slightly heavier isotopes deuterium or tritium could be. An isotope of carbon known as carbon-14 would also be stable, as would a form of oxygen, so the organic reactions necessary for life would be possible.
The team found a few other congenial universes, including a family where the up and strange quarks have roughly the same mass (in our universe, strange quarks are much heavier and can only be produced in high-energy collisions), while the down quark would be much lighter. In such a universe, atomic nuclei would be made of neutrons and a hyperon called the “sigma minus,” which would replace protons. They published their findings in the journal Physical Review D last year.
Jaffe and his collaborators focused on quarks because they know enough about quark interactions to predict what will happen when their masses change. However, “any attempt to address the problem in a broader context is going to be very difficult,” says Jaffe, because physicists are limited in their ability to predict the consequences of changing most other physical laws and constants.
A group of researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has done related studies examining whether congenial universes could arise even while lacking one of the four fundamental forces of our universe — the weak nuclear force, which enables the reactions that turn neutrons into protons, and vice versa. The researchers showed that tweaking the other three fundamental forces could compensate for the missing weak nuclear force and still allow stable elements to be formed.
That study and the MIT work are different from most other studies in this area in that they examined more than one constant. “Usually people vary one constant and look at the results, which is different than if you vary multiple constants,” says Mark Wise, professor of physics at Caltech, who was not involved in the research. Varying only one constant usually produces an inhospitable universe, which can lead to the erroneous conclusion that any other congenial universes are impossible.
One physical parameter that does appear to be extremely finely tuned is the cosmological constant — a measure of the pressure exerted by empty space, which causes the universe to expand or contract. When the constant is positive, space expands, when negative, the universe collapses on itself. In our universe, the cosmological constant is positive but very small — any larger value would cause the universe to expand too rapidly for galaxies to form. However, Wise and his colleagues have shown that it is theoretically possible that changes in primordial cosmological density perturbations could compensate at least for small changes to the value of the cosmological constant.
In the end, there is no way to know for sure what other universes are out there, or what life they may hold. But that will likely not stop physicists from exploring the possibilities, and in the process learning more about our own universe.
Source: MIT News Office

Earth Came Close To An Extinction Level Event In 1883 …

Billion TonneComet May Have Missed Earth By A Few Hundred Kilometres In 1883

A re-analysis of historical observations suggest Earth narrowly avoided an extinction event just over a hundred years ago

kfc 10/17/2011
On 12th and 13th August 1883, an astronomer at a small observatory in Zacatecas in Mexico made an extraordinary observation. José Bonilla counted some 450 objects, each surrounded by a kind of mist, passing across the face of the Sun.
Bonilla published his account of this event in a French journal called L’Astronomie in 1886. Unable to account for the phenomenon, the editor of the journal suggested, rather incredulously, that it must have been caused by birds, insects or dust passing front of the Bonilla’s telescope. (Since then, others have adopted Bonilla’s observations as the first evidence of UFOs.)
Today, Hector Manterola at the National Autonomous University of Mexico in Mexico City, and a couple of pals, give a different interpretation. They think that Bonilla must have been seeing fragments of a comet that had recently broken up. This explains the ‘misty’ appearance of the pieces and why they were so close together.
But there’s much more that Manterola and co have deduced. They point out that nobody else on the planet seems to have seen this comet passing in front of the Sun, even though the nearest observatories in those days were just a few hundred kilometres away.
That can be explained using parallax. If the fragments were close to Earth, parallax would have ensured that they would not have been in line with the Sun even for observers nearby. And since Mexico is at the same latitude as the Sahara, northern India and south-east Asia, it’s not hard to imagine that nobody else was looking.

Manterola and pals have used this to place limits on how close the fragments must have been: between 600 km and 8000 km of Earth. That’s just a hair’s breadth.
What’s more, Manterola and co estimate that these objects must have ranged in size from 50 to 800 km across and that the parent comet must originally have tipped the scales at a billion tonnes or more, that’s huge, approaching the size of Halley’s comet.
That’s an eye opening re-examination of the data. Astronomers have seen a number of other comets fragment. The image above shows the Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 comet which broke apart as it re-entered the inner Solar System in 2006. There’s no reason why such fragments couldn’t pass close by Earth.
One puzzle is why nobody else saw this comet. It must have been particularly dull to have escaped observation before and after its close approach. However, Manterola and co suggest that it may have been a comet called Pons-Brooks seen that same year by American astronomers.
Manterola and co end their paper by spelling out just how close Earth may have come to catastrophe that day. They point out that Bonilla observed these objects for about three and a half hours over two days. This implies an average of 131 objects per hour and a total of 3275 objects in the time between observations.
Each fragment was at least as big as the one thought to have hit Tunguska. Manterola and co end with this: “So if they had collided with Earth we would have had 3275 Tunguska events in two days, probably an extinction event.”
A sobering thought.
Ref: arxiv.org/abs/1110.2798: Interpretation Of The Observations Made In 1883 In Zacatecas (Mexico): A Fragmented Comet That Nearly Hits The Earth

Why The Lake Mead Earthquakes Should Give You Nightmares …

There are changes occurring in the world today, very few of which we have any control over. Between the global social unrest, financial instability, insane weather patterns, and legislative nightmares we can surely add one more: Earth Changes.
The Earth is a dynamic planet. Daily we receive warmth from the sun and the moon provides us with tides. However, the Earth’s dynamics are changing, and humanity is caught in it’s cross hairs.
I wrote a teaser article about the US Geological Service deleting earthquakedata from the Lake Mead area since before March of 2011. The response has been so overwhelming I felt it was time to fill in the blanks and provide even more information.
Let’s start with the Genesis of Lake Mead. The lake was a byproduct of the construction of the Hoover Dam. The Dam was designed and built in the Depression Era 1930′s. The one mandate that was clear in the design and construction, was that it was to be Ultra-Conservative – capable of holding back vast amounts of water like no other dam could.
Very little is known about the Lake Mead’s seismic past, but after the dam was constructed, local residents reported an uptick in quake activity. During the 1970′s, survey’s were done during a 2 year period in which Lake Mead had a 20% increase in lake load, but there were no increase in seismic events in the area, approximately 1,360 during the survey period. The researchers felt that there was no correlation to quakeactivity and new load to the lake, which contradicts State geologist Lee Allison opinion earlier this year that these quakes are “due to the load on the rocks under the reservoir as the late, and large, snow pack runoff in the Rockies is filling the lake.”
The same study backs up the resident’s assertion of increased activity:
“The results indicate that the filling of Lake Mead has triggered release of tectonic stresses having the same orientation as the regional stress field. These stresses are probably being released in a way that is more dependent on tectonic stress buildup than on small changes in pore pressure (∼ 1 bar) due to fluctuating lake level. Given that the shear strength of rock decreases with increasing pore pressure, one might explain the decreasing energy release since the 1940′s and the high b value as due to a decrease in elastic-energy density of the rock. A test of this hypothesis based on the order of magnitude of energy released seems to support it.”  (A. M. Rogers and W. H. K. Lee 1976)

So you might be asking, “So what?”. Well you didn’t ask the right question. The right question would be, “Where did they put the dam?”
They put it right on top of the Northern Colorado River Extensional Corridor which contains 27 volcanic centers, including sources for two regionally extensive ash-flow sheets (Peach Springs Tuff and Tuff of Bridge Spring). This is on top of an extinct volcano. The bad thing about extinct volcanoes: The can come back to life. They have only been inactive for a few centuries. Like the coelacanth, they can come back and bite.
And it has.
This photo is of Lake Mead. The yellow spots  show earthquakes that HAVE NOT been deleted, and the small red circles show those earthquakes that have been deleted from the USGS database. The large red circle is a 3 mile perimeter marker.
This photo is of Lake Mead. The yellow spots  show earthquakes that HAVE NOT been deleted, and the red circles show those earthquakes that have been deleted from the USGS database.  Read more: http://pprnnews.com/?p=3079#ixzz1amKLVOnCThis photo is of Lake Mead. The yellow spots show earthquakes that HAVE NOT been deleted, and the red circles show those earthquakes that have been deleted from the USGS database. Read more:http://pprnnews.com/?p=3079#ixzz1amKLVOnC

Just to the east of Lake Mead is Fortification Hill, one of the extinct volcanoes and site to many of the recent earthquakes, most of which have been deleted.
Fortification HillFortification Hill

That is like standing on top of a sleeping bear. And jumping up and down.
So what would happen if the unthinkable occurred? Well, grab your goggles, snorkel, flippers, and water wings because you’re going to need them. This is a snippet of a report for Stayton, a small Oregon town in the flood zone of two much smaller dams, almost 40 miles away:
Beyond the flooding that is predicted under the Flood Insurance Study conducted by FEMA, Marion County Public Works conducted an analysis of the areas that would be inundated should there be a failure of theDetroit Dam. The County’s 1999 map showing the inundation area indicates that in Stayton a dam failure flood would reach the City approximately 2 hours after the failure of the dam. The study indicates that the peak elevation of flooding would occur one hour and twenty minutes later and reach an elevation 511 feet.
Because the two dams, Big Cliff and Detroit, hold only a portion of what Hoover Dam holds what will be in store for those towns and communities downstream of the dam, and when this water is combined with Lake Mohave, the destruction of lives and land will truly be of biblical proportion.
Laughlin, Nevada is approximately 60 miles from Hoover Dam. The water would reach them approximately 3 hours after the breach and stay underwater for hours if not days.
Lake Havasue, Arizona is approximately 110 miles away and would receive the inflow of water about 5 hours later. The water will continue until it hits the ocean.
Just two points about flooding from dam breaks:
  • What hits a town is not just water. Contained in the flood water is rocks, sand, dirt, dead animals, cars, trees, brush, destroyed buildings, wire, pavement, etc. The contents will scour the next town to the ground like an abrasive cleaner.
  • It doesn’t matter how deep the water gets. In Stayton, Oregon, 500 feet might as well be 50 feet. Lives will be lost and property will be destroyed. Whatever the water level is from Hoover Dam failing is irrelevant. The damage will be catastrophic.
If this is a disturbing picture then please prepare for an evacuation. Call upon your elected officials to demand accountability from the USGS and other agencies to provide complete and accurate information. If they refuse to be open and honest with the American public then they should be fired. Whomever is setting their public information policy should be held accountable and policy changed.
We are adults. We don’t need another set of parents.

Scientists: Katla Volcano Next Eruption Could Be Huge …

By Associated Press

VIK, Iceland — If Iceland’s air-traffic paralyzing volcanic eruption last year seemed catastrophic, just wait for the sequel. That’s what some experts are saying as they nervously watch rumblings beneath a much more powerful Icelandicvolcano — Katla — which could spew an ash cloud dwarfing the 2010 eruption that cost airlines $2 billion and drove home how vulnerable modern society is to the whims of nature.

Brooding over rugged moss-covered hills on Iceland’s southern edge, Katla is a much bigger beast than the nearby Eyjafjallajokul volcano, which chugged ash all over Europe for several weeks in an eruption that local scientist Pall Einarsson describes nonetheless as “small.”
Named after an evil troll, Katla has a larger magma chamber than Eyjafjallajokul’s. Its last major eruption in 1918 continued more than a month, turning day into night, starving crops of sunlight and killing off some livestock. The eruption melted some of the ice-sheet covering Katla, flooding surrounding farmlands with a torrent of water that some accounts have said measured as wide as the Amazon.
Now, clusters of small earthquakes are being detected around Katla, which means an eruption could be imminent, seismologists say. Theearthquakes have been growing in strength, too. After a long period of magnitude 3 tremors, a magnitude 4 quake was detected last week.
“It is definitely showing signs of restlessness,” said Einarsson, a professor of geophysics at the University of Iceland.
Teams of seismologists and geologists at the university are tracking the spike in seismic activityand working with disaster officials to prepare communities near Katla like Vik, a small town of some 300 people that is flanked by black sand beaches.
Civil defense authorities have been holding regular meetings with scientists. Disaster officials have also drafted an evacuation plan and set aside temporary housing, but many fear they may have less than an hour to evacuate once the volcano erupts.
Iceland sits on a large volcanic hot spot in the Atlantic’s mid-oceanic ridge. Eruptions, common throughout Iceland’s history, are often triggered by seismic activity when the Earth’s plates move and magma from deep underground pushes its way to the surface.
The longer pressure builds up, the more catastrophic an eruption can be. Records show that Katla usually has a large eruption twice a century. Since its last eruption was almost exactly 93 years ago, it is long overdue for another, seismologists say.
Icelanders are getting nervous as they mark the anniversary of Katla’s last blast.
“We’ve been getting calls recently from people concerned that Katla is about to erupt because it erupted … in 1918 on Oct. 12,” said Einar Kjartansson, a geophysicist at the Icelandic Meteorological Office.
“As scientists we don’t see that much of a correlation in the date but there is most definitely increased activity. The question is whether it calms down after this or whether there is an eruption.”
The eruption of Laki in 1783 was one of Iceland’s deadliest. It freed poisonous gases that turned into smog and floated across the jet stream, killing thousands of people with toxic fumes in the British Isles alone.