Why The Lake Mead Earthquakes Should Give You Nightmares …

There are changes occurring in the world today, very few of which we have any control over. Between the global social unrest, financial instability, insane weather patterns, and legislative nightmares we can surely add one more: Earth Changes.
The Earth is a dynamic planet. Daily we receive warmth from the sun and the moon provides us with tides. However, the Earth’s dynamics are changing, and humanity is caught in it’s cross hairs.
I wrote a teaser article about the US Geological Service deleting earthquakedata from the Lake Mead area since before March of 2011. The response has been so overwhelming I felt it was time to fill in the blanks and provide even more information.
Let’s start with the Genesis of Lake Mead. The lake was a byproduct of the construction of the Hoover Dam. The Dam was designed and built in the Depression Era 1930′s. The one mandate that was clear in the design and construction, was that it was to be Ultra-Conservative – capable of holding back vast amounts of water like no other dam could.
Very little is known about the Lake Mead’s seismic past, but after the dam was constructed, local residents reported an uptick in quake activity. During the 1970′s, survey’s were done during a 2 year period in which Lake Mead had a 20% increase in lake load, but there were no increase in seismic events in the area, approximately 1,360 during the survey period. The researchers felt that there was no correlation to quakeactivity and new load to the lake, which contradicts State geologist Lee Allison opinion earlier this year that these quakes are “due to the load on the rocks under the reservoir as the late, and large, snow pack runoff in the Rockies is filling the lake.”
The same study backs up the resident’s assertion of increased activity:
“The results indicate that the filling of Lake Mead has triggered release of tectonic stresses having the same orientation as the regional stress field. These stresses are probably being released in a way that is more dependent on tectonic stress buildup than on small changes in pore pressure (∼ 1 bar) due to fluctuating lake level. Given that the shear strength of rock decreases with increasing pore pressure, one might explain the decreasing energy release since the 1940′s and the high b value as due to a decrease in elastic-energy density of the rock. A test of this hypothesis based on the order of magnitude of energy released seems to support it.”  (A. M. Rogers and W. H. K. Lee 1976)

So you might be asking, “So what?”. Well you didn’t ask the right question. The right question would be, “Where did they put the dam?”
They put it right on top of the Northern Colorado River Extensional Corridor which contains 27 volcanic centers, including sources for two regionally extensive ash-flow sheets (Peach Springs Tuff and Tuff of Bridge Spring). This is on top of an extinct volcano. The bad thing about extinct volcanoes: The can come back to life. They have only been inactive for a few centuries. Like the coelacanth, they can come back and bite.
And it has.
This photo is of Lake Mead. The yellow spots  show earthquakes that HAVE NOT been deleted, and the small red circles show those earthquakes that have been deleted from the USGS database. The large red circle is a 3 mile perimeter marker.
This photo is of Lake Mead. The yellow spots  show earthquakes that HAVE NOT been deleted, and the red circles show those earthquakes that have been deleted from the USGS database.  Read more: http://pprnnews.com/?p=3079#ixzz1amKLVOnCThis photo is of Lake Mead. The yellow spots show earthquakes that HAVE NOT been deleted, and the red circles show those earthquakes that have been deleted from the USGS database. Read more:http://pprnnews.com/?p=3079#ixzz1amKLVOnC

Just to the east of Lake Mead is Fortification Hill, one of the extinct volcanoes and site to many of the recent earthquakes, most of which have been deleted.
Fortification HillFortification Hill

That is like standing on top of a sleeping bear. And jumping up and down.
So what would happen if the unthinkable occurred? Well, grab your goggles, snorkel, flippers, and water wings because you’re going to need them. This is a snippet of a report for Stayton, a small Oregon town in the flood zone of two much smaller dams, almost 40 miles away:
Beyond the flooding that is predicted under the Flood Insurance Study conducted by FEMA, Marion County Public Works conducted an analysis of the areas that would be inundated should there be a failure of theDetroit Dam. The County’s 1999 map showing the inundation area indicates that in Stayton a dam failure flood would reach the City approximately 2 hours after the failure of the dam. The study indicates that the peak elevation of flooding would occur one hour and twenty minutes later and reach an elevation 511 feet.
Because the two dams, Big Cliff and Detroit, hold only a portion of what Hoover Dam holds what will be in store for those towns and communities downstream of the dam, and when this water is combined with Lake Mohave, the destruction of lives and land will truly be of biblical proportion.
Laughlin, Nevada is approximately 60 miles from Hoover Dam. The water would reach them approximately 3 hours after the breach and stay underwater for hours if not days.
Lake Havasue, Arizona is approximately 110 miles away and would receive the inflow of water about 5 hours later. The water will continue until it hits the ocean.
Just two points about flooding from dam breaks:
  • What hits a town is not just water. Contained in the flood water is rocks, sand, dirt, dead animals, cars, trees, brush, destroyed buildings, wire, pavement, etc. The contents will scour the next town to the ground like an abrasive cleaner.
  • It doesn’t matter how deep the water gets. In Stayton, Oregon, 500 feet might as well be 50 feet. Lives will be lost and property will be destroyed. Whatever the water level is from Hoover Dam failing is irrelevant. The damage will be catastrophic.
If this is a disturbing picture then please prepare for an evacuation. Call upon your elected officials to demand accountability from the USGS and other agencies to provide complete and accurate information. If they refuse to be open and honest with the American public then they should be fired. Whomever is setting their public information policy should be held accountable and policy changed.
We are adults. We don’t need another set of parents.

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