Total War Against Human Thought Declared …

“Be very, very careful what you put into that head, because you will never, ever get it out.”

Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, 1473-1530

Today we live in a world where hundreds-of-millions of Internet users are being shunted towards what are called “social media” sites (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc.) for the purposes of allowing all private information to be monitored while at the same time allowing these government financed megaliths to “control” what information is allowed to be seen.

This was evidenced this past week when reports emerged that the CIA-financed US social media site Facebook had outright banned a highly respected alternative news website called The Intel Hub from being able to be viewed by its users for reasons that have still not been explained.  

As pointed out by the New Zealand Herald about this social media site in their 2007 article “Facebook – the CIA conspiracy,” this censorship should not come as any surprise as this CIA-US Defense Department “venture” was specifically designed in the first place to capture the full ownership of everything related to its users. And from Facebook’s own Terms of Use we can read:
“By posting Member Content to any part of the Web site, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to Facebook an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license to use, copy, perform, display, reformat, translate, excerpt and distribute such information and content and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such information and content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing.”
Facebook’s Privacy Policy is even worse by its stating:
“Facebook may also collect information about you from other sources, such as newspapers, blogs, instant messaging services, and other users of the Facebook service through the operation of the service (egphoto tags) in order to provide you with more useful information and a more personalized experience. By using Facebook, you are consenting to have your personal data transferred to and processed in the United States.”

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In a world where personal liberties and freedoms are being destroyed on a level not seen in modern times, and where Internet megaliths like Facebook are increasingly censoring what is allowed to be seen, a revolution has been started, the world over, by many who believe that unless we fight back all will be lost.  One such global-group, and perhaps the most feared, is ANONYMOUS…here is their video manifesto:

Aside from ANONYMOUS, there are millions of people the world over, who even as these words are being written are marching and dying for freedom and justice so that the world of tomorrow can be better than it is today.  And what is happening in these far-away places will, beyond all doubt, soon be coming to a street near you!  Are you prepared?

If you aren’t you should be because the forces against you are preparing to win, no matter what it takes.  The supposed “freest nation” in the world, The United States, shows clearly how prepared these forces are to destroy you as the American Police have now been labeled as more dangerous to their citizens than criminals.  

And to who these “criminal police” forces will be used against should come as no surprise, especially with the introduction this past week of new law sponsored by a top US lawmaker that would grant immunity to the new American citizen-spies encouraged to report on their neighbors, relatives, friends, and anyone else they believe poses a threat to the regime.

 History is filled with examples of societies whose rulers used fear-based tactics to control and manipulate their citizens, while at the same time stealing their wealth and making them virtual “slaves of the state.”  The only force available to stand up to them has been individuals, such as yourself, who refused to go willing into servitude and, instead, valued their freedom more than their own lives.

Without such people the United States would never have been born, nor would the tyrannies of past dictatorial fascist or communist regimes been defeated.

Like those people of the past, you too are being “called to arms” today to protect the most precious gift ever conceived by man…FREEDOM!

When the “call to arms” is first heard the upright citizen will rush to defend his home, his family, his neighbors, his way of life, and his freedom.  There are others, of course, who in hearing the “call to arms” will, instead, shirk their duty falsely believing that they will be protected.  They couldn’t be more mistaken as history has proved time, and time again that when brutality rules, none are safe.
In this particular “call to arms” you are reading here today we aren’t asking for your blood, but only that you help those of us fighting on the “front lines” of this battle so that if we’re successful freedom will live and peace will be restored.
As in any war, the first battles are fought for the “hearts and minds” of ordinary people such as yourself with truth being the main casualty.  The powerful backers of the regimes wishing for war and the subjugation of freedom control all of the so-called “mainstream” media sources allowing their lies to predominate as the truth.
Standing against them, however, are people like us, who even though faced with overwhelming odds continue to fight through the propaganda so that the truth can be heard, and when heard understood.
Our battle for truth and freedom not only involves telling the true facts, but also in educating those seeking to know what is really happening, and why.

The two stark choices facing you now are if you are going to live in a nation, like Germany, whose military-industrial-complex went unopposed by its citizens in the 1930’s ultimately plunging them into World War and the total destruction of their nation ~ or ~ the United States of the 1960’s whose citizens took to the streets by the millions and defeated a military-industrial-complex ending an unjust and unneeded war that killed hundreds-of-thousands and ultimately throwing out of office the corrupt leadership that caused it.

Your decision today on which type of example you wish your nation to be is not one to be taken lightly, but a decision, nevertheless is called for, being neutral is no longer an option.

In 2001 you were told to believe that a Boeing 757 aircraft flew into the Pentagon leaving only a 12.25 ft hole (before the wall collapsed) that just happened to target the US Navy’s intelligence computers controlling the air defenses over the United States, after which the 9/11 attacks ended.

By your comparing these two photographs a number of facts are undeniable, the two most important being;
1.) A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon, and

2.) If you were made to believe this lie how many others are you believing too?
For those few people that know they have been lied to (but still don’t know the whole truth) one of the most frustrating issues they then face is getting someone else, anyone else, to believe them. 

It’s as if when presented with the raw and naked truth their minds have been “switched off” from their having to face the true reality before them that is undeniable.  Why is this so?

Well, the reasons are many and complicated, but all can be underlined with the heading “THERE IS A WAR GOING ON FOR YOUR MIND, AND YOU ARE LOSING!”

Now if you think that we, or anyone else for that matter, are able to fight this insidious war against your mind for you….you couldn’t be more mistaken!  And for the evidence staring you right in the face of how this war is being lost one need only look at the United States where by  2008, with over $14 billion in sales, antipsychotics became the single top-selling therapeutic class of prescription drugs in American, surpassing drugs used to treat high cholesterol and acid reflux.

The reason America, indeed the entire Western world, has become so psychotic is simple to understand in just your knowing the most basic fundamentals of brain-consciousness studies that prove;
1.) You really have no idea who you are; and

2.) Those contradictions you’ve been fed all of your lives do add up and unless reasoned out can drive you totally insane.
Upon your awareness of these truths it then becomes your responsibility to do something about it, to find those ways to defend yourself so you too don’t wind up like one of the estimated 39 million Americans who by 2009 were taking anti-depressant or other such psychotropic drugs, including children as young as five!

You must understand at this point that TOTAL WAR against your minds has been declared, and unless you begin defending yourself, RIGHT NOW, you aren’t going to make it, and no one who depends on you will either.

Like I said before, we can’t fight this battle for you, but we can educate and instruct you how to do it for yourself.  

This isn’t going to be an easy process, but once you’ve begun you’ll begin to understand what has been done to you and the reasons for it.  And as every journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step, today you are being invited to join the hundreds of thousands of people who used to be just like you, but who are now fighting back to regain control of their own minds!

The first step in the journey to reclaim your mind I’m inviting you to take today by watching the five videos below in their exact order.  Four of these videos were taped at TED conferences both in the UK and US. TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to ideas worth spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design.

Since then its scope has become ever broader. The annual TED conferences, in Long Beach/Palm Springs and Edinburgh, bring together the world’s most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in about18 minutes or less). Sometimes, especially with subject matter, less is more. 

In these video lessons you were learn, among other things, why children test higher for knowledge about magnetism and gravity before they begin going to school than after they graduate as adults. 

You’ll discover that you are made up of over 100 trillion cells that know absolutely nothing about you, and don’t even care. 

And you’ll understand how every one of your senses deceives you to the point that understanding reality is more like throwing the dice than anything certain.

I can’t promise you anything at this point, but I can guarantee that by the time you watch you these videos, in their exact order, the way you view your world will never be the same. I’ll see you at the bottom of the page when you’re done for some final thoughts. Get walking now….it’s a long journey and you’ve been waiting too long already!

Well, for a first step in this long journey it was quite the trip, wasn’t it?  And for those less than 10% of you who actually watched all of these videos in order, special congratulations goes out to you for your first major effort to win back your mind!

You have taken a major step in fighting back by availing yourselves of our knowledge, but it is, nonetheless a first step.  And more than anything else, it is our wish to assist you on every step of this long journey, no matter how long it takes.

The forces we fight against are those same ones that fight against you, indeed all of humanity, and whose numbers are small, but through the efforts of educated and illuminated people, like you, can be stopped.

Israel’s Changed Agenda?

August 20, 2011
By Adam Keller

Someone in the wild Sinai Peninsula took a decision and sent a big, well equipped squad to infiltrate across the border into the Israeli Negev, attack buses and cars and engage in running battles with soldiers and shoot and kill and kill indiscriminately.

And presto, in one minute the agenda changed and the public mood changed into a state of emergency and war at the gate and in all communications media there was no more talk of social protests, nothing but terrorism and army and security issues.

(ED: Warning, the following paragraph, depicting Netanyahu’s situation might bring about an urge to either laugh in diabolical glee or to sarcastically commiserate with the swine.)

It had been a difficult month for Prime Minister Netanyahu ~ truly, a very hard month. A Prime Minister under siege, caught in a bind. Tent encampments and more tent encampments sprouting up all over the country, demonstrations and protests and more demonstrations. The demands for affordable housing and for Social Justice and for a Welfare State occupy the center stage, and the Free Market economics which Netanyahu had worked so hard to foster since he was Finance Minister are suddenly cast into doubt.

What did he not try? He used sticks and he used carrots, he tried to entice the protesters with committees and benefits and rabbits drawn from the hat and he tried to castigate them as Leftists and pampered sushi-eaters, and they went on to protest and demonstrate and extend ever further the tent encampments and get their rallies to the peak of three hundred thousand in Tel Aviv. Just yesterday morning, the protesters arrived at the home of Eyal Gabbai, Nethanyahu’s Chef de Bureau, and he spoke forthrightly and made it clear to them that the Free Market system will not change, and there will be no taxation on the rich and there will be no Welfare State in Israel. And these cheeky youths did not accept these clear clarifications from their government, and just announced that they will increase ever more their protests and demonstrations.

How, how to change the focus and move the public agenda in a different direction? Perhaps finally September will come and the Palestinians will go to the UN and demand to have their state and thus help to distract public opinion in Israel?

But the big show at the UN is only due on September 20, how to get through another month until then? Besides, would even that change the tendency of public opinion? What if the Palestinians hold mass demonstrations in late September, without any violence, and demand to have some Social Justice, to be free in their country and no longer live under occupation ~ would this be enough to change the agenda? It might even get a bit of sympathy among Israelis.

But not all is lost, and relief for the harassed Netanyahu came from the usual quarter, out of the deserts of Sinai came the dramatic initiative to change the Israeli public agenda.

And it so happened that Israel’s fine security services had long since prepared a plan to liquidate Gazan leaders which just needed to be put into operation, and now put into operation it was forthwith, and all at once Israel’s Air Force took off for Rafah and made the hit, an instant and huge success, and immediately afterwards could the Prime Minister make a full-blooded patriotic Address to the Nation people over all channels and offer congratulations to the brave soldiers and the valiant pilots and the diligent security operatives and deliver a stern warning to the Palestinians and offer condolences to the bereaved and wish the injured a speedy recovery and how great it felt at last to make a long speech without a single word about social problems, just like in the good old days.

And of course, as soon as Gaza was hit, Israelis all over the South knew that the time has come to seek shelter and expect the worst, and indeed the Qassam and Grad rockets were not slow in coming, naturally prompting the Air Force to counter-attack on more Gaza targets and bring on more missiles on Israel the escalation is mutually escalating – and who would now dare demand a cut the in the defense budget in order to promote social causes?
But what the social protest activists do now in their tent encampments? Would they quietly yield to the changed agenda and meekly disappear from the scene? If that’s what Netanyahu is counting on, he should think again.

I would like to give the floor to Social Protest activists, with a selection of messages posted in the past twenty-four hours on the Official Housing Protest Facebook Page.

Voices from the grassroots field, a dialogue between Israeli activists. It is an interesting read if only to see how these folks consider the situation of Israel, sort of like a  fly-on-the-wall situation.

Yigal Cohen: We will not let terrorism beat us!

Ittai Hertzberg: I just read this piece of news: Deputy Minister Ayoub Kara calls upon demonstrators to dismantle their tents and call off their protest, in solidarity with the wounded in the attack, as “it’s time to be united in the struggle against terrorism”.
Ayoub Kara, don’t you have another appointment scheduled with neo-Nazis in Austria?

Arnon Shaked: How sad, Bibi and his government got a terrorist attack just in the nick of time. There is only needed a small military operation to make him happy. That’s what they think about human life, it’s like a game to them.

Yossi Levy: This protest cannot stop, this protest will not stop. We must continue to protest, we must continue to protest. This protest will not stop! [Modeled on a well-known Israeli song].

Friends, do not have to bow down low, we can prove that we can go on. Express our respect for the victims, with quiet rallies, go on going out to protest. Let the wounded heal and recover and rise up from their beds as patients in a better health system! Let the soldiers on discharge find a better higher education system. And a better Israel for all citizens. Continue! Continue!

Tamar Aviyah: We undertake to continue the protest even if military action starts. Protests throughout the country.

Avi Hevroni: Finally, we will have to learn to go on demonstrating even after such events. There is no choice. It cannot be stopped. This may sound insensitive but it’s not. There is no other way you can keep this issue alive in a country where there is no certainty of tranquility and security.

Avishai E. Edenburg: Now is perhaps the most crucial moment for this movement. We all had this cynical thought that we would fold everything down and go home like good children, when security issues come to the fore. No. We will not fold down, not until our needs are seriously addressed.

Shlomo Ohana: Friends, let’s have a moment of silence for the Housing Protest. It was nice while it lasted, but now it’s over.

Bikosh Bik: Well, Shlomo, speak for yourself. If you feel OK with the situation as it is, good for you… But you can’t decide for others what is good for them and what they will do or not do.

Eshkar Eldan Cohen: Continue the protest, full steam ahead! What happened today is a tragedy for the families of those killed and wounded. But it also a tragedy when men and women die from illness because of difficulty in purchasing drugs, or when people’s health is damaged because they could not buy proper food, and when disabled people lack what they urgently need, and when people are discharged from hospital prematurely due to shortage of beds in rehabilitation, and when children go to school when their parents could not afford to buy textbooks, when people die because there were no beds free in Intensive Care – all these are tragedies. The military and government failure in their role to defend the border leads to tragedy. Also their failure to take care of daily needs. So the protest must go on, for those who manage to survive and want to go on living.

Meir Ben-Or: Mr. Prime Minister: After the attack in the south, probably you will probably send out call-up orders also to the leftists who live in tents and eat sushi, just as you will send them the rightists and the settlers. You will send us into action in Gaza which would probably be followed by overall war, and who knows where it would end. I just ask you, Mr. Netanyahu, for one small favor. Just remember us who will go away to fight for you and for Sarah and for all your distinguished colleagues, and to eat dust (instead of sushi). Of course, if we do not come back from this war, then all bets are off and you are exempt from all obligations…

Ashkar Alden Cohen: Do not go to this delirious war. You do not have to!

Neora Barak: Do not stop the protest in any situation. We are not indifferent. We are consistent and determined, we have patience and we will see who blinks! Human pain and identification with the families of the victims does not mean giving up the momentum already created. We must not create a dangerous precedent of stopping the demand for social justice. Like it did not contradict the demand for release of Gilead Shalit. Suddenly the government sent a negotiator to Egypt to get him. That was only because the protests put some pepper up their ass. We should not give up, there is a silent majority looking up with hope at this protest. Do not forget this!

Elad Shechter: The government wants protest forgotten. They asked the Jerusalem encampment to cancel the demonstrations (which shows how much the government thinks only of its own interests). So it is important to manifest our presence and show that with all the sorrow and the pain, citizens are struggling also to live in a better country!

Not only does the protest not divide the people ~ it unites them for the first time in decades. The tents strengthen us against enemies from outside as well as inside. There is no contradiction between defending the country and improving it: before ’48 we were able to struggle to formulate an ideology and therefore there is no reason we can’t do it today. This is our War of Independence.

If the protest organizers cancel the scheduled actions, we would go on without them!

Sivan Wolchinsky: That’s right! In Kiryat Shmona there will be a march ending with a rally. Certainly one thing does not come at the expense of the other. You have to remember that in the aftermath of such terrorist attacks the state often defaults on its responsibility to provide aid to the wounded, to give them benefits for disability (physical and mental…). Social Security payments could be very hard for them to get, for no justified reason! This is the real test ~ now more than ever, get to the streets!

Charles Arthur James: I would like to propose a “middle of the road” solution. Both mourning and a protest. On Saturday night we will not hold mass demonstrations. Events will take place in tents, circles of study, lighting candles in memory of those killed and writing letters of support to the wounded, holding hands and creating a human chain along Rothschild Boulevard, and more activities like this. In this we will show that we are united in pain, but do not let terrorism destroy our struggle for a better quality of life here.

Eyal Ap: The occupation and the settlements are part of what creates such situations, in which we cannot just go on with “a normal protest” that does not touch upon the conflict. That’s why we must demand an end to conflict, demand true security which only peace can give.

Bikosh Bik: Eyal, this is not necessarily .. It is also possible to adopt a protest policy that says that the social and economic situation is no less important than the security situation … without going into the unresolved debate about the conflict.

Matan Bar: We all feel pain and grieving over the deaths of innocents. Our outcry will be the continuation of the protest, despite all. For us, for the dead, and for the mourners. Another “Cast Lead” operation in Gaza? Again an enshrining of the khaki uniforms? Talking of security and silencing the voices on education, equality, welfare? We grieve for and honor the victims, but we also continue the protest whose hope they also shared. Will not cooperate with the war drive of Bibi ~ Barak ~ Lieberman! We will not run again to kill and die in Gaza under the outworn banner of ‘state security’. We will walk in silence at the rally Saturday night, we will remember the dead, and will continue to press our demands upon the ministers and the prime minister!

The protest organizers announce:

We march in silence ~ the pain of all, the protest of all

On Saturday, August 20 at 9:00 pm, we all march together with the entire Israeli people, from Habima Square to the Charles Clore Garden. It would be a peaceful march with torches and candles, designed to remind the Prime Minister that even in these difficult times, he is still responsible for welfare and health just as he is responsible for security. When the march gets to its destination in the Charles Clore Garden on the Tel Aviv coast, we will all sit on the grass in wide circles or intimate discussion, talk, discuss, argue and sing ~ everything quietly, in silent respect for and solidarity with the victims of the criminal terrorist attacks.

This is the pain of all; this is the protest of all of us.

Quietly, but firmly. Because the people which demonstrates is the same people which is hit by the fire of our enemies. And their determined demand for a deep change in the order of economic priorities and for comprehensive social justice does not at all come at the expense of fighting terrorism – on the contrary. A people whose members are responsible for each other, struggle together for the future and strength of the State of Israel, are a strong people who can stand up to all their enemies.

Together with in the circles, honoring us with their presence will be the best of Israel’s artists, their voice devoid of the help of microphones, their guitars not connected to any amplifier. They will sing with us in pain and hope, for all of us have no other country ~ except the State of Israel.

Millie Duluoz: There is no such thing as a silent protest.

Ori Milstein: That’s exactly what they want. Be quiet. We’re good kids. God forbid that we should demand defense budget cuts. A silent protest is an oxymoron. Like was said here before, there is no need to apologize, no need to reduce our force. I’m personally going to cry out when I get there. Otherwise it will simply be surrender, a nail in the protest’s coffin. If they manage to silence us now, what would happen if riots break out in September?

Hila V Goldstein: Dear firebrands! People were killed today. In the South there is a kind of war. A silent protest is the best now.

Bar Hefetz: It should not be silent and not be in Tel Aviv, it’s time to express social solidarity, go the Gaza border communities and cry out that we’re not afraid, not afraid of Hamas, and also not afraid of this evil government which is just trying to scare us and silence us. No, don’t be silent!

David Bochris: We undertake to continue the protest even if military operations begin. Protest all over the country!

Ido Daniel: TV stopped talking about the incident and broadcast a miserable program on cooking….. And the football games have a moment of silence and the players put on a black band to honor the dead, and then go on playing… Power is in the continuity, must show that we are continuing!

Gil Orlev: I understand all who are angry that it is to be a silent rally (why quiet? One terrorist attack. Life goes on, including all the junk programs on TV). I want to say on record that I much more sympathize with you than with the other side to the debate. Yet we must not ignore all the people who feel uncomfortable with a shouting rally when such things happen. Do not argue with feelings. There are situations where it is impossible to please everybody. I think the organizers deserve credit for trying to think of everybody and find a creative solution. There is room for two voices. We have a silent auction, demanding peace and social justice.

Einat Doz’ovni: I have the experience of a quiet walk with only 200 people, which had a mesmerizing intensity. There is no need to shout in order to be heard.

Star Rajuan: I live in Gan Yavne, I was woken up twice this night by the sound of sirens. I try to keep optimistic also under air raid alarms, I hope you do too. We will continue to cry out ~ loudly or silently, each in their own way. To demand both justice and peace.

Peace will mean that fewer people would be killed. And justice will mean that fewer people will die because they do not have money for medications, treatments or food.

* Adam Keller is an Israeli peace activist who was among the founders of Gush Shalom, of which he is a spokesperson.

The Secret Wars Of The Saudi-Israeli Alliance …

By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
Global Research
May, 2011
Reposted August 23, 2011

As an old Chinese proverb says,
crisis can be used as an opportunity by some.

Tel Aviv, Washington and NATO are taking advantage of the upheavals in the Arab World. Not only are they fighting against the legitimate aspirations of the Arab people, they are manipulating the Arab geo-political landscape as part of their strategy to control Eurasia.
Egypt is ruled by a counter-revolutionary military junta. Despite the increasing assertiveness of the Egyptian people, the old regime is still in place. Yet, its foundations are becoming shakier as the Egyptian people become more radical in their demands.

Like in the Mubarak era, the military regime in Cairo is also allowing sectarianism to spread in Egypt in an effort to create divisions within Egyptian society.

In early-2011 when Egyptians stormed government buildings they discovered secret papers that showed that the regime was behind the attacks on Egypt’s Christian community.
Recently, so-called Salafist extremists have attacked Egyptian minorities including Christians but also Shiite Muslims. Egyptian activists and leaders in the Coptic and Shia community are pointing their fingers at the military junta in Cairo, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.

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The Egyptian military junta, Tel Aviv, and the Al-Sauds are all part of an ominous alliance. This grouping is the backbone of the U.S. imperial structure in the Arab World. They are dependent on Washington. They prevail inasmuch as the U.S. remains dominant in Southwest Asia and North Africa.

The Al-Sauds are now working with Washington in Egypt to establish a supposedly Islamic government. This is being done through political parties that the Al-Sauds have funded and helped organize. The new so-called Salafist movements are primary examples of this. The Muslim Brotherhood or at least branches of it have been co-opted.


The ties of the Al-Sauds to Tel Aviv have in recent years become increasingly visible and pervasive.

This secret Israeli-Saudi alliance exists within the context of a broader Khaliji-Israeli alliance. The alliance with Israel is formed through strategic cooperation between the ruling families of Saudi Arabia and the Arab sheikhdoms in the Persian Gulf.

Together Israel and the Khaliji ruling families form a frontline for Washington and NATO against Iran and its regional allies.

The alliance also acts on behalf of Washington to destabilize the region.
The roots of chaos in Southwest Asia and North Africa are this Khaliji-Israeli alliance.
In line with the U.S. and the E.U., it is the alliance formed by Israel and the Khaliji rulers that has worked to create ethnic divisions between Arabs and Iranians, religious divisions between Muslims and Christians, and confessional divisions between Sunnis and Shiites.

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It is the “politics of division” or “fitna” that has also served to keep the Khaliji ruling families in power and Israel in its place. Israel and the Khaliji ruling families would not survive without the regional fitna.

The Al-Sauds and Tel Aviv are the authors of the Hamas-Fatah split and the estrangement of Gaza from the West Bank.

They have worked together in the 2006 war against Lebanon with a view to crushing Hezbollah and its political allies.
Saudi Arabia and Israel have also cooperated in spreading sectarianism and sectarian violence in Lebanon, Iraq, the Persian Gulf, Iran, and now Egypt.
Israel and the Khaliji monarchies serve Washington in its objective to ultimately neutralize Iran and its allies, as well as any form of resistance against the U.S. in Southwest Asia and North Africa.
This is why the Pentagon has been heavily arming Tel Aviv and the Khaliji sheikhdoms. Washington has also been setting up missile shields aimed at Iran and Syria in Israel and the Arab sheikhdoms.


The alliance between the Khaliji sheikhdoms and Israel has been instrumental in creating a wave of Iranophobia in the Arab World. The ultimate objective of Iranophobia is to transform Iran in the eyes of Arab public opinion, into an enemy of the Arab people, thereby distracting attention from the real enemies of the Arab World, namely the neo-colonial powers which occupy and control Arab lands.

Iranophobia is a PsyOp, an instrument of propaganda.

The strategic objective is to isolate Iran and reconfigure the geo-political landscape of Southwest Asia and North Africa.
Moreover, Iranophobia has been used by the Khaliji ruling families, from the U.A.E. to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, as a pretext for the repression of their own people, who are demanding basic freedoms and democratic rights in the sheikhdoms.

The March 14 Alliance in Lebanon, which is a collection of Khaliji-U.S. clients and Israeli allies, has also used Iranophobia and the “politics of division” to try to attack Hezbollah and its political allies in Lebanon.

The objective is to weaken and undermine Lebanese-Iranian and Lebanese-Syrian ties. The March 14 Alliance, specifically the Hariri-controlled Future Movement, has imported into Lebanon the so-called Salafist fighters of Fatah Al-Islam with the objective of getting them to attack Hezbollah.
The Future Movement has also had a role in the Israeli-Saudi-U.S. project to destabilize Syria and remove it from the Resistance Bloc.
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya specializes in the Middle East and Central Asia. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Al-Qaeda Group To Become Main Power In Post-Gaddafi Libya …

Abu Yahya al-Libi, once a leading operative of LIFG and now member of al Qaeda

 One thing the Libyan people do NOT want is an overly religious Islamic leadership. Qadaffi did a lot for women in the country and they are a more secular Muslim society. They do not want to be pushed into a more fundamentalist society as is happening wherever creatures such as the above come into power. This whole business just stinks. 

Daya Gamage
Asian Tribune
Aug 23, 2011

With the imminent departure of Muammar Gaddafi from absolute power as the rebels are closing on Tripoli two CIA-backed Libyan groups and an
al-Qaeda affiliated Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), a declared foreign terrorist organization (FTO) by the US State Department since 2004, could emerge as real power in Libya 
when it is clear that the rebel military forces are a patchwork of armed groups, former soldiers and freelance militias including self-appointed neighborhood gangs.

The main rebel group, based in Benghazi in the country’s east, consists of former government ministers who have defected, and longstanding opposition figures, representing a range of political views including Arab nationalists, Islamists, secularists, socialists and businessmen.

With the fall of Gaddafi’s 42-year rule the National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL), the Libyan National Army (LNA), military wing of the NFSL and Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) are likely to emerge to become the real power behind any administration in post-Gaddafi Libya.

Groups who had been organizing against Gadhafi for years are at least partly responsible for provoking the protests which started last February. The composition of forces opposing Gadhafi consists of a wide range of groups of people each with their own agenda but whose common purpose is his overthrow.

Some of these groups formed the National Transitional Council (TNC) in Benghazi on February 27, 2011 to act as the political face of the revolution. Politicians, former military officers, tribal leaders, academics and businessmen from Eastern Libya created the Council to serve as a transitional government and to wrap the opposition in an aura of respectability.

But the three well organized movements are the NFSL, its military arm LNA and the Islamist LIFG.

The National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL) established on October 7, 1981, was trained and supported by the CIA and was involved in an unsuccessful assassination attempt on Gadhafi on May 8, 1984.

The Libyan National Army (LNA), military wing of the NFSL, was founded on June 21, 1988 by Khalifa Hafter who, according to a Washington-based think tank, the Jamestown Foundation, had: “strong backing from the Central Intelligence agency”.
The think tank also reports that the CIA arranged the entry of LNA officers into the United States where they established a training camp. Hafter arrived in Benghazi in March 2011 to join the forces attempting to overthrow Gadhafi.

Another major organization engaged in overthrowing Gadhafi is the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) which has close ties to al Qaida and has been designated as a foreign terrorist organization (FTO) by the US State Department in 2004.
The LIFG was established in 1995 to oppose Gadhafi’s secular state by Libyans who had fought in Afghanistan. They have been committed to supporting jihadi groups everywhere and contributed a significant number of people to fight the U.S. in Iraq.

The LIFG appeared to be largely defunct by the mid-2000s, until documents captured in Sinjar, Iraq by Coalition Forces showed that over 100 Libyans from LIFG strongholds in eastern Libya had joined al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) between 2006 and 2007.

The Asian Tribune reported this influx of Libyan fighters to Afghanistan and Iraq based on US military documents.

Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) is dedicated to two principle objectives. The founding goal of the terrorist group is to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi. From the time it was founded until the late “90’s, LIFG attacked Libyan security forces in armed altercations. LIFG is suspected as one of the terrorist entities to provide materials for the May 2003 suicide bombings in Casablanca.

David Model, a professor of political science at Seneca College in Toronto, Canada tells us that
“The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group also maintains a second objective beyond Libya’s border, to contribute to the international jihadist campaign. This objective has become increasingly central to LIFG’s activities and overall goals.

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In November 2007, al-Qaeda leaders released an audio recording officially declaring LIFG had been joined with the al-Qaeda organization. It is believed that certain LIFG senior leaders maintain positions in al-Qaeda’s senior command structure.”
In November 2007, al-Qaeda second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri released an audio tape announcing that the LIFG had joined al-Qaeda. Several high ranking al-Qaeda members are associated with the LIFG, most notably Abu Yahya al-Libi, al-Qaeda’s propaganda chief, and Abu Laith al-Libi, who was killed by a drone strike in January 2008.

New York Times and Washington Post articles have admitted that the opposition forces have been coordinated by Special Forces in Libya belonging to the CIA and British MI6. The articles also claim that President Obama signed a finding dispatching CIA operatives to identify targets for bombing by NATO forces.

A UK paper, the Independent, on April 3, reports that:
“Military and diplomatic advisors from the US and Western Europe ~ usually described as experts, consultants and advisors ~ turned up in the rebel capital Benghazi.”
These evidences clearly denote that the CIA-backed NFSL and LNA, and al-Qaeda affiliated LIFG may become the real political power behind whatever regime is established once Gaddafi relinquish power.

5000 Friends Max on Google Plus just like Facebook …

The Maximum amount of a friends a user is allowed on Facebook at any one time is 5000.

The only way to increase this is to convert your profile to a fanpage, and use Facebook as that page. This allows millions of people to become your fan, and see your updates, but it is not the same as using the normal Facebook.

This is more a security measure, and a spam cutting measure. Nobody really knows more than 5000 people, and all the celebrities use Facebook’s fan pages to make things easier.
Google Plus have taken the same approach and are allowing you to have a total of 5000 friends only. This could be increased later on in the day depending on how things go. MySpace allows you to have as many “friends” as you like, and so do a number of other Social Networking sites. It is just a good idea to be careful who you are sharing all your content with, but with the new Circles feature, it seems that this wouldn’t be a problem anyways, so it could be 5000 max per circle for example, rather than the current 5000 max Overall. This could be used maliciously by advertisers and spammers though to create a number of different Circles, of which Google allows you to create as many as you like it seems, and then share spam links to everybody at the same time by sharing the content to all your Circles.

Unlimited amount of people can follow you however, similar to Twitter followers, or Facebook Fans on Pages. This is done by how many people have you in their own Circles, which of course could be an endless amount. There is a leaderboard for this already, which ironically has Mark Zuckerberg at the top,

New Apple CEO Tim Cook’s Message to Employees …

With Steve Jobs no longer at the helm of Apple, it’s up to new CEO Tim Cook to lead the company and its employees to greater heights.
Cook, whose career at Apple has spanned more than 13 years, sent a message to the company to assure the troops that “Apple is not going to change” and that Jobs will continue to be involved as chairman of the company. Cook has been running the day-to-day operations of Apple since Jobs took a medical leave of absence in January; yesterday’s announcement just makes it official.
We have decided to post Cook’s four-paragraph email in its entirety below. Check it out, and let us know what you think of Cook’s message to the troops in the comments:

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Tim Cook’s Email

I am looking forward to the amazing opportunity of serving as CEO of the most innovative company in the world. Joining Apple was the best decision I’ve ever made and it’s been the privilege of a lifetime to work for Apple and Steve for over 13 years. I share Steve’s optimism for Apple’s bright future.
Steve has been an incredible leader and mentor to me, as well as to the entire executive team and our amazing employees. We are really looking forward to Steve’s ongoing guidance and inspiration as our Chairman.
I want you to be confident that Apple is not going to change. I cherish and celebrate Apple’s unique principles and values. Steve built a company and culture that is unlike any other in the world and we are going to stay true to that—it is in our DNA. We are going to continue to make the best products in the world that delight our customers and make our employees incredibly proud of what they do.

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I love Apple and I am looking forward to diving into my new role. All of the incredible support from the Board, the executive team and many of you has been inspiring. I am confident our best years lie ahead of us and that together we will continue to make Apple the magical place that it is.

Steve Jobs Resigns as CEO of Apple …

Steve Jobs, co-founder and two-time CEO of Apple, offered his resignation to the company’s board Wednesday.

“I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know,” he wrote. “Unfortunately, that day has come.”
Jobs has been in poor health for some time. In January, he announced that he would be taking a medical leave of absencefrom the company. He returned to the public spotlight in March to help launch the iPad 2.

Jobs advised the board to “execute our succession plan” — by naming Tim Cook to replace him. Cook, formerly the COO of the company, has been standing in for Jobs since January and was widely tipped to be his successor. Cook also stood in for Jobs during his bout with pancreatic cancer in 2004. “The Board has complete confidence that Tim is the right person to be our next CEO,” said board member Art Levinson, chairman of biotech firm Genentech, in a prepared statement.

SEE ALSO: Tim Cook Named Apple CEO | Apple Stock Falls | Share Your Steve Jobs Moments

Jobs will not be leaving the company altogether, and the move was clearly well-planned in advance. He has been elected chairman of the board, Apple said Wednesday, and Cook will be joining the board, effective immediately.
“I believe Apple’s brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it,” Jobs wrote in his resignation letter to the Apple board. “I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.”

Apple stock was down 7% in after-hours trading but rallied and was down just 5% by 7:50 p.m. ET — suggesting Apple’s succession plan had calmed the markets.
Here’s a look at some of the most iconic moments from Steve Jobs’s career at Apple:

How Dell’s Social Suggestion Box Empowered Fans & Improved the Company ..

The Social Brand Series is supported by Spredfast, a social media management platform provider helping organizations unlock social business potential. Start driving social business with the Social Media Pocket Guide.
“Good ideas are common — what’s uncommon are people who’ll work hard enough to bring them about,” said Ashleigh Brilliant, an English writer and cartoonist. No doubt, many executives at Dell would agree.
Though using online media to cast about for ideas is now fairly commonplace, it wasn’t when Dell launched IdeaStormin 2007. Since then, the company has fetched 16,000 ideas and implemented close to 500 of them, which averages to about 10 per month. If Dell was hoping to spur social media discussion, it’s done that as well — so far, there have been more than 92,000 comments on the IdeaStorm website.

As Brilliant’s quote suggests, though, the ideas themselves usually weren’t groundbreaking. When asked to recall some of the top ideas generated by the program, Bill Johnston, director of global online community at Dell, cites a partnership with (RED), the charity brand. Another top idea was hiring Cy Jervis, formerly a gadfly in the IdeaStorm community, as community manager for IdeaStorm in February.
In other words, Dell’s online experiment might be likened to its prosaic analog counterpart: the suggestion box. Richard Binhammer, a senior manager at Dell — also known as “Richard at Dell” — says there’s nothing wrong with that. “A suggestion box works,” he says. “We’re all about listening to the customer.”
True enough. Since Jeff Jarvis showed how a blogger can besmirch a corporate giant’s reputation with his famed “Dell Hell” campaign in 2005, Dell has often been cited as a model social media marketing brand. But is IdeaStorm more about mollifying social media critics than soliciting ideas? Is it more a PR exercise than anything else?
After all, ideas, even good ones, are a dime a dozen. “Ideas aren’t precious,” says Duane Bray, a partner with Ideo in New York. “It’s what you do with them is what matters.” Nevertheless, Bray is a fan of crowdsourcing: “It’s good to inject smart ideas from outside the organization.”

Binhammer dismisses the notion about IdeaStorm being more about PR than generating ideas, though he admits the social media goodwill could be a “by-product” of the effort. Whatever the case, it’s clear the program has both acted as a suggestion box and an effective social media campaign. At the moment, the changing media landscape requires that Dell add more social media hooks into IdeaStorm to ensure its continued success. Dell is busy doing just that.
When IdeaStorm launched, it was consciously modeled on Digg and was described as “a combination between a message board and” on Dell’s blog. The site asked users to submit ideas on any topic — products and features, policy changes, you name it. Users were then invited to vote on the site, Digg-style.
At the time, Dell was one of the few companies putting itself out into social media that way. In previous years, there had been a craze for intranets, which solicited ideas and feedback from within a company. But here, consumers were being asked to weigh in as well. And Dell wasn’t the only brand taking the approach. A day before IdeaStorm launched, Yahoo rolled out Yahoo Suggestion Board, which sought to do pretty much the same thing, also while tapping the Digg model.
A few years later, there’s been a fairly widespread adoption of the IdeaStorm idea. For example, Starbucks has a thriving program called My Starbucks Idea that’s netted tends of thousands of ideas, some of which were implemented, such as free birthday beverages. President Obama also ushered in his own version of IdeaStorm, called Citizen’s Briefing Book,” in January 2009.
Since the concept of soliciting ideas online is now somewhat passe, Dell is evolving it. Last fall, the company made an effort to bring IdeaStorm into its phase two: complete social media integration. There is now anIdeaStorm Twitter feed with around 4,500 followers. There’s also Facebook integration on IdeaStorm that lets users post their ideas on their Facebook Pages, and other updates are on the way. Binhammer says the company is working on a one-time login for all of Dell’s social media-enabled websites.
The social media hooks will no doubt spur more idea generation. How does Dell keep on top of it? Binhammer says that monitoring the ideas is part of everyone’s job at Dell. “There’s no ‘Idea Politburo’ here evaluating ideas,” he says. Dell’s fans also play a big role, not just in “promoting” or “demoting” those ideas with the Digg-like interface, but by commenting on ideas that need refinement. If the ideas produce something great for Dell, that’s a major win, but having consumers feel like they’re part of the process may be the biggest benefit of all.

Series supported by Spredfast

The Social Brand Series is supported by Spredfast, which provides an enterprise-class social media management platform helping organizations unlock their social business potential. The Spredfast platform provides a unified system for managing, monitoring and measuring social media programs for better business results. Discover best practices & proven tactics for using social for business with the Social Media Pocket Guide.
Image courtesy of iStockphotoaluxum

Steve Jobs Resigns, Facebook To Release Photo Filters: This Morning’s Top Headlines …

Welcome to this morning’s edition of “First To Know,” a series in which we keep you in the know on what’s happening in the digital world. We’re keeping our eyes on five particular stories of interest today.
Social Media News
Steve Jobs Resigns as CEO of Apple

Steve Jobs, co-founder and two-time CEO of Apple, offered his resignation via a letter to the company’s board Wednesday. He will be succeeded by Tim Cook. Shares of Apple fell by as much as 7% in after-hours trading.
Facebook Surpasses 1 Trillion Pageviews Per Month
Facebook garnered more than 1 trillion pageviews per month in June and July, according to data from Google-owned ad network DoubleClick.
Facebook To Release Photo Filters?
Following a failed attempt to acquire Instagram, Facebook will roll out up to a dozen photo filters in a mobile application release, according to a report.
Google +1 Button Now Shares Directly to Google+

Google has upgraded the +1 button with several new features, including the ability to directly share a webpage to Google+.
RIM Launches BlackBerry Music App
RIM has announced cloud-based music service that lets subscribers locally store and stream a maximum of 50 songs for $4.99 per month. Subscribers can also connect to the music libraries of others to expand their own.
Further News

Image courtesy of iStockphotoDNY59

“Tweet” & “Social Media” Added to Merriam-Webster Dictionary ..

In further confirmation of social media’s penetration into the language, Merriam-Webster has added both “tweet” and “social media” to itsCollegiate Dictionary.
M-W, which announced the move Thursday, is a bit late to the game.The Oxford English Dictionary just added “tweet” and “retweet,” not to mention “sext,” last week. Collins English Dictionary added “Twitter” as a verb and a noun in 2009.

M-W’s Collegiate Dictionary, the country’s best-selling dictionary, added 150 words, just a few of which are tech-related. Others include “m-commerce” and “crowdsourcing.” Among the other new additions are “fist bump,” “bromance,” “cougar” (in reference to middle-aged women on the prowl) and “helicopter parent.”
This was the first time M-W added new terms since 2009. Back then, the dictionary added “vlog,” “webisode,” “flash mob” and “pdf.”
Peter Sokolowski, editor-at-large for the dictionary, says the new terms are decided upon in an informal manner. “It’s just a process of seeing a word used frequently and in many different sources,” he says, noting that inclusion in outlets like The New York Times is a big consideration.

Sokolowski says there are a few words on his short list for likely inclusion next time around including “man cave,” “millennials” and “mashup.”
Image courtesy of Flickr, Blueberry4Park