Israeli Intelligence Sources: NATO Killed Qaddafi …

German Intelligence played a behind the scenes role on behalf of NATO
by Julie Lévesque
An article released by the Israeli intelligence news service DEBKAfilereveals NATO allies are competing “over who will take credit for his termination and therefore for ending the alliance’s military role in Libya”. (DEBKAfile, US and NATO allies vie over “kudos” for Qaddafi’s termination, October 24, 2011.)
According to DEBKA,
“American sources are willing to admit that US drones operated by pilots from Las Vegas pinpointed the fugitive ruler’s hideout in Sirte and kept the building under surveillance for two weeks, surrounded by US and British forces.
Both therefore had boots on the ground in breach of the UN mandate which limited NATO military intervention in Libya to air strikes.” (DEBKAfile, op.,cit.)
This contradicts NATO’s claims: “No NATO ground troops have participated in the operation – NATO’s success to date has been achieved solely with air and sea assets.” (NATO, NATO and Libya – Operation Unified Protector.)

According to the London Daily Telegraph, his [Qaddafi’s] presence in the convoy was first picked up by the USAF River Joint RC-135V/W intelligence signals plane, which passed the information to French warplanes overhead who then carried out the strike on Qaddafi’s vehicle. (DEBKAfile, op.,cit.)
The Israeli website also points out that theGermany’s Secret Service theBundesnachrichtendienst (BND) “played an important role in intelligence-gathering” in revealing where Qaddafi was hiding.
The report further states:
It was generally believed in Tripoli that the strongmen ruling the capital, Abdel Hakim Belhaj, ex-al Qaeda, and Ismail and Ali al-Sallabi, heads of the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood, only granted [Libya’s transitional leader] Abdul-Jalil’s wish for a big liberation rally in Benghazi after he agreed to declare the new Libya a Sharia state. (Ibid.)
This would mean that in reality, Libya’s new leaders are not the members of the National Transitional Council officially backed by NATO and promoted in the Western media as democrats. DEBKAfile‘s sources claim “the transitional leader will be little more than a figurehead”.
NATO’s stated objective in Libya has been “protecting civilians under threat of attack in Libya”. The Alliance declared that in early September “’Friends of Libya’ – heads of state and government as well as representatives of key international and regional organizations – met in Paris to discuss ways to aid Libya’s transition to a functioning democracy”. (NATO, op.,cit.)
However, Western “Friends of Libya” generally see Sharia law as incompatible with democracy.
DEBKA’s report concludes:
A primary objective of the Arab Spring as promoted by the United States and the Western Alliance is the substitution of those dictatorships by fundamental Muslim regimes whose leaders quite frankly usher Sharia law in to the liberated countries. (DEBKAfile, op.,cit.)
It should be noted that, in terms of public relations, Israel would profit from the presence of another Islamic regime, since Israel’s propaganda is largely based on the exisitence of  an alleged “hostile Muslim environment” in the Middle East.

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