Elites Announce Post Gadhafi Hit List …

This will make your blood boil if it’s not already.
News “source” outlets like AP and Reuters are owned propaganda mouthpieces for the elite controllers. Whatever they put out, especially in profiling pieces like this, is to give signals, while manipulating public opinion and preparing the populace for the next stages.
Never forget that.

Gadhafi is gone but other US foes remain

WASHINGTON (AP) — Moammar Gadhafi now joins the ranks of powerful foreign figures who have battled the United States only to come to a bad end.
But even with the demise of the Libyan dictator, plus Osama bin Laden, Iraq’s Saddam Hussein and Serbia’s Slobodan Milosevic, there are still autocrats around the world hostile to the U.S., notably in Cuba,VenezuelaNorth Korea and Iran.
1. Gadhafi “battled the US” because they ATTACKED him, with the help of the other hired NATO thugs. “What, he dared to not just roll over while we murder his people and family?”
2. Thanks for the hit list, PTBs. You left out Syria, Sudan, Pakistan and whatever Gulf states don’t keep complying, or countries the military corporate industrial complex needs for “strategic purposes”. Self defense is a BS buzzword.
America’s most determined foes have been bucking more than just the world’s sole surviving superpower, which spends as much on its military as all other countries combined. All faced social and technological trends that made their work more difficult by opening more borders to trade and travel, promoting ethnic and religious tolerance and wiring the world for high-speed Internet.
But as long as the U.S. maintains its leadership role in world affairs, it will find itself a tempting target.
3. Military budget as much as the rest of the world combined! That’s to pretend to be concerned, while actually rattling their sabers.  And don’t forget they spend 3 times more on private contractors making bank on the blood of innocents.  “They that live by the sword shall die by the sword.”
4. “Social and technological trends that make their work more difficult”..i.e. the countries were evolving according to their own dynamics, transitioning at their own speed. The arrogant American and NATO terror-imperialists need to stay the hell out.
5. Twisted misleading lie of the day: “But as long as the U.S. maintains its leadership role in world affairs, it will find itself a tempting target.” If you mean its leadership as a warring monster on innocent populations, it damn well better be a target for those wanting to defend their countries and families!
Not all dictators are regarded as enemies of the U.S.; during the Cold War and beyond, many have been treated as stalwart allies. Today, a number of autocrats endure criticism from the U.S. but are thought to represent little threat to Washington’s strategic interests, including President Aleksander Lukashenko of Belarus, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Omar al-Bashir of Sudan and Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan.

Birds of a feather…Mugabe and Queen Lizzie
6. So what makes US installed brute beasts like Mugabe OK? Doesn’t have any oil? Pays off the US with money or human trafficking or drugs? Yes, folks, it is that dark out there. Follow the money…and power.
From the U.S. perspective, the survival of openly hostile despotic regimes may be less important than the rise of rival economic and political powerhouses like China, India, Brazil and Russia, a trend that some experts say could one day create a world where the United Statesbecomes one major power among many competing for influence and markets.
7. OMG, the US wouldn’t have full reign over the world?…whatta pity. Actually, this is just adding to the list of countries being put on alert…toe the mark or else we’re coming after you too.
The decline and fall of Gadhafi, Saddam and others doesn’t mean the age of hostile dictatorships is ending. Just as enemies can become allies, allies can become adversaries. Source
8. How perceptive. You mean it’s all politics dancing around rule by force? I’m shocked.
9. And we know “the age of hostile dictatorships is far from over”…the US corporofascist dictatorshipmasquerading as a “free democracy” is at this point the worst, most oppressive, world and society polluting, metastasizing monstrosity to ever attempt to rule the earth.
And if people don’t disengage and disable the mechanics of this now global monster, a much worse worldwide police state awaits.

Meet the cold, hideous face of murder

Watch this wicked CFR gofer joke and laugh at Gadhafi’s outright cold blooded assassination by these monsters. Lady, what goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. I’d rather you woke up from your evil spell and joined conscious humanity but I fear it’s way too late for you and your ilk.
I guess you and yours won’t be needing a trial either, Hills, if this is the form of justice you subscribe to.
See appalling video HERE
Just had to weigh in on this sordid, heartbreaking, wanton destruction and barbaric genocide taking place while these devils wear the mask of “humanitarians”.
Can it get any more Orwellian? I don’t know.
Be well. And be conscious. And please act accordingly. The world is waiting for the awakening.

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